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Twitter trending-hashtags (3/11 - 4/22)

I've had some fun with trending hashtags on Twitter over the past month and a half. Here are my tweets, ordered from the most to the least popular (all my tweets can be viewed here - 

1) Project Veritas is about as reliable as a drunk slug at a urinal.
2,159 Likes, 272 Retweets

2) Church. School. Store. Mall. Concert. Theater. Parlor. Club. Restaurant. Mass shootings have occurred at all these venues in recent years. You can talk 2nd Amendment all you want. I propose we add a 28th Amendment: the freedom to not get shot by a f*cking gun.
1,628 Likes, 389 Retweets

3) A week in the life of a modern-day Republican
M: "Cancel masks!"
Tu: "Cancel Delta!"
W: "Cancel MLB!"
Th: "Cancel Coke!"
F: "Cancel voting!"
Sa: "Cancel Democrat dictators!"
Su: "Cancel cancel culture!"
1,396 Likes, 347 Retweets

4) I didn't vote for him, but give me a break. If DeWine were a dictator, this wouldn't be trending. The reason we're still in this mess isn't DeWine; it's idiots who won't adhere to CDC guidelines, and treat this global pandemic as a hoax.
884 Likes, 120 Retweets

5) - COVID has now killed 3 million globally, including 580k Americans
- Mass shootings are happening on the hour every hour
- Gaetz allegedly sex-trafficked minors
- Cops continue to shoot unarmed black men

6) GOP: "Yeah, but Biden called a golfer 'Japanese boy.'"
595 Likes, 169 Retweets

7) Our right to not get shot by a f*cking gun #ShallNotBeInfringed.
372 Likes, 82 Retweets

8) For anyone who claims it's too early to talk about gun reform, in light of the mass shooting in Boulder, GFY. You still won't talk about Sandy Hook, and that took place 8+ years ago. The more time we waste not passing meaningful reform, the more lives will be lost.
341 Likes, 91 Retweets

9) Dear Trumpers:

Biden's fall up some stairs wasn't nearly as devastating as America's fall under Trump.
#Biden #Trump
302 Likes, 59 Retweets

10) Atlanta shooting
Suspect: white
Deaths: 8
GOP: "He just had a bad day."
Democrats: "We need gun reform."

Boulder shooting
Suspect: POC
Deaths: 10
GOP: "Islamic terrorism is a threat again under Biden!"
Democrats: "We need gun reform."
231 Likes, 74 Retweets

11) So, have you heard the one where Trump, Jordan, and Gaetz walk into a bar? Of course you haven't, because everyone's over 17 there.
#Gaetz #GOP
251 Likes, 54 Retweets

12) This is a red herring. It doesn't matter if a person thinks the "AR" in "AR-15" stands for "assault rifle," "automatic rifle," "ArmaLite," or "Arkansas," the fact remains we have a problem with gun violence and need to do something about it. Period.
#GunReform …
208 Likes, 51 Retweets

13) BREAKING NEWS: "Ben Shapiro and Tomi Lahren are racists. In other news, Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all three charges"
#derekchauvinisguilty #BlackLivesMatter
205 Likes, 19 Retweets

14) Matt Gaetz sex-trafficks underage girls
GOP: "Let's wait to see what happens."

Donald Trump incites a terrorist attack at the US Capitol to end American democracy
GOP: "Let him go."

Maxine Waters violates curfew
GOP: "Give her the chair!"
#GOPHypocrisy #GQP
167 Likes, 43 Retweets

15) Today didn't bring justice for Tayvon Martin, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, or many others, but at least for one day, a jury decided a black life mattered, and that's a start.
#derekchauvinisguilty #BlackLivesMatter
176 Likes, 33 Retweets

16) So MAGAts want us to thank Trump for everything he accomplished with regard to #COVID. Okay, I'll play.

Thank you, Trump for:
- Saying the virus wouldn't be a big deal.
- Claiming it'd just go away.
- Recommending injecting Lysol; anti-malaria drugs; shining lights up your butt.
166 Likes, 42 Retweets

17) #MattGaetzIsTheTypeOfGuy who is so gross, Donald Trump wouldn't even pardon him.
179 Likes, 22 Retweets

18 George Floyd
- killed no one
- was killed

Daunte Wright
- killed no one
- was killed

Adam Toledo
- killed no one
- was killed

Ma'Khia Bryant
- killed no one
- was killed

Kyle Rittenhouse
- killed 2 people
- is alive

Dylann Roof
- killed 9 people
- is alive
134 Likes, 65 Retweets

19) MAGAts: "Paul Revere is one of us! He stood up for the Second Amendment!"

Paul Revere died in 1818. The guy owned a pocket flint-lock pistol. Pass a gun-reform bill where those are the only available firearms, and we'll all stand up for the Second Amendment.
#GunReformNow #GQP
164 Likes, 34 Retweets

20) A white guy walks around with a gun after shooting multiple people
Cops: "He's fully cooperating."

An unarmed black man says "I can't breathe"
Cops: "He's resisting arrest."
#GeorgeFloyd #BLM
153 Likes, 41 Retweets

21) A black person rides a bike
Cops: : "Are you registered to ride that?"

A white person carries a gun
Cops: "Can we get you anything? Some water perhaps? Whatever you need, just let us know. How 'bout a bike?"
#BlackLivesMatter #BLM
154 Likes, 39 Retweets

22) #MattGaetzIsTheTypeOfGuy who watches "Teen Mom" to make sure he doesn't know any of them.
166 Likes, 26 Retweets

23) Um, yeah, you did.
#SCOTUS #VoteBlue …
169 Likes, 19 Retweets

24) GOP: "America! Freedom!"
MLB: "We're going to stand up for voting rights!"
GOP: "#BoycottMLB!"
153 Likes, 31 Retweets

25) Fine, GOP, we'll no longer attempt to alter the Second Amendment, & will confidently declare it guarantees us the right to bear arms. Here's the catch, though - the only firearms available for purchase will be those which were around at the time of its writing - 1791.
151 Likes, 26 Retweets

26) Well, this is obviously a bullsh*t bill. How do I know? Because Republicans are only pro-life until birth.
146 Likes, 19 Retweets

27) Jason Whitlock, like other right-wing media personalities, is using racial division as a distraction as they reshape America to be more like Idiocracy. Right-wing media personalities prefer Idiocracy; they are protected by Idiocracy. You're being played.
#BLM …
127 Likes, 31 Retweets

28) It really is quite incredible. Republicans are: terrorizing the US Capitol; assaulting and murdering police officers; anti-FBI; attempting to reverse past elections and rig future ones; and believing Russia over the United States. Oh, but they stand for the anthem...
116 Likes, 38 Retweets

29) America: Where you see more cops on hand to arrest black teenagers peacefully riding bicycles than you do at the U.S. Capitol when white adults are committing acts of terror, in an effort to overturn an election and end American democracy. Freedumb!
#BlackLivesMatter #BLM …
93 Likes, 60 Retweets

30) HR 1 (pro-voting)
GOP: "The bill is anti-Republican."

In other words, the Republican Party is anti-American.
#GOP #VoteBlue
117 Likes, 33 Retweets

31) The GOP:
- "Stand for the anthem!"
- "America first!"
- "We're the greatest country in the history of the world!"
- "Russia over America!"

Wait, what?!?
#GOPBetrayedAmerica #GOPHypocrisy
120 Likes, 27 Retweets

32) Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
#derekchauvinisguilty #DerekChauvinVerdict
138 Likes, 6 Retweets

33) Breakdown by Party
Democratic: 215 yeas, 0 nays
Republican: 29 yeas, 172 nays

There you have it: 100% of Democrats oppose violence against women and 86% of Republicans support it. …
#ViolenceAgainstWomenAct #GOP
88 Likes, 49 Retweets

34) When a POC kills someone
GOP: "This is part of a larger problem;" "We need to start talking about black-on-black crime;" "Let's ban these people until we find out what is going on."

When a white person kills someone
GOP: "He just had a bad day;" "Lone wolf."
100 Likes, 37 Retweets

35) Yes, because when one side incites a terrorist attack on the US Capitol, hoping to end the republic, my first thought is, "Yeah, I want to work with those guys!" 🙄 …
#CapitolAttack #Manchin
113 Likes, 24 Retweets

36) GOP:
- "Shut up and dribble!"
- "Shut up and play!"
- "Shut up and dance!"
- "Shut up and donate!"

It's quite rich the GOP continually lambasts "cancel-culture," all while telling everyone who disagrees with them to shut up.
#GOPHypocrisy #GQP
105 Likes, 19 Retweets

37) House Rep Matt Gaetz sex trafficks minors
GOP: "Look, ignore the receipts, ignore the audio, ignore the testimony, and you've got nothin'!"

Private citizen Hunter Biden engages in consensual sex with adults
GOP: "Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!"
#HunterBiden #GOP
95 Likes, 28 Retweets

38) I've decided to never "identify" as a Huckabee, for I never want to be viewed as a racist, misogynistic, dog-killing piece of sh*t.
#GOPLiesAboutEverything #GQP …
98 Likes, 23 Retweets

39) Shootings I've seen reported since Friday:

- Indianapolis
- Ann Arbor
- Portland
- Omaha
- Kenosha
- Austin
- Shreveport
- Columbus

Wake the f*ck up, GOP! A person's Second Amendment rights are moot if they're f*cking dead.
#GunControlNow #gunsgalore
89 Likes, 30 Retweets

40) The Founding Fathers were born 250+ years ago. They weren't even aware of sewing machines at this time, so let's not pretend they were a bunch of Yodas.
#HR51 #DC …
103 Likes, 16 Retweets

41) I see right-wingers bashing the following trending names:

- Yamiche Alcindor
- Laura Coates
- Hillary Clinton
- Kamala Harris
- Maxine Waters

Gosh, it's like they all have something in common, but I just can't put my finger on it...
107 Likes, 12 Retweets

42) The GOP can dishonestly spout "All Lives Matter" all they'd like; when it comes to victims of gun violence, their motto is "No Lives Matter," and sadly, when it comes to today's Republican Party, that's the honest truth.
#GunReformNow #BoulderCO
85 Likes, 32 Retweets

43) Dear GOP:

Okay, so we tried thoughts and prayers. That didn't work. Apparently all the good guys with guns have just been at home watching Chuck Norris movies, saying, "Yeah, I could do that." It's time to try something else. No, not arming infants...
#gunsgalore #GQP
90 Likes, 24 Retweets

44) Benghazi: 4 American deaths
GOP: "We'll obsess over this until fetuses fly!"

COVID: American deaths equivalent to 136,111 Benghazis
GOP: "Let's not focus on that. Oh, look, a squirrel nut!"

The GOP: Pro-life until birth, and then death is just a statistic.
91 Likes, 23 Retweets

45) Defense: "Derek Chauvin was a reasonable police officer..."

...if reason were determined by Satan.
#derekchauvinisguilty #BlackLivesMatter
93 Likes, 19 Retweets

46) According to the GOP:
- Starbucks
- Target
- Science
- History
- Fact-checks
- Voting
- Minimum wage
- Women's reproductive rights
- Marriage equality
- Rap
- Metal
- Hollywood
- Constitution
- Morality
- Cancel Culture
74 Likes, 36 Retweets

47) A white man calls on his supporters to terrorize the US Capitol and attempt to overturn election results to undermine American democracy
GOP: "Let him go."

A black woman calls on people to protest police brutality against the black community
GOP: "Expel her!"
#GOPHypocrisy #BLM
81 Likes, 25 Retweets

48) Okay, so let me get this straight...

Republicans packing the courts? Okay.
Democrats packing the courts? Not okay.

Republicans trying to make sure nothing gets done? Okay.
Democrats trying to make sure something gets done? Not okay.

Gotcha... 🙄
#GOPHypocrisy #GOP …
76 Likes, 29 Retweets

49) San Bernardino shooting: 14 deaths
GOP: "Ban Muslims!"

COVID: 550,000+ U.S. deaths
GOP: "No travel restrictions necessary."
#VaccinePassports #NoVaccinePassports
82 Likes, 23 Retweets

50) Noem: "Call me when you're an American."

What is something Native Americans wish they had once said? I'll take "Stupid Things Trumpublicans say for $1000."
#GOPHypocrisy #GQP
84 Likes, 21 Retweets

51) GQP talking points on guns
1) "Guns don't kill; people kill."
Fine, so pass laws on the people who shouldn't be allowed to have guns.

2) "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."
You didn't finish the sentence: " a Bruce Willis movie."
74 Likes, 20 Retweets

52) Lincoln abolishes slavery
MAGAts: "Racism is over!"

Obama becomes president
MAGAts: "Racism is over!"

Chauvin gets convicted
MAGAts: "Racism is over!"

One decision does not make a trend. If that were the case, after eating a carrot, Dahmer would have been a vegetarian.
90 Likes, 12 Retweets

53) Hey dipsh*t, it's because of Trump over 500,000 Americans have died at the hands of #COVID19. If you want to praise Trump for his #COVID response, you'll be forced to sit in silence. Perhaps that's what you should do. …
78 Likes, 21 Retweets

54) Here's Matt Gaetz praying; taking notes; and prepping himself for an orgy with underage prostitutes.
#GaetzGate #Snark
76 Likes, 19 Retweets

55) #MattGaetzIsTheTypeOfGuy who goes to malls and calls Roy Moore his wingman.
83 Likes, 12 Retweets

56) No, you WERE the party of Lincoln. If he were alive today and someone asked him, "You down with GQP?," he would have responded, "Four score and seven hell nos from me!"
#Lincoln #GQP …
83 Likes, 9 Retweets

57) Translation: Marsha Blackburn says, "F*ck our elders!"
67 Likes, 24 Retweets

58) MAGAts' boogeyman: A black man, in a tan suit, saying the word "accountability"
#BlackLivesMatter #BLM
80 Likes, 8 Retweets

59) Well, given what's transpired tonight, I think Democrats have now found their secret weapon. If LeBron James utters the word "accountability" three times in rapid succession, MAGAts' heads will literally explode.
#derekchauvinisguilty #BlackLivesMatter
78 Likes, 9 Retweets

60) Resisting arrest

A white man
Cops: "Excuse us, sir, would you like some water?"

A black man
Cops: "Bang bang, you dead"
#BLM #BlackLivesMatter
64 Likes, 21 Retweets

61) "Ex-Trump aide McEnany knocks Biden: Presidents should not 'inflame' tensions"

I see McEnany decided to try her hand at comedy. Not bad. She's much better at this than she was at her previous job. …
#DerekChauvinTrial #BlackLivesMatter
74 Likes, 11 Retweets

62) A self-described pro-lifer (Chia-Pet Paul) calls someone trying to save lives (Dr. Fauci) a "petty tyrant." Wow, if that's the case, just imagine what he calls Jesus...
#FauxChristians #COVID19
79 Likes, 6 Retweets

63) So, since you already packed the Supreme Court, I guess you're admitting Republicans destroyed the Supreme Court.
74 Likes, 10 Retweets

64) Canceling will not be permitted, unless it's: rap, rock music, Starbucks, Target, big words, real numbers, women's rights, black lives, LGBTs, voting rights, law, order, logic, common sense, Jesus's teachings, or the Constitution.
68 Likes, 15 Retweets

65) I just saw #BettyWhite trending. She's okay, everyone!
75 Likes, 7 Retweets

66) This tweet is 8 words in length, and the odds are 9 in 10 she doesn't know at least 4 of them.
64 Likes, 17 Retweets

67) Not nearly as scared as George Floyd was the day Derek Chauvin f*cking killed him. …
#derekchauvinisguilty #BlackLivesMatter
69 Likes, 10 Retweets

68) We're just 3 months into the Biden presidency and Attorney General Garland has already accomplished more (positive) than Barr did throughout Trump's four years in office.
#DerekChauvinTrial #BlackLivesMatter
73 Likes, 6 Retweets

69) Well, Reagan was wrong. You know what words are far more terrifying? Jim Jordan is your representative.
#GymJordanKnew #VoteBlue …
67 Likes, 11 Retweets

70) Highest incarceration rates:
10) Grenada: 429
9) Bahamas: 442
8) Maldives: 499
7) Cuba: 510
6) Rwanda: 511
5) Palau: 522
4) Thailand: 549
3) Turkmenistan: 552
2) El Salvador: 566
1) United States: 639

Yeah, I don't think "under-incarceration" is the problem, you twit.
53 Likes, 24 Retweets

71) The more Gaetz talks, the worse he makes it for himself. At the rate he's going, by this time next week, Vegas odds will have him serving three life sentences. Keep on talking, Matt.
#GaetzGate #GaetzResign
68 Likes, 9 Retweets

72) White person says what?
#derekchauvinisguilty #BlackLivesMatter …
68 Likes, 9 Retweets

73) #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb she feels it's her life mission to eliminate the "free throw" from basketball, because it's socialist.
68 Likes, 9 Retweets

74) "House GOP memo argues embracing Trump agenda is the party's only option for comeback"

Translation: "House GOP memo argues that domestic terrorism is the party's only option for a comeback." …
50 Likes, 26 Retweets

75) Dear GOP:

So, is it still too soon to talk about the Virginia Tech shooting, which happened exactly 14 years ago today? There will never be enough time for families of gun-violence victims to grieve. The worst thing we can do is wait until more families grieve.
57 Likes, 19 Retweets

76) 1) Female Trumpers: "We're Women for America First!"

2) They invite Matt Gaetz to speak at an event of theirs.

3) Yeah, they may want to change their name to "Women for Child Sex-Traffickers First."
#GaetzGate #GQP
67 Likes, 9 Retweets

77) You know who else said that? The January 6th insurrectionists. You can only start talking about Judeo-Christian values when you stop supporting Donald Trump. Until then, you can STFU. Can I get an amen?
#GOPHypocrisy #GOPBetrayedAmerica …
62 Likes, 13 Retweets

78) Kennedy: "You don't stop drunk drivers by getting rid of sober drivers."

No, you stop drunk drivers by requiring drivers to pass tests to attain a license; regulate automobiles; pass traffic laws; and punish those who break them. Same with guns.
#GunReformNow …
58 Likes, 15 Retweets

79) It's quite the sad sign that, whenever I see a city trending, I immediately think it's due to a shooting, and 4 times out of 5, I'm right.
#GunReformNow #GunReform
56 Likes, 16 Retweets

80) If D.C. were a state, it'd currently rank 49th (out of 51) in population, at 705,749 - ahead of both Vermont (623,989) and Wyoming (578,759), respectively. Isn't that right, Liz Cheney?
#DC #DCStatehood …
51 Likes, 20 Retweets

81) 2021
- vote for democracy, against domestic terrorism
- vote for COVID help
- vote to oppose violence against women

- vote against democracy, for domestic terrorism
- vote against COVID help
- vote to support violence against women
#GOP #VoteBlue
54 Likes, 17 Retweets

82) I'm not sure what bothers me most:
1) The misspelling of the word "feat."
2) The fact she treats "feet" as a singular noun.
3) Or that she has the gall to give Trump any credit at all.
#GQP #coronavirus …
63 Likes, 8 Retweets

83) The GOP: Once the party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Dwight Eisenhower, is now the party of Donald Trump, Caitlyn Jenner, and Andrew Giuliani.
55 Likes, 15 Retweets

84) Kennedy: "We do not need more gun control; we need more idiot control."

Yes, idiots with guns.
#GunReformNow …
56 Likes, 14 Retweets

85) Cops with white people: shoot-to-kill is the last option

Cops with black people: shoot-to-kill is the only option
#DerekChauvinTrial #BlackLivesMatter …
50 Likes, 18 Retweets

86) You know, maybe this QAnon conspiracy isn't so nuts after all. The GOP is all about projection. They accuse Democrats of being Satan-worshipping, child sex-trafficking, cannibalistic pedophiles. GOPers' ideals are the antitheses of Jesus's. Sex trafficking? Enter Matt Gaetz.
56 Likes, 12 Retweets

87) "Lord of the Lies"
57 Likes, 11 Retweets

88) #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb, to disprove global-warming, she threw a globe outside during a May snowstorm.
53 Likes, 13 Retweets

89) Well, this is a brilliant strategy by the defense. So, apparently Derek Chauvin didn't kill George Floyd with his knee; he killed him via carbon monoxide poisoning.
#GeorgeFloyd #ChauvinTrial
57 Likes, 8 Retweets

90) Kennedy: "You don't stop drunk drivers by getting rid of all sober drivers."

This is true. That's why we're just focused on getting rid of drunk drivers.
#GunReformNow …
53 Likes, 11 Retweets

91) So, Matt Gaetz and Hunter Biden walk into a bar. Just kidding. Right when Gaetz saw a sign which read, "You must be at least 21 years old to enter the establishment," he walked away.
#HunterBiden #GaetzGate
59 Likes, 5 Retweets

92) I'm sorry for knowing what I'm talking about; for perhaps coming across as condescending; and for defining "condescending," since you gave me the deer-in-the-headlights look upon hearing the term.
57 Likes, 6 Retweets

93) Wow! What. A. Game. Thanks to both Gonzaga and UCLA for putting on one of the all-time classics in March Madness history!
58 Likes, 4 Retweets

94) So, according to Chuck Grassley, free-market capitalism is economic terrorism. Interesting...
#GOPHypocrisy #GOP
48 Likes, 13 Retweets

95) Really? This isn't some kind of new thing. Politics in sports is older than Brett Favre's balls - which is saying something (hopefully he didn't send you pictures). …
#BlackLivesMatter #TakeAKnee
54 Likes, 7 Retweets

96) Just finished writing a Ted Nugent-inspired parody, entitled, "Batsh*t Creeper" (to the tune of "Cat Scratch Fever"). I'll try to get it recorded later. Stay tuned.
#COVID19 #TedNugent
55 Likes, 6 Retweets

97) Dear GOP:

We've tried the thoughts-and-prayers strategy. That didn't work. It's high past time we went a different route.


Millions of Americans who don't want to get shot by a f*cking gun
49 Likes, 11 Retweets

98) Clarence Thomas: "Blah blah blah. Too few people have too much control over social media. Argh."

Really? From '06-'18, 87% of wealth gains in this country went to the top 10%. Let me guess - you had/have absolutely no problem with that...
51 Likes, 9 Retweets

99) GOP
Stand for the flag; kneel for corporations
Suppress votes; incite insurrections
Support the troops - in words only
Dismantle that which they made free
Ignoring what the flag represents
To you, just a piece of cloth to brainwash millions
#GQP #GOPLiesAboutEverything
46 Likes, 13 Retweets

100) This isn't even an apples-and-oranges argument. It's an apples-and-sex-trafficking one. Sad.
48 Likes, 11 Retweets

101) #MattGaetzIsTheTypeOfGuy who hangs out at Chuck E. Cheese on days ending in "y."
53 Likes, 6 Retweets

102) Muzzle-loaders were what was available at the time of the writing of the #SecondAmendment. The Founders were as cognizant of modern-day firearms as Ted Cruz is popular at family reunions.
49 Likes, 9 Retweets

103) Okay, so Sidney Powell is contending:

A) Whenever a Republican claims anything, one should assume it to be BS.

B) There's no such thing as a reasonable Republican.

C) Both A and B

I'll go with C. …
#GOPLiesAboutEverything #VoteBlue
43 Likes, 14 Retweets

104) #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb, to own the libs and their Constitution, she wants to replace it with the U.S. Prostitution.
45 Likes, 12 Retweets

105) It's painfully pathetic hearing all these white people complain about the possibility of stronger gun laws. Get followed and shot for having a hairbrush mistaken for a gun and then we can talk.
#GunReformNow #BLM
52 Likes, 4 Retweets

106) "Pat Robertson on Daunte Wright Killing: Police Have ‘Got to Stop This’"

At 91 years of age, Pat Robertson finally utters something which makes sense. …
#BLM #BlackLivesMatter
44 Likes, 10 Retweets

107) The way he's talking about it, this appears to be the first time Ben Shapiro has ever owned or touched wood. I'll be darned.
#VoteBlue2022 #BoycottHomeDepot …
52 Likes, 2 Retweets

108) So, 90% of GOPers voted against convicting a man of inciting violence against police and 12 voted against honoring these cops.

The recent Johnny Damon arrest was quite emblematic of the GOP's mindset on police: break the law; disrespect them; and then say Blue Lives Matter.
34 Likes, 18 Retweets

109) You don't have conflicted loyalties; you're simply a lifelong douchebag, who represents the entire state of denial.
#GOPLiesAboutEverything #GQP …
40 Likes, 11 Retweets

110) You heard it here: Drew is apparently not a doctor.
#COVIDー19 #NoVaccinePassports …
49 Likes, 2 Retweets

111) The Chauvin defense (if he had shot Floyd in the head)
"Well, if Mr. Floyd didn't have high blood pressure, we can't be certain whether or not the bullets which entered his brain would have killed him."
#GeorgeFloyd #ChauvinTrial
44 Likes, 6 Retweets

112) Funny, before Cornyn mentions Biden by name, his description could have pertained to any president not named Donald Trump - which begs the question: Was Abe Lincoln really in charge when he was president?
38 Likes, 10 Retweets

113) #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb she thinks IQ stands for "Intelajent QAnon."
41 Likes, 6 Retweets

114) Moscow Mitch: "Business needs to stay out of politics."
Overturn Citizens United.
Resting Mitch Face: "No."
So, companies should keep their mouths shut while donating?
Cocaine Mitch: Nod 'n' Sniff
To cancel "Cancel-Culture," you want to cancel speech?
Midnight Mitch: "Yarp."
42 Likes, 5 Retweets

115) #SoTheLastTimeIHadSex, Corona was just a beer; "tick-tock" meant to hurry the f*ck up; and Donald Trump hadn't even been impeached once, let alone twice.
40 Likes, 5 Retweets

116) Mass Shooters in the U.S. Between 1982 and 2021:

66% White
21% Black

Those are the facts. Clear as day. …
#GunReformNow …
32 Likes, 12 Retweets

117) Well, I suppose this means you approve of it, since you now identify as Chinese and all... 🙄
36 Likes, 8 Retweets

118) Shapiro: "Voter-suppression is where you don't get to vote."

...and what are Republicans trying to do with their voting laws? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Prevent blacks (POC) from voting.

...and what is this?


Try again, lil Shapiro...
34 Likes, 9 Retweets

119) Trump lets his opinion be known on anything and everything, regardless of how much division it incites
McEnany: "That's just Trump being Trump."

After seeing a cop murder a black man on video, Biden calls it murder
McEnany: "That's crossing the line!"
#DerekChauvinTrial #BLM
35 Likes, 8 Retweets

120) "MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Announces He's Launching 'MyStore,' a Patriotic Rival to Amazon"

Yeah, good luck with that... It might as well be called "My Fail." …
38 Likes, 5 Retweets

121) That's correct. We all saw the video. It was murder. If the reverse verdict had been reached, justice wouldn't have gotten served. Period.
#DerekChauvin #BlackLivesMatter …
41 Likes, 2 Retweets

122) When GOPers talk about guns, it sounds like they're talking about fetuses. So my question is, when a woman gets pregnant, do these same GOPers believe she has an AR-15 inside of her? It'd make sense. After birth, they don't give a f*ck about babies, but do about guns.
35 Likes, 7 Retweets

123) Fine, let's require all potential voters to pass a basic-knowledge test in order to let their voices be heard on election days. I'm confident the pro-science, pro-education, pro-reality side (Democrats) will do just fine. Your side? Yeah, good luck...
#GQP #GOPVoterSuppression …
37 Likes, 4 Retweets

124) "Minnesota Officer Who Shot Daunte Wright Meant to Fire Taser, Chief Says"

Yeah, that's a load of crap... …
#PoliceReformNow #BlackLivesMatter
29 Likes, 11 Retweets

125) "Police across U.S. respond to Derek Chauvin trial: 'Our American way of policing is on trial'"

What, taking a knee on unarmed black people's necks? That's not "our American way" (it shouldn't be); that's a murderer's way. …
#BlackLivesMatter #BLM
30 Likes, 10 Retweets

126) When a black man takes a knee during the anthem as a silent protest against police brutality
Chauvin defense: "Unpatriotic! Unconscionable! UnAmerican!"

When a white cop takes a knee on a black man's neck and kills him
Chauvin defense: "Totally justifiable!"
#DerekChauvin #BLM
34 Likes, 5 Retweets

127) Even if this is true, and I'm not saying it is - for I trust Project Veritas about as far as I can throw Jupiter, so what? A network would have attempted to get a pathological-lying, sexually-predatorial domestic terrorist out of office democratically. I vote aye.
36 Likes, 3 Retweets

128) ...said no one ever - well, besides Larry Kudlow, but he's a nobody, so I stand by my statement.
#GOPLiesAboutEverything #GQP …
27 Likes, 9 Retweets

129) "Sean Hannity claims Biden never had a stutter before in bizarre new conspiracy theory"

His next conspiracy theory: "Is 'Biden' really his name? I kept seeing signs last year which read 'ByeDon.' Is Joe living a double-life?" …
31 Likes, 5 Retweets

130) #MattGaetzIsTheTypeOfGuy who has a face even mothers want to punch.
32 Likes, 4 Retweets

131) Right-wing media: "When a white man is found guilty, an angel loses its wings."
#DerekChauvin #BlackLivesMatter
32 Likes, 4 Retweets

132) Allegation: First-degree murder

Gaetz's defense: "I did not steal bubble gum from the Dollar Store!"
#GaetzGate #Snark
33 Likes, 3 Retweets

133) Probably not a whole lot since your guy lost in November. Too soon? Nah, it's 4 years too late.
#GOPLiesAboutEverything #GQP …
33 Likes, 3 Retweets

134) #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb she refers to Jesus as Capitalist Christ, claiming he got all his robes and sandals at Armani's.
33 Likes, 3 Retweets

135) GOPers' response: "This just proves that Democrats think blacks are stupid. That's racist!"

The post says "voters." The fact GOPers assume it's referring to black people just showcases their racism.
#GAVoterSuppression …
28 Likes, 6 Retweets

136) "How I Met and Married 'Mother'"
30 Likes, 4 Retweets

137) If you don't begin every post with, "Donald Trump looks like George Clooney, only better. He should have won an Oscar for 'Home Alone 2.' He is perfecter than Jesus.," you'll be fired from the site.
32 Likes, 2 Retweets

138) If you want to get drunk, here's a game you can play:
- Say "Black Lives Matter" to a Republican. If they respond with "All Lives Matter," do a shot.
- Say "All COVID Victims' Lives Matter" or "All Gun Violence Victims' Lives Matter." If they respond in silence, do a shot.
32 Likes, 2 Retweets

139) "Thou shalt not steal."

Oh, yeah. Very strong Judeo-Christian values... 🙄
#GOPHypocrisy #AskTheNatives …
28 Likes, 5 Retweets

140) Giving Santa Claus cookies on Christmas. The guy is already diabetic, elderly, and obese. It sounds like attempted homicide to me.
30 Likes, 3 Retweets

141) Black History Month. It should be called All History Month. Just kidding. See how stupid that sounds?
31 Likes, 2 Retweets

142) Donald Trump's Twitter account. Oh, wait, that already happened. Sucks to be him.
30 Likes, 2 Retweets

143) How about some context?
1) Trump refers to leftists as crazy. The man who retweeted this is an alleged child sex-trafficker.
2) Right-wing outlets are getting sued by the millions for spreading election conspiracies.
3) Trump incited terrorism to destroy the country.
23 Likes, 8 Retweets

144) This is merely Republican projectionism for, "We need rifles to protect us from scary black people."
#GunReformNow #BLM …
26 Likes, 5 Retweets

145) This is one of the stupidest gun arguments I've ever heard. Rep. Messy is contending one of two things:

1) Every person should have the right to be armed like members of our military.

2) Our military shouldn't be permitted to fight with superior artillery.
#GunReformNow #GQP …
28 Likes, 3 Retweets

146) Okay, what he said, only reverse it.
#DerekChauvin #derekchauvinisguilty …
29 Likes, 2 Retweets

147) Headline: "Defense expert says Chauvin ‘was justified’ in actions with Floyd"

Translation: "Defense bastardizes the term 'expert' for all eternity"
#GeorgeFloyd #Chauvin
22 Likes, 8 Retweets

148) Okay, it appears as though she's trying to mislead and confuse people. She's talking about H.R. 1533 ( …); voted against H.R. 1319 ( …); and is attempting to conflate the two.
#Covid_19 #Covid …
19 Likes, 10 Retweets

149) ...says the non-human.
26 Likes, 3 Retweets

150) #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb she thinks the best vaccine for Coronavirus is Busch Light.
26 Likes, 3 Retweets

151) Study concludes, "Well, yes, this would be a wise move. Like, duh." …
27 Likes, 2 Retweets

152) "Carson says push for equity with reparations and stipends is racist"

You heard it here; Ben Carson thinks African-Americans stole this land from the Natives and then brought whites over from Europe as slaves. …  
17 Likes, 11 Retweets

153) "‘America First Caucus’ Tied to Marjorie Greene Spews Creepy Nativist Rhetoric About ‘Anglo-Saxon Traditions’"

Well, between the '60s and '80s, there was the Black Panther Party. In 2021, we now have the White Ostrich Party. 🙄 …
21 Likes, 7 Retweets

154) The site shall be called Four Seasons Total Realityscaping.
27 Likes, 1 Retweet

155) "Eat, Prey, Love"
22 Likes, 4 Retweets

156) If the 2nd Amendment had dealt with transportation at the time: "The right of the people to ride and keep pedal-powered tricycles shall not be infringed."

Modern-Day GOPers: "Of course they were talking about riding Harleys without helmets!"
#ShallNotBeInfringed #SecondAmendment
23 Likes, 3 Retweets

157) "Ben Carson Says ‘Someone Has Got to Explain’ Why Georgia Voting Laws are Restrictive Minutes After CNBC Host Does Just That"

In his defense, Carson sleeps whenever anyone else speaks. Hell, this often happens when he speaks. …
24 Likes, 2 Retweets

158) Might as well start calling him Tim Van Winkle, because he's apparently been asleep for a long ass time. …
20 Likes, 5 Retweets

159) #MattGaetzIsTheTypeOfGuy who wants to be on the Most Wanted List in Teen Vogue magazine.
22 Likes, 3 Retweets

160) You heard it here: Curtis Houck thinks it's lunacy to try and prevent any life from being lost during such altercations. Let me guess, he describes himself as being "pro-life"...
#DerekChauvin #BlackLivesMatter …
22 Likes, 3 Retweets

161) No censorship! Exceptions include the following sources: scientific studies, fact-checkers, the encyclopedia, non-photo-shopped pictures, unrevised history, and the dictionary.
23 Likes, 2 Retweets

162) Jebus, with all of these shootings, in addition to the CDC recommending us to continue wearing masks, the ATF will suggest we all start wearing bullet-proof vests.
#GunReformNow #COVIDー19
21 Likes, 3 Retweets

163) So, in other words, Jason Whitlock won't be getting a vaccine any time soon...
#COVID19Vaccine  #COVID19 …
24 Likes, 0 Retweets

164) The phrase "beating around the bush." Matt Gaetz has probably taken it literally; the photos are somewhere out there in cyberspace; and that's just gross.
20 Likes, 2 Retweets

165) Thou shalt open doors for women, before saying to them, "...and they say cavalry is dead."
#ManlyCommandments #Chivalry
20 Likes, 0 Retweets

166) Yeah, that sounds about white...

… …
#GQP #CapitolRiots
14 Likes, 4 Retweets

167) I love how so many Republicans are praising Barkley's both-sides-suck argument. It's like they know they suck, so if Democrats suck too, that's a win for them. Sad.

… …
16 Likes, 2 Retweets

168) I've got a question: why did Trump never look into Putin's eyes? Because he was always on his knees.
#GOPBetrayedAmerica #GOPHypocrisy …
18 Likes, 0 Retweets

169) Your penis must be a maximum of this size erect to join.
15 Likes, 2 Retweets

170) Donnie and the Pu$$ygrabbers
15 Likes, 2 Retweets

171) #MattGaetzIsTheTypeOfGuy who pays for sex and all he gets is a lousy t-shirt.
14 Likes, 2 Retweets

172) Palin and the Dumbf*cks
16 Likes, 0 Retweets

173) Dinky and the Brainless
12 Likes, 2 Retweets

174) Enough with the red herrings (no, that's not a fish)! All Firearm Victims Matter!
#GunReformNow …
12 Likes, 2 Retweets

175) Gaetz Teen Venmo Force
10 Likes, 3 Retweets

176) This has to be one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard. …
9 Likes, 3 Retweets

177) "Holy Libel"
7 Likes, 4 Retweets

178) Thou shalt never ask for directions on how to obey the first ten.
8 Likes, 2 Retweets

179) Thou shalt promise to always strut your stuff when walking in a Home Depot, just in case some random stranger wants to get into a wrench-fight.
9 Likes, 1 Retweet

180) Thou shalt make grunting noises whenever driving your vehicle through a car-wash.
9 Likes, 1 Retweet

181) I see #BackTheBlue trending. Democrats? I agree.
9 Likes, 1 Retweet

182) Um, this isn't a new thing, you know, but sure, carry on with your tinfoil hats in hand, on head, and likely covering your tuchus. …
10 Likes, 0 Retweets

183) Whatever name you select for your page, it shall be directly preceded by "Snowflake." For example, if you claim that your name is Hercules, your page will say you are "Snowflake Hercules."
8 Likes, 1 Retweet

184) "Mike Lindell's Frank 'Free Speech' Site Labeled 'Rip Off' by Gab CEO Andrew Torba"

"Free speech is mine!"

"No, it's mine!"

:: grabs the popcorn :: …
8 Likes, 1 Retweet

185) Thou shalt always first ask a woman whether she'd like to be on the top or bottom before sharing a bunk bed with her.
9 Likes, 0 Retweets

186) Scott uses "wokes" sarcastically, but the joke's on him.

Yes, some "wokes" try so hard to prove they're woke, chances are they're just in denial about an Ambien addiction. However, Scott's not even woke to the facts. Wake up and stop lying! …
6 Likes, 2 Retweets

187) Welp, the Big Ten sucks more than Harold & Kumar on a 7-Eleven Slurpee on 4/20.
#MarchMadness #MarchMadness2021
7 Likes, 0 Retweets

188) Because I'd rather prompt others to swim to the deep end of the pool, by sharing with them art I created, than to permit them to camp out in the shallow end.
5 Likes, 1 Retweet

189) Puppet Babies
6 Likes, 0 Retweets

190) "Fifty Ways to Pray"
5 Likes, 0 Retweets

190) I see #GymJordan trending, so I feel the need to self-plug my parody about him. It's called "Hit the Jim/Gym," and is based off Biz Markie's song, "Just a Friend." …

4 Likes, 0 Retweets

Totals: 18,460 Likes, 3,900 Retweets (Averages of 97.2 Likes, 20.5 Retweets)


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