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Showing posts from July, 2019

Mentioned on two sites

Due to some #DemDebate tweets of mine, I got mentioned on the following two sites: To check out other tweets of mine, go to this link:

Mentioned on two more sites

I was mentioned on two more sites for my #LostTrumpHistory tweets: To check out other tweets of mine, go to this link:

Democratic Debate Review (Debate 2, Night 1)

Here's how I rank the Democratic candidates' debate performances from debate 2, night 1: 10) Steve Bullock : I've heard some praise for the Montana governor's first debate performance. I'm not sure which debate they were watching, for I saw something completely different. The guy spoke like Keanu Reeves' Ted Theodore Logan character from the Bill & Ted  movies. He seemed to constantly argue with fellow candidates without disagreeing, so in the end, it felt like he was merely arguing for the sake of arguing. I'm glad Bullock got his chance in the debate ring, but would much rather see him as Bill or Ted's sidekick in their upcoming film than in another debate. 9) John Hickenlooper : Why is this guy still in the race? He reminded me of a World Civilizations college professor of mine, who used to go on these long-winded tangents which appeared to have nothing to do with her opening statement, but after 45 minutes, she found a way to come around full...

New comment on my podcast, "I Feel Snitty" (episode 3: "Mueller, Mueller, Mueller, Mueller...")

I already received a comment on a brand new episode of my podcast I Feel Snitty , entitled, "Mueller, Mueller, Mueller, Mueller...": "Craig has obtained himself an avid listener. Most definitely following and looking out for some new features. Mueller, Mueller, Mueller provides some light hearted, humorous material that keeps you connected to the podcast. Well done."

Mentioned on several sites!

I was mentioned on the following sites due to some #LostTrumpHistory tweets I posted on Twitter: To check out more of my tweets, just go to this link:

My podcast, "I Feel Snitty," can now be found on Stitcher, Google Play, and Player FM!

In addition to Podbean ( ), my podcast, "I Feel Snitty," can now be found on Stitcher, Google Play, and Player FM:

Mentioned on another site

Due to a #TrumpGreetingCards tweet of mine, I got mentioned on the following site: You can check out the rest of my tweets at the following link:

Twitter trending-hashtag posts (7/12 - 7/26)

I've had a good time with trending hashtags on Twitter over the past couple of weeks. Here are my posts, ordered from the most to the least popular (all my tweets can be viewed here - ): 1) #ObamaWasBetterAt knowing how to work an umbrella. 4,800 Likes, 908 Retweets 2) Remember that time when Donald Trump questioned the authenticity of a white president's birth certificate or told a group of white women to go back to their home countries? Yeah, me neither... #TrumpIsARacist #RacistInChief 4,500 Likes, 1,200 Retweets 3) "Love thy neighbor...unless they're a queer, pro-choice, Obama-loving non-white person who kneels before cloth with stars and stripes on it." #ThingsJesusNeverSaid 3,800 Likes, 923 Retweets 4) "Thou shalt not commit adultery, unless it's with a porn star whose first name rhymes with 'Normy.'" #ThingsJesusNeverSaid 2,500 Likes, 458 Retweets 5) #ObamaWasBetterAt not sleeping wit...

A new comment on my podcast, "I Feel Snitty"

In my latest episode of my podcast ( I Feel Snitty ) - Calling a Racist a Racist  - a recent listener just commented, saying, "Awesome, and your impersonation of Trump is perfect!" Check it out at the following link: You can find and listen to any episode at this site:

A new episode of my podcast, "I Feel Snitty," is now available ("Calling a Racist a Racist")!

A new episode of my podcast, I Feel Snitty , is now available: Here's a brief run-down of the episode, with the title in bold: Calling a Racist a Racist In this episode, I answer the media's long-running question, "Is Donald Trump a racist?" I do this by sharing a writing of mine on the subtle and not so subtle signs of racism and whether or not Trump has showcased any of them; playing the hot new game everyone's talking about, "Is It Racist?;" and pulling out my liberal Jeff Foxworthy card and telling the world, "You might be a racist if..." So is Donald Trump a racist? Listen to find out... To follow the show, go to this link:

My new podcast, "I Feel Snitty," is now available!

The debut episode of my podcast, "I Feel Snitty," is now available: Here's a brief run-down of the episode, with the title in bold: "Liberal" is Moral and Normal, but Not a "Hamberder" On the debut episode of I Feel Snitty , I get snarky with the bastardization of the term liberal, as I prove the country is further to the left than pundits would have you believe. From dissecting a conservative meme with wisecracks to getting historical with actual facts (as opposed to alternative ones), to concocting and reading a Top Ten List, I proudly declare to the world I'm a liberal and encourage others to do the same. To follow the show, go to this link:

Mentioned on a couple more sites!

I was mentioned on the following two sites for some #ObamaWasBetterAt tweets of mine: To check out my other tweets and/or follow me, go here:

Mentioned on six more sites!

I was mentioned on the following sites for some #RacistInChief and #TrumpIsARacist tweets I posted: To check out my other tweets and/or follow me, go here:

Mentioned on four sites!

I got mentioned on the following sites for some #ThingsJesusNeverSaid tweets I posted: To check out the rest of my tweets and/or follow me, go here:

Unpopular Opinion Time: Defending Scarlett Johansson

When I saw the name Scarlett Johansson trending on Twitter the other day, I knew it couldn't be good. She was being taken down by the cyber-mob due to something she said in a recent interview with artist David Salle of As If  magazine. Here's the back-and-forth which got her into trouble. Salle: "Are we seeing an acting trend today?" Johansson: "Hmm... We live in such a weird time that is sort of identity-less in a lot of ways. I don't know if there's a trend in performance, but there's certainly trends in casting right now. Today there's a lot of emphasis and conversation about what acting is and who we want to see represent ourselves on screen. The question now is, what is acting any way?" Salle: "Right. Who gets to play what roles..." Johansson: "You know, as an actor I should be allowed to play any person, or any tree, or any animal because that is my job and the requirements of my job." Salle: "Yes. Mus...

The fireworks have officially gone dead on Independence Day

Time with friends and family, barbecues, music, and blowing sh*t up. What wasn't there to like about the 4th of July growing up? I especially liked lighting the fireworks in the street and then walking back, feeling all cool, like I had just done something profound. As I entered middle school, high school, and college, I became increasingly more likely to watch free fireworks shows, let other people do the lighting, and actually take into account what the holiday represented. I mean, honestly, when we were kids, how often did we actually associate the 4th of July with this country's independence? That brings me to this year's celebration, if you want to call it that. While "President" Trump was able to hold a waste-of-bigly-money parade and prove he didn't know history during his speech, I, like a lot of Americans, I think, felt an unseeming sadness when all the fireworks were going off. The holiday is supposed to celebrate our independence, our freedom, wh...

Coming soon: My new podcast, "I Feel Snitty with Craig Rozniecki"

Noticed I've been lagging a bit with my blog output in recent weeks and months? It's because I've been hard at work on other things, including a new podcast which I'm very excited about. A debut date has yet to be announced, but don't be surprised if I record the opening episode in the next week and it becomes available to hear soon thereafter. It's called I Feel Snitty with Craig Rozniecki  and looks a little something like this: I'll be certain to keep all of my readers regularly updated. Stay tuned...

Mentioned on three more sites, including Slate!

Due to some tweets of mine, I got mentioned on the following sites, including Slate : If you're curious to see my other tweets and/or follow me, you may do so at this link:

Twitter trending-hashtag posts (6/12 - 7/11)

I've had some fun with Twitter trending hashtags over the past month. Here are my posts, ordered from the most to the least popular (all my tweets can be seen here - ): 1) MAGAts: "We need to: - #DumpStarbucks - Dump Nike - Dump NFL - Dump Common Sense - Dump Kellogg's - Dump Hamilton - Dump Facts - Dump Logic - Dump Morals - Dump Safety - Dump Freedom - Dump History - Dump Math - Dump Equality - Dump Science - Dump Target - Dump Everything" 2,339 Likes, 587 Retweets 2) "Dearest Martha, I'm afraid I'm going to be a while. I'm at LaGuardia. We're currently in a 122-year delay due to invention problems. Till death do us part, G-Money" #RevolutionaryWarAirports 2,180 Likes, 451 Retweets 3) Dear MAGAts: I'll #DumpStarbucks if you #DumpTrump. Do we have a deal? 769 Likes, 129 Retweets 4) Trump: "A lot of people don't know this, but the Gettysburg Address is actual...