I received the following comments on episode 206 of my podcast ("I Feel Snitty"), entitled "Can You Hear Me Now? Part 8":
- "A Stable Genius heading for a Crèche Landing.
HAHAHA! Le Trompe d'œil is, as zeh French may say, 'L'univers bouleversé.' Un orbe d'orange.
(Get it? 'Stable' = 'Crèche'?)
The sheep bleat and the cows low. A trick of the eye! TFG is a total fake, and @GOP used him."
- "You're funny.
Look into something that might broaden your audience. Automated speech-to-text (subtitling) app. Reading along engages more parts of the listener's brain. There are free apps out there that generate text on the fly.
Bernie said 'coop.'"
- "This episode is my first, Craig. I enjoyed it. You added humor. A Big +."
- "I'm not on Twitter a lot, but I'm glad I caught your podcast."
The episode can be heard here. - https://ifeelsnitty.podbean.com/e/can-you-hear-me-now-part-8/
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