As could probably be predicted, there were a number of political debates roaming about the Facebook newsfeed today, with regard to the Supreme Court's healthcare ruling. I got involved in one such feed, because the initial status ticked me off a bit. Alright, so the guy thought the individual mandate was wrong. That's fine. He has a right to his own opinion. However, he then went into the "real"/"unreal" American bit, saying only "real" Americans rejected the mandate. I didn't even go after him on the mandate. I asked him to define "real" and "unreal" Americans and if, since I support the healthcare law, I'm not a "real" American and should be forced to leave the country or something. I then asked who ultimately decided what a "real" and "unreal" American is and if there's a handout which deciphers the two. He said there was - The Constitution, Declaration of Independence, etc. and kept ...
Randomness. Politics. Songs. Poetry. Short Stories. Essays. Satire. Research. Sarcasm. A mix of Jon Stewart, George Carlin, Weird Al Yankovic, The Onion,, and Gandhi. former co-host of "The Tracy & Craig Show" (which had previously been called "The Tracy Fort Show") and current host of "I Feel Snitty," author of the "LOL at the GOP" series, and Donald Trump's worst nightmare (besides facts).