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Twitter trending-hashtags (11/20 - 1/15)

I've had some fun with trending hashtags on Twitter over the past couple months. Here are my posts, ordered from the most to the least popular (all my tweets can be viewed here -

1) No matter the end result, Democrats need to impeach Donald Trump - if for no other reason, to get every single Representative's/Senator's vote on the record. Once the full story is known, the country will see who stood up for America & who betrayed it.
#CapitolRiot #ImpeachTrump
2,886 Likes, 785 Retweets

2) This "Biden Cheated" hashtag cracks me up. According to Trump Republicans, Joe Biden is a senile old man, who's so worthless, he wasn't able to accomplish anything during his 47 years in office, yet has successfully, by himself, rigged a US presidential election.
1,423 Likes, 221 Retweets

3) Trumpers: "#WeAreTrump!"

No, you're not. Know how I know this? You're protesting Twitter on Twitter and he no longer has a Twitter account. Aw, too soon? Here, have a tissue.
#TraitorTrump #ByeDon
1,269 Likes, 150 Retweets

4) Newsflash: the NRA isn't the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment was written well before the NRA was founded. The Second Amendment would survive just fine without the NRA. Stop lying. When Republicans lie, people die.
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump …
556 Likes, 156 Retweets

5) "Irregardless" of what Josh Hawley said tonight, he's a POS and should resign.
#Traitor #ElectoralCollege
520 Likes, 85 Retweets

6) BREAKING NEWS: "Hackers got into Parler with the password 'NeverGettingLaid'"
#ParlerHacked #Snark
530 Likes, 73 Retweets

7) Dear GOP:

So, was it all worth it? Selling your souls for power, only to place your own lives, and those of your friends and colleagues, in jeopardy? Shame on you!
#TraitorTrump #GOPBetrayedAmerica
452 Likes, 140 Retweets

8) Over 50 million Americans believe the BS you and Trump spew. Over 50 million Americans are stupid.
#Elections2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
470 Likes, 81 Retweets

9) Event: An unarmed black man walks away from police.
Result: He gets shot 7 times in the back.

Event: Thousands of white men breach and vandalize the US Capitol.
Result: Cops ask if they need a camera.
#WhitePrivilege #BlackLivesMatter
379 Likes, 170 Retweets

10) BREAKING NEWS: "Melissa Carone edged out this man to become Donald Trump's star witness"
#Election2020 #Snark
407 Likes, 75 Retweets

11) Did you find evidence of widespread voter fraud?

Trumpers: "No, but we did stay at a Hyatt Regency Express last night."
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump
406 Likes, 58 Retweets

12) GOPers act like, "Hey, Trump's only going to be in office for a few more days, so what's the big deal? Let's allow him to finish out his term."

Well, if it's no big deal, why not impeach him, just in case?
#Capitol #ImpeachandRemove
348 Likes, 93 Retweets

13) This new Antifa conspiracy pushed by right-wingers has to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Yeah, people who despise Donald Trump stormed the US Capitol to try and undermine democracy, in order to keep Trump in power. F*cking idiots.
344 Likes, 82 Retweets

14) Dear Trumpanzees:

1) 270 electoral votes are need to win the presidential election.
2) Biden earned 306 electoral votes.
3) Georgia is worth 16 electoral votes.
4) If Biden lost Georgia, he'd thereby have 290 electoral votes.
5) 290 is greater than 270.
#SuitcaseGate #Math
358 Likes, 61 Retweets

15) What about the children in cages, separated from their families? #BeBest, my a$$... …
352 Likes, 66 Retweets

16) If this #MichiganHearing is as good as the "Arizona Hearing," it'll make the "Georgia Hearing" look like the "Pennsylvania Hearing," which was nothing compared to the "Wisconsin Hearing!"
315 Likes, 73 Retweets

17) The award for Douche of the Year goes to...

Envelope please?

Who else? Matt Gaetz! Congratulations!
#ImpeachandRemove #Impeach
310 Likes, 54 Retweets

18) Congratulations to Donald Trump, who just lost his 50th election lawsuit, and as everyone knows, with 50 election lawsuit losses, you get a free 🖕.
#Election #ConcedeNowTrump
305 Likes, 54 Retweets

19) Since Biden is winning so many states two and three times, respectively, I think he should be able to clinch the 2024 election by Wednesday.
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump #Snark
305 Likes, 46 Retweets

20) Trumpers: "#1984IsHere!"

...and how many of you have actually read it? No, it's not a book of lyrics to the Van Halen album.  
299 Likes, 41 Retweets

21) "Trump supporter and Fox News star Geraldo Rivera said the president is acting like an 'entitled frat boy' since losing the election"

Correction: Donald Trump has always acted like an entitled frat boy. …
#Election2020 #Concede
289 Likes, 40 Retweets

22) Texas AG Ken Paxton has inspired me. I've decided to sue: AK, ID, MT, UT, ND, SD, most of NE, part of ME, KS, OK, TX, LA, MO, IA, IN, KY, TN, WV, NC, AL, OH, FL, MS, AR, WY, and SC for being stupid.
#Election #ConcedeNowTrump
258 Likes, 46 Retweets

23) Hmm, apparently 6 pm curfews only apply to people without the skin tone of Casper.
#WhitePrivilege #BlackLivesMatter
229 Likes, 54 Retweets

24) Gym Jordan: "Democrats want to cancel the president."

Psst, the voters already did that.
#Impeach #ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW
222 Likes, 44 Retweets

25) #WaitLetMeGetThisStraight

So, you're "anti-life" if you support abortion rights, but "pro-life" if you are:

- pro-death penalty
- anti-universal healthcare
- anti-gun laws
- anti-masks during a pandemic
- anti-minimum wage increases
- anti-equal pay for equal work
205 Likes, 60 Retweets

26) I haven't lost followers in recent days. So, I'd like to thank my followers for not being traitorous thugs, intent on spreading lies/inciting violence, and getting removed from the platform as a result. In other words, thank you for not being domestic terrorists.
#Twitter #ByeDon
228 Likes, 20 Retweets

27) Remember that time thousands of unarmed black men took over the U.S. Capitol? Yeah, me neither...
#WhitePrivilege #TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump
204 Likes, 41 Retweets

28) Clinton gets a blowjob
GOPers: "Impeach him!"

Trump incites people to commit domestic terrorism at the US Capitol, with the intent being to end American democracy
GOPers: "Let's allow him to finish his term."
#Capitol #ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW
165 Likes, 77 Retweets

29) For anyone defending the actions from yesterday, you are supporting terrorism. You are a traitor. Period.
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump #CapitolRiots
182 Likes, 58 Retweets

30) Really?

Democrats: "OMG! We can't believe Trump won!"

Republicans: "Biden didn't win. Let's dismiss the Constitution and overturn the election."

Yeah, that's exactly the same thing... 🙄 …
#Election2020 #ConcedeTrump
184 Likes, 48 Retweets

31) Democrats: "$600 isn't enough! We need to give people more money in the bill!"
Republicans: "That's the stupidest idea we ever heard!"

Trump: "$600 isn't enough! We need to give people more money in the bill!"
Republicans: "Genius! Simply genius! Bravo!"
#StimulusCheck #Snark
185 Likes, 44 Retweets

32) There's a global pandemic, an explosion in Nashville, a stimulus bill awaiting his signature, and what does Donald Trump decide to do? As George Carlin once put it, he decided to "hit a ball with a crooked stick, find it, and hit it again."
180 Likes, 48 Retweets

33) McCarthy: "Did Donald Trump do everything wrong? Yes. Did Donald Trump incite violence? Yes. Were all our lives put in danger because of Donald Trump? Yes. Could we all have died because of Donald Trump? Yes. But should Donald Trump be impeached? No."
#Impeach #Snark
167 Likes, 60 Retweets

34) As I see white people still roaming about...

Headline: "Curfew until 6 am"

Oh, yeah? When's it start?
#WhitePrivilege #BlackLivesMatter
173 Likes, 53 Retweets

35) GOP: "We only impeached two presidents before this one. Now we're going to impeach him twice? What's up with that?"

Maybe don't nominate a pathologically-lying, sexually-predatory con-man next time.
#Impeach #ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW
191 Likes, 35 Retweets

36) Gohmert: "You're using impeachment as a weapon!"

Yeah, tell that to the 6 who died last week.
#ImpeachandRemove #ImpeachTrumpNow
181 Likes, 43 Retweets

37) WTF kind of video was that from Trump? In my opinion, it just made matters worse. He basically said, "This is a nation of law & order. The nation's law & order was destroyed by a stolen election. So, go home, and ignore law & order for the cause of law and order."
#Traitor #Snark
190 Likes, 33 Retweets

38) Impeach and arrest Trump now!
175 Likes, 47 Retweets

39) Trumpers: So stupidly anti-mask, they won't even wear one to help conceal their identities when attacking the U.S. Capitol.
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump #CapitolRiots
196 Likes, 25 Retweets

40) Translation: Marco Rubio now supports negotiating with terrorists.
#CapitolRiot #ByeDon …
153 Likes, 53 Retweets

41) "Arizona Republican Party Now Calling on Voters to Fight and Die For Trump's Election War"

Eh, FBI, if you're listening...  
#Election2020 #Concede
139 Likes, 60 Retweets

42) Wait, so you're admitting the more that people vote, the more difficult it is for Republicans to win? Are you really that intimidated by democracy?
#Election2020 #concede …
163 Likes, 45 Retweets

43) Dear Trumpers:

Use any kind of twisted logic you'd like to defend yesterday's horrific events. Your actions have been compared to the War of 1812, Nazis, and 9/11. Donald Trump is a terrorist, and if you support him, you advocate terrorism.
165 Likes, 43 Retweets

44) Jonathan Turley is something else. He's contending it'd damage the Constitution to impeach a man who attempted to destroy the Constitution.
#CapitolRiot #ByeDon …
157 Likes, 39 Retweets

45) So, some people are upset at a Democrat for referring to Congressional Republicans as "f*ckers." I'll make you a deal. Stop trying to undermine democracy and we'll stop referring to you as "f*ckers."
#election #ConcedeNowTrump
162 Likes, 30 Retweets

46) BREAKING NEWS: "Trump will now have to resort to Parler, but can't find it, as he keeps spelling it 'Parlur'"
#TraitorTrump #ByeDon
172 Likes, 19 Retweets

47) #WaitLetMeGetThisStraight

Joe Biden isn't "all there" mentally and hasn't done anything for 47 years while in government, yet he has the capability to rig a presidential election?
171 Likes, 19 Retweets

48) #WaitLetMeGetThisStraight

When an armed white guy crosses state lines and kills two people, he was in the right, but when an unarmed black man gets shot and killed by the police while walking away from them, he was in the wrong?
148 Likes, 40 Retweets

49) It's truly insane what's happening at the Capitol right now. Donald Trump should be arrested for inciting this right now!
#TraitorTrump #CriminalTrump
146 Likes, 39 Retweets

50) #WaitLetMeGetThisStraight

So, the mask-wearing mandate, to save lives, is the end of our freedom, but the GOP's attempt to do the following isn't?

- eliminate votes
- overturn an election
- silence media
- strip healthcare
- end marriage equality
- build walls
- ban Muslims
138 Likes, 46 Retweets

51) He didn't administer anything. He did, however, allow 300,000+ to die on his watch.
#COVID19 …
152 Likes, 32 Retweets

52) From this point forward, whenever someone asks me the question, "What would Jesus do?," I'm just going to respond, "Not what Joel Osteen would do..."
160 Likes, 21 Retweets

53) It tickles me every time I see someone post on social media that free speech is dead because of social media.
#TwitterBansTrump #ByeDon
168 Likes, 13 Retweets

54) The Republican Party just gave a standing ovation for trying to end democracy. That says it all right there.
#TraitorTrump #GOPBetrayedAmerica
126 Likes, 54 Retweets

55) You idiot. This has nothing to do with the so called "War on Christmas" and everything to do with the fact you and your cronies couldn't contain a virus by the time Christmas rolled around on the calendar.
146 Likes, 33 Retweets

56) If Donald Trump shot someone on 5th Avenue...
GOP: "We all need to stop shooting people. This goes for everyone, on both sides. Both sides. But what point would there be to imprisoning Trump? He's over 70 years old and isn't in great shape."
#ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW #Impeach
134 Likes, 44 Retweets

57) Pardon a "man" who's attempting to destroy the country and turn our republic into a dictatorship? Would you pardon Hitler? I don't f*cking think so!
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
148 Likes, 29 Retweets

58) GOP: "Impeaching and removing Trump could lead to more violence."

Not impeaching and removing him could lead to the death of the republic.
#ImpeachTrumpNow #ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW
133 Likes, 42 Retweets

59) More people died at the Donald Trump Capitol Hill terrorist attack than at the one in Benghazi. It's time to hold some hearings, Republicans...
#CapitolRiots #CapitolHill
133 Likes, 40 Retweets

60) Not long after the election, I told a buddy of mine I was relieved by the results, saying, "If Trump won a 2nd term, there would be no semblance of democracy left in this country." He said, "That's a bit extreme." Alas, as current events show, I wasn't extreme enough.
145 Likes, 28 Retweets

61) Do not be surprised if we learn in the days ahead that Brit Hume is actually a leftist extremist working at Fox News. Yeah, see how stupid that sounds? Brit probably doesn't, but still...
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump …
147 Likes, 23 Retweets

62) "Senator says $1,200 checks would be 'mortgaging our children's future'"

Now there's a face even Gandhi would punch... …
114 Likes, 54 Retweets

63) "Reuters photographer says pro-Trump rioters wanted to hang Pence"

Yeah, but the BLM protests... 🙄 …
#CapitolRiots #ByeDon
115 Likes, 53 Retweets

64) Apparently, according to Trumpers, while it's anti-American to kneel during the anthem, it's perfectly fine to beat the crap out of police with the flag. …
#CapitolRiots #Traitors
114 Likes, 53 Retweets

65) Would all the doctors out there please raise their hands? Oh, I see your hand isn't raised, Mr. Rubio. So yeah, you can STFU. Thanks.
#COVIDー19 …
145 Likes, 22 Retweets

66) Whoever made this needs to give a speech at the White House, with the picture included, of course.
111 Likes, 53 Retweets

67) My guess is it'll be titled "Becoming."
#MichelleObama …
154 Likes, 9 Retweets

68) The Trump GOP:
- tries suppressing the vote of millions
- sues to strip their vote
- attempts to overturn an election
- calls for a doctor and an election security chief to be executed
- wants to declare martial law

Oh, but they stand for the anthem, so all is good. 🙄
122 Likes, 39 Retweets

69) What do Trumpers tell their kids?
- "Oh, honey, you can do anything you set your mind to. If someone says you're wrong, just say you're right. Always lie. If you don't get what you want, commit crimes or pay others to commit them for you. Oh, and love Jesus."
132 Likes, 28 Retweets

70) "FBI: No evidence antifa involved in Capitol riot"

Of course not. …
#CapitolRiots #TraitorTrump
109 Likes, 50 Retweets

71) "Rush Limbaugh: 'There cannot be a peaceful coexistence' between liberals and conservatives"

Translation: "There cannot be a peaceful coexistence between those who live in reality and those who live in never-never land." …
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump
132 Likes, 27 Retweets

72) Yeah, when even Pat Robertson says you're nuts, you're f*cking nuts!
#election #ConcedeTrump …
125 Likes, 31 Retweets

73) I tell you what, if the GOP worked half as hard at tackling #COVID19 as they are at overturning the election, it would have gone extinct by Valentine's Day and forever been called the Dodo Disease.
126 Likes, 29 Retweets

74) Dear GOP:

You created this madness. Help to f*cking stop it!
127 Likes, 28 Retweets

75) Because of COVID. Without COVID and irresponsible "leaders" being nonchalant about said virus, there would have been no need to close churches. In other words, you - Gym Jordan - are partially responsible for the closing of churches.
#COVID19 …
125 Likes, 29 Retweets

76) I tell you what, if Donald Trump worked half as hard at preventing the spread of COVID as he has trying to tweet these past 4 hours, a majority of this country would still think a "mask" was just a Jim Carrey movie.
#TraitorTrump #ByeDon
133 Likes, 21 Retweets

77) For the safety of Joe Biden and his administration, I highly recommend that they allow the White House to quarantine for 14 days immediately after Donald Trump and his cronies exit the premises.
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump #COVID19
137 Likes, 16 Retweets

78) "100 House Republicans sign brief backing Texas lawsuit challenging election results"

Or to put it another way, "Over 100 House Republicans betray our Founders; tear our flag; spit on our veterans; and burn our Constitution." …
#election  #ConcedeNowTrump
103 Likes, 49 Retweets

79) Dear GOP:

Enough with the bothsiderism bullsh*t.

Our side protested unarmed black people getting shot & killed by police.

Your side attacked the US Capitol, trying to kill American democracy.

That's not apples-to-apples; that's apples-to-Whoppers.

109 Likes, 43 Retweets

White guests: "The police at the Capitol are good people. They did everything they could. They handled things perfectly."

Black guests: "WTF?!? Those protesters are only cuff-free & alive because they're white! If they were black? Uh uh!"
#WhitePrivilege #BlackLivesMatter
125 Likes, 26 Retweets

81) Amazing. Just imagine if these protesters were unarmed black men...
#TraitorTrump #GOPBetrayedAmerica
111 Likes, 37 Retweets

82) Don, Jr. coked up at a Motel 6. I guess the Four Seasons Total Landscaping was booked up.
#election #ConcedeNowTrump …
122 Likes, 25 Retweets

83) Yes, people who hate Trump decided it'd be wise to buy Trump merchandise; wear/wave it; and attack the US Capitol to try and reverse the election results, so that the man they hate - Donald Trump - would still be president. 🙄
#TraitorTrump #CapitolRiots …
126 Likes, 19 Retweets

84) Well, the US population in 2010 was approximately 309 million, whereas, in 2020, it's about 333 million. Between that and the country hating your father as much as we do, yes, it's "bigly" believable.
#Election2020 #ConcedeAlready …
115 Likes, 29 Retweets

85) Trump: "We're going to win so much, you're going to be so sick and tired of winning."

After taking GA for the 92nd time, WI for the 53rd, AZ for the 45th, PA for 22nd, & MI for the 17th, it seems Trump was talking about Biden, & you know what? I'm not sick of it.
128 Likes, 16 Retweets

86) I see Michele Bachmann is trending for asking God to allow Satan to lead the country for a second term. Well, isn't that special?
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump
132 Likes, 12 Retweets

87) Craziest thing you'll hear today (maybe ever): Mitch McConnell is actually making sense...
136 Likes, 7 Retweets

88) "Rep. Jordan on potential Trump impeachment: ‘I do not see how that unifies the country’"

Oh, you mean removing the traitor "president" who tried ending American democracy? Yeah, I think that could be pretty unifying. …
#ImpeachandRemove #CapitolRiot
115 Likes, 27 Retweets

89) "Trump Supporters in Georgia Ask RNC Chair Why They Should Vote in Runoffs When System Is 'Rigged'"

Don't vote and see what happens. Thank you. …
#Election2020 #ConcedeTrump
126 Likes, 15 Retweets

90) Oh, how I love Trumpers' logic. So, let me get this straight. #COVID is a hoax, yet Trump was the supposed mastermind behind a necessary vaccine for said virus. Oh, and he agreed to spending $18 billion on it, because you know, he's a genius businessman.
116 Likes, 23 Retweets

91) Dear Trumpers:

The only way Biden Cheated is if he traveled back in time to write laws and the Constitution.
#Election2020 #ConcedeNow
126 Likes, 13 Retweets

92) Osama bin Laden directed a terror attack on 9/11/01.
Donald Trump directed a terror attack on 1/6/21.
One of these attacks attempted to undermine American democracy. The other was 9/11.
#TraitorTrump #CapitolBuilding
99 Likes, 38 Retweets

93) Gym Jordan (talking): "They don't allow us, allow me to talk! I can't talk! I'm not talking now! I'm not talking! This sound you hear as I'm talking? That's not me. I can't talk, and that's all because of the Democrats. Okay, I'm done talking."
#ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW #Snark
103 Likes, 34 Retweets

94) Well, with Moderna and Pfizer declining on invites to the White House, this #VaccineSummit should be interesting. Who will show up? Probably just Mike Lindell, holding Lysol in one hand, Clorox in the other, while being fed anti-malaria drugs, with a flashlight stuck in his butt.
123 Likes, 13 Retweets

95) Darrell Issa is a traitor.
#IssaResign #TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump …
98 Likes, 37 Retweets

96) I appreciate that most GOP Senators are voting against the House objection, but some of their speeches prompt my WTF-face. They'll go from, "What happened today was an outrage!" to "We still wish Trump won the election!" Really? A guy who incited violence at the Capitol?
113 Likes, 22 Retweets

97) BREAKING NEWS: "Jim Jordan thinks arresting Nazis is part of 'cancel culture'"
#TwitterBansTrump #ByeDon …
102 Likes, 32 Retweets

98) Wow, there are a lot of Trumpers angry about the "Black National Anthem." Yeah, that sounds about white...
#election #ConcedeTrump
120 Likes, 14 Retweets

99) Mass shooting
GOP: "It's too soon to talk about it."

GOP: "Let's conduct some studies first."

Terror attack on the US Capitol
GOP: "Let's just hold hands and sing Kumbaya."
#ImpeachTrumpNow #Snark
100 Likes, 33 Retweets

100) It's truly amazing. Member after member from the GOP House is essentially suggesting that fighting against racism is the same thing as overturning the US government. To them, only White Terrorist Lives Matter.
#ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW #Impeach
100 Likes, 32 Retweets

101) "Florida Democrat files petition to disbar Gaetz"

This probably especially upset Gaetz, for he felt it meant he could no longer go to bars. …
108 Likes, 25 Retweets

102) "Conservative speech" isn't being canceled. Hate speech and alternative-reality speech, however, is. Once "conservatives" stop inciting hate, anger, and violence and start living in reality, their speech will again be accepted on social media.
#CapitolRiots #TrumpBanned …
107 Likes, 25 Retweets

103) Republicans say it's disrespectful to kneel during the anthem.

But they expect you to be okay with them burning the Constitution.

Americans are tired of the hypocrisy.
#COVID19 …
111 Likes, 21 Retweets

104) Dear Trumpers:

When just about every single person your dear leader has worked with either calls him a "f*cking moron" or winds up in jail (or both), that's not a good sign. Just sayin'.
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump #ImpeachandRemove
109 Likes, 21 Retweets

105) "Trump demands names of the congressional Republicans who said they recognize Biden as winner"

Seriously?!? What's he going to do, shoot them on 5th Avenue? …
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump
85 Likes, 44 Retweets

106) If you didn't lie to the public.
If you didn't discourage mask-wearing and social-distancing.
If you didn't ignore doctors and scientists.

We could travel to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Let Americans live and go f*ck yourself.
#COVID19 …
107 Likes, 22 Retweets

107) "Tommy Tuberville Suggests He Will Join Mo Brooks in Challenging Joe Biden's Electoral Win"

It's 5th and goal, down 7 million, with time having expired a month and a half ago, and Coach Tuberville is bravely going for it! …
#election #ConcedeNowTrump
93 Likes, 35 Retweets

108) On 9/11, after the Twin Towers are struck
Authorities: "Keep away from the area!"
Trumpers: "You can't tell us what to do! Freedom!" :: as they run inside what's left of the towers ::
107 Likes, 21 Retweets

109) "Kellyanne Conway condemns violence, supports Trump in statement on Capitol riots"

Ms. Alternative Fact also said, while she condemns a mass shooting, she fully supports the man who gave the shooter the gun, ammo, & told him to fire. …
#CapitolRiot #Snark
86 Likes, 41 Retweets

110) Given the fact the GOP still hasn't admitted the South lost the Civil War, they likely won't admit Trump lost the 2020 election until at least 2175.
#election #ConcedeNowTrump
99 Likes, 26 Retweets

111) #WaitLetMeGetThisStraight

So, when a presidential nominee "earns" 306 electoral votes in 2016, it constitutes as a landslide, but when a different presidential nominee wins 306 electoral votes in 2020, it's not? Why, because of inflation?
111 Likes, 12 Retweets

112) "Trump calls Bolton 'one of the dumbest people in Washington' after former aide weighs in on martial law report"

If this is true, Trump may want to edit one of his oft-used lines to, "I hire the dumbest people, believe me!" …
#Election2020 #TrumpTreason
92 Likes, 29 Retweets

113) Dear Trumpers:

If I sound condescending, it's b/c you worship a guy who smocks covfefe while eating hamberders in Nambia; thinks the anomamoose is the nat'l mammal of the United Shathes; and claims the state of the uniom is unpresidented b/c he brought peach to Earth.
105 Likes, 16 Retweets

114) Actually, it's not the media who ultimately declared that Joe Biden would be the next president. It was the voters. The media simply reported what the voters decided.
#Election #ConcedeNowTrump …
97 Likes, 23 Retweets

115) So, I guess when Trump yells "LAW AND ORDER!!!," what he's really saying is, "If you break the law for me, I will order you to be released from prison."
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump #MichaelFlynn
101 Likes, 19 Retweets

116) It's official: Donald Trump has been impeached again.
#ByeDon #SoMuchWinning
114 Likes, 6 Retweets

117) Well, it looks like Twitter is officially draining the swamp.
#TraitorTrump #ByeDon
108 Likes, 10 Retweets

118) BG=Black Guy, WG=White Guy
WG: "So, at what point would a cop shoot you?"
BG: "Playing with a toy gun, picking up a brush, driving, walking... You?"
WG: "Hmm..."
BG: "Attacking the US Capitol?"
WG: "Tried that one already. Nope."
BG: "So what then?"
WG: "Don't know yet."
88 Likes, 28 Retweets

119) I don't know. Wanna stay on Twitter? Don't incite domestic terrorism. Sounds simple enough.
#CapitolRiots #ByeDon …
100 Likes, 16 Retweets

120) I love how GOPers are screaming, "Don't let Dems cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas!" It's because of their nonchalance we're having to stay home for the holidays! It'd be like them shooting/killing someone on 5th Ave and then tweeting, "Don't let Dems cancel his b-day!"
96 Likes, 19 Retweets

121) - Trump's campaign wasn't spied on
- The Russia probe resulted in arrests
- Trump was impeached for trying to bribe an ally to rig an election
- 93% of protesters were peaceful, 7% were rioters/looters
- Votes are being counted
Details aren't really your thing, are they?
#Concede …
74 Likes, 40 Retweets

122) Domestic terrorist says what?
#CapitolRiot #TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump …
94 Likes, 20 Retweets

123) I see in your bio you refer to yourself as a "Constitutional Law Attorney," which I find to be humorous, for you're wanting to go against the Constitution, break the law, and will soon need an attorney.
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
100 Likes, 14 Retweets

124) The choice is simple: America or Donald Trump? You can't choose both, for if you support Donald Trump, you support the destruction of America.
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump #CapitolBuilding
85 Likes, 28 Retweets

125) Limbaugh: "I actually think we're trending toward secession."

Trump: "You know what that man deserves? A Medal of Freedom!"
#election #Snark
97 Likes, 15 Retweets

126) Giving Trump credit for allowing 300,000+ Americans to die is the best way for Biden to be honest with the country.
#COVID19 …
86 Likes, 25 Retweets

127) "Trump lost support in most counties where he held final rallies"

That's probably because people at his rallies died from COVID. …
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump
78 Likes, 32 Retweets

128) Burning of the flag
Trumpers: "Traitors! Arrest them!"

Burning down of the US Capitol
Trumpers: "Yeah! Patriots! Medals of Freedom!"
#CapitolRiots #TerroristTrump
81 Likes, 29 Retweets

129) Jackson: "The president has promised a peaceful transition!"

Yeah, things don't work like that. A guy can't go on a mass shooting spree, and when he's caught, say, "Hey, officer. Everything's cool. You can trust me. No worries. No prison. It's all good."
91 Likes, 19 Retweets

130) GOP: "This impeachment is just about revenge on the president."

Eh, no. We already got our revenge on election day, as we'll soon control the House, Senate, and White House.
#ImpeachTrump #ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW
83 Likes, 25 Retweets

131) The Bigliest Losers
94 Likes, 16 Retweets

132) In just a couple of months, we've gone from a Republican in the White House, a Republican Senate, and a Democratic House to a Democrat in the White House, a Democratic Senate, and a Democratic House. Goodbye 2020; hello 2021!
#Election #TraitorTrump
99 Likes, 11 Retweets

133)An unarmed black man gets killed by police
Trumpers: "He should've listened to the cops. He was askin' for it."

An unmasked person doesn't listen to authorities and dies via #COVID
Trumpers: "So unfair! Maskless Lives Matter!"
88 Likes, 21 Retweets

134) So, I take it you never watched Donald Trump in the presence of Vladimir Putin?
#election #ConcedeNowTrump …
96 Likes, 13 Retweets

135) GEICO: "Hacking Parler is so easy a caveman can do it."
#ParlerHacked #Snark
102 Likes, 7 Retweets

136) "Man accused of pretending to be dead mom to vote for Trump"

Hey Ghouliani; Gymbo; lil Donnie; Drumpf, Jr.; Butthead; and Crazy Uncle Tommy, here's your voter fraud! …
#Election2020 #ElectionIntegrity
77 Likes, 30 Retweets

137) GOP: "Come on! Unite with us! Let's unite! Show some unity! Unify! All that sh*t!"

Your side has been uniting to overthrow the government for some time now. We don't negotiate with terrorists, let alone unite with them.
#CapitolRiot #ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW
86 Likes, 21 Retweets

138) So, my father is looking through a kids' Christmas catalog with my son...
Dad: "Ooh, look here. That's a stuffed giraffe."
Son: "No, it's a llama."

Yup, my 2.5-year-old son just corrected my father. ...and so it begins.
103 Likes, 4 Retweets

139) Zeldin: "Why is it a Democrat can tweet at me that I'm paler than Casper the friendly ghost and that's okay, but whoa, a Republican terrorizes the US Capitol; tries ending democracy; and that's somehow wrong? Why is one right and the other wrong? Makes no sense!"
#Impeach #Snark
85 Likes, 21 Retweets

140) The way things are going, whenever Donald Trump walks or gets dragged out of the White House, John Cusack needs to stand on the front lawn and hold a boombox over his head, blaring Eric Carmen's "All By Myself."
#ImpeachTrump #ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW
89 Likes, 17 Retweets

141) For permitting the ultimate drug deterrent to take place at the Republican National Convention - giving a coked-up Kim Guilfoyle and Don, Jr. speaking slots.
94 Likes, 12 Retweets

142) #WaitLetMeGetThisStraight

It's wrong for people to immigrate to this country, yet it was fine for us to steal the land from Natives?
98 Likes, 8 Retweets

143) We're not scared. There's just no debate to be had. You could've debated the matter in court, but failed to provide any semblance of evidence, so like I said, there's nothing to debate. You lost. Sucks to be you.
#Election2020 #Happy2021 …
88 Likes, 17 Retweets

144) "More than 300,000 Trump supporters plan to join virtual ‘second inauguration’ event on 20 January"

So, 300,000 people plan on watching "Idiocracy" January 20th? Good to know. …
#election #ConcedeNowTrump
82 Likes, 22 Retweets

145) Since Trumpers live in an alternate reality, where there's alternate law, alternate facts, alternate press, alternate elections, and alternate electors, let's just make everyone happy and send them to an alternate country. I hear Russia is nice this time of year...
89 Likes, 15 Retweets

146) "MyPillow Guy Interrupts National Anthem On Live TV To Say God Wants 4 More Years Of Trump"

Yeah, but he's white, so it's patriotic... 🙄 …
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump
90 Likes, 14 Retweets

147) Yes, we're terrified of a domestic terrorist being president.
#ImpeachmentDay #ImpeachTrump …
87 Likes, 15 Retweets

148) "Parler reportedly removed posts by Trump affiliate Lin Wood calling for execution of VP Mike Pence"

They were allowed in the first place? ...and they wonder why they're going the way of the Dodo bird. …
#TwitterBansTrump #ByeDon
75 Likes, 26 Retweets

149) "Trump tweets from POTUS account after suspension. They got deleted."

Busted! …
76 Likes, 24 Retweets

150) No, he supports women's right to choose what to do with their bodies once they become pregnant. You support the killing of babies through: a lack of COVID regulations; lax gun laws; trickle-down economics; climate-change denial, etc.
#COVID #Elections2020 …
87 Likes, 13 Retweets

151) Okay, so I'd like to revise my earlier tweet. Mitch McConnell made sense for roughly a minute (which is a record for him), but then began going the blame-Democrats-for-everything route. Still crazy, but sometimes Mitches can't help but be Mitches.
#TraitorTrump #RestingMitchFace
83 Likes, 16 Retweets

152) "These Black Capitol Police Officers Describe Fighting Off 'Racist Ass Terrorists'''

Unbelievable. Everyone needs to read this. …
#CapitolRiots #TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump
60 Likes, 38 Retweets

153) For 4 years, most Congressional Republicans enabled and encouraged Donald Trump's incitement of anger, hatred, and violence. When that incitement hit a little too close to home today (literally), they now want to say, "Whoa, that's going too far." Yeah, nice try...
79 Likes, 19 Retweets

154) I'm sure the 17 million+ victims of the Holocaust would have gladly traded their horrific fates for having their social media accounts suspended.
#TwitterBansTrump #ByeDon …
73 Likes, 24 Retweets

155) Unfortunately, not everyone can move on, as people died - including a police officer. What happened to your "Blue Lives Matter" rhetoric? They were just empty words used to dismiss the value of black lives. To you, only White Terrorist Lives Matter.
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump …
76 Likes, 21 Retweets

156) Gohmert: "Yeah, I've got an objection! I've got a signature! Oh, I need two? Well, shucks!"
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump #Snark
87 Likes, 10 Retweets

157) Happy New Year! F-2020! Bring on Biden!
91 Likes, 5 Retweets

158) Democrats: "Let's accept the election results and move forward."

Republicans: "Let's dismiss the Constitution and overturn the election."

McConaughey: "Let's meet in the middle, y'all."

So, what, dismiss the Constitution and move forward? 🤨
#Election2020 #ConcedeTrump
81 Likes, 14 Retweets

159) Georgia is starting to look like that old coin bet, with Joe Biden saying, "Heads I win, tails you lose," and Trump keeps going with tails.
#Election2020 #Concede
85 Likes, 10 Retweets

160) #MassiveDumps and #DiaperDon trending? Just sounds like another Trump Sunday.
78 Likes, 15 Retweets

161) Okay, so according to Marco Rubio, we can only achieve "American greatness" by having leaders who:
- failed 3rd grade
- hand blank sheets of paper to job interviewers
- believe in "the wrong place at the right time"
- act like babies who are teething
#Election2020results #Concede …
80 Likes, 13 Retweets

162) Then
Trumpers: "Blue Lives Matter!" and "All Lives Matter!"

Trumpers: "F*ck the blue!"

Translation: "White Terrorist Lives Matter! F*ck All Other Lives!"
#CapitolRiots #Terrorism
67 Likes, 24 Retweets

163) Today, class, I'm going to talk to you about "false equivalence." Take this tweet, for example. Peacefully protesting the real problem of police brutality is not the same as terrorizing the US Capitol to end American democracy, based on debunked conspiracies.
#CapitalHill #ByeDon …
70 Likes, 21 Retweets

164) "'I have to wear a scarlet T now': Trump staffers whine that his riot has destroyed their reputations"

Rest assured, fellas, your reputations were destroyed long before that. …
#CapitolRiot #TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump
71 Likes, 20 Retweets

165) It's amazing to think Rudy Giuliani was nicknamed "America's Mayor" after 9/11. Given what happened today, his headline will now read, "America's Mayor incites violence on the US Capitol."
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump #Giuliani
76 Likes, 14 Retweets

166) You've got that reversed. The BLM protests were a largely peaceful attempt to speak out against police brutality. Yesterday's riot was an attempt end American democracy. If you support the latter, you're a traitor. End of story.
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump #CapitolRiots …
77 Likes, 13 Retweets

167) Republicans are making it abundantly clear they care more for being able to lie about COVID on social media than actually dealing with it.
#TwitterBansTrump #ByeDon
77 Likes, 13 Retweets

168) "Trumpist Lawyers Tell Georgia Republicans: Don’t Vote in the Senate Runoff!"

For the first and probably last time in my life, I say listen to the Trumpist lawyers! …
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump
72 Likes, 17 Retweets

169) "140 House Republicans to vote against Electoral College confirmation"

Translation: Nearly 3/4 of House Republicans say f*ck you to voters and democracy. …
#Election2020 #Concede
63 Likes, 25 Retweets

170) Trumpers: "Make America great again!"
Translation: "Bring America back to the pre-Civil War era!"

Trumpers: "Stop the steal!"
Yeah, tell that to the Natives (Native Americans)...
#ElectionIntegrity #TraitorTrump
76 Likes, 12 Retweets

171) "Trump shrugs off Pennsylvania lawsuit defeat by falsely claiming he won state ‘by a lot’"

What's more likely - that millions of people somehow conspired to "rig" an election or one person is lying his large orange a$$ off? …
#Election2020 #ConcedeTrump
72 Likes, 15 Retweets

172) Prompting people to add to their parental bucket lists, "Teach my kid(s) how to properly work an umbrella."
73 Likes, 14 Retweets

173) "Trump supporters file lawsuit asking Georgia to decertify election, declare Trump the winner"

Yeah, that's not how this works... …
#Elections2020 #ConcedeTrump
74 Likes, 13 Retweets

174) ...and now we bring to you a GOPer who believes his mask is a chin-strap.
#Impeach #ImpeachandRemove
74 Likes, 13 Retweets

175) "Trump Warns Republicans Who Didn't Back Election Fraud Claims: 'I Will NEVER FORGET!'"

There's a load of "covfefe" if I ever heard one! …
75 Likes, 12 Retweets

176) Biggs: "I'm going to speak with an American flag mask on - just to remind everyone that I'm voting against the impeachment of a man who incited people to beat up and kill police officers with an American flag-pole at the US Capitol last week. Back the blue!"
#Impeach #Snark
76 Likes, 11 Retweets

177) #WaitLetMeGetThisStraight

It's logical to think doctors don't know the first thing about medicine/science, and instead believe a "man" who thinks all the answers can be found in staring at the sun; shining lights up your butt; injecting Clorox; and listening to Mr. MyPillow?
77 Likes, 10 Retweets

178) It's been five weeks since Election Day and you're still claiming the election hasn't been decided yet.

#election #ConcedeNowTrump …
80 Likes, 7 Retweets

179) So, Douche Gaetz, tell me, what did our Founding Fathers think about Twitter?
#Twitter #ByeDon …
81 Likes, 5 Retweets

180) Calling for cops to be held accountable is not inciting a war on them. For you to equate personal responsibility with war illustrates just how far your party has fallen and why it's currently on the verge of extinction.
#Capitol #TerroristTrump …
69 Likes, 16 Retweets

181) So, by that logic, Trump always wears diapers? It trended, so it has to be true...
#Election2020 #ConcedeNow …
74 Likes, 11 Retweets

182) Joel McHale: "Army is definitely going to beat Air Force this week, but they better watch out when they play Space Force next week."

Can "GameDay" just make him the guest-picker every week?
80 Likes, 5 Retweets

183) "President Trump’s job approval rating plummets after mob attack at the Capitol"

My first thought: 1 in 3 people still support this terrorist? …
#Capitol #TerroristTrump
62 Likes, 22 Retweets

184) First off, her name was trending. Secondly, you'll have to ask Donald Trump about remorse. He's the reason she died.
#TraitorTrump #CapitolRiots …
73 Likes, 11 Retweets

185) Looky what I just saw! It's about damn time!
71 Likes, 12 Retweets

186) So says a guy worth an estimated $40 million... 🙄
#StimulusCheck …
66 Likes, 16 Retweets

187) 2020 was the year pandemic denialism went mainstream. The dangerous ideology, led by Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans, has resulted in over 340,000 Americans' deaths and counting. This terrifying trend threatens the future of every American.
#Election2020 …
66 Likes, 16 Retweets

188) Dear GOP:

So long as a president is still holding office, it's never too late to impeach him/her. It doesn't matter that Trump will soon be out of office. What matters is holding him accountable so that he is punished; it doesn't reoccur; and he can't run again.
66 Likes, 16 Retweets

189) Law and Out of Order
76 Likes, 6 Retweets

190) The swamp is continuing to get drained. Now it's Team Trump. Who's next?
#TraitorTrump #ByeDon
65 Likes, 16 Retweets

191) Okay, so one thing is for certain - House Republicans don't know what "double-standard" means.
#ImpeachTrump #ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW
65 Likes, 16 Retweets

192) That's it! For the 962nd and final time, Donald Trump has lost the 2020 election.
#ByeByeTrump #CapitolBuilding
75 Likes, 6 Retweets

193) Remember that time Abe Lincoln said this during his Gettysburg Address?

"Four minutes and seven seconds ago, I was suspended by the leftist Twitter mob, preventing my voice from ever being heard again."

Me neither.
#TwitterBannedTrump #ByeDon
71 Likes, 9 Retweets

194) The party that's offended by anyone kneeling during the anthem is wanting to force the VP to end "democracy." Today's GOP, ladies and gentlemen. …
#ElectoralCollege #Election
61 Likes, 18 Retweets

195) Seriously? You have the gall to post this right after a Trump lawyer said a former cybersecurity chief should be executed? Wow...
#Election2020results #Concede …
65 Likes, 14 Retweets

196) Cruz: "We repeatedly told supporters that the election was rigged even before a single vote was cast. All courts said there was zero evidence of widespread voter fraud. But still 39% believe it was rigged, because of our lies. So let's make them not lies."
#TraitorTed #Snark
65 Likes, 14 Retweets

197) 1) The people of Arizona voted for Joe Biden.
2) Arizona certified this fact.
3) So, either you're lying or don't know what "people" means. I suppose it could be both.
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
69 Likes, 10 Retweets

198) Do you not know? Have you not heard? Trump lost. The end.
#Election #ConcedeTrump …
69 Likes, 10 Retweets

199) Dear Lyin' Ted:

The courts already heard the "president's" arguments on a "rigged" election and said they were all bullsh*t. The end. Now STFU.
#TraitorTrump #GOPBetrayedAmerica
63 Likes, 15 Retweets

200) Buck: "Democrats act so righteous! So what if Trump is a white supremacist who inspired a bunch of Nazis to attack and kill us? Where were they when Robert DeNiro said he wanted to punch this Nazi leader in the face? It's the same thing!"
#Impeach #Snark
69 Likes, 9 Retweets

201) Everyone be quiet. Rep. Greene, wearing a mask which reads "censored," is speaking... 🙄
#ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW #Impeach
72 Likes, 6 Retweets

202) Ahem, you were saying?
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
74 Likes, 4 Retweets

203) Hey, dumba$$, here are the real numbers:

Biden: 81.3M (306 EVs)
Trump: 74.2M (232 EVs)
 Psst, 81.3M is greater than 74.2M and 306 is more than 232... …
#ElectoralCollege #ConcedeTrump
57 Likes, 20 Retweets

204) "Cruz offers to argue Pennsylvania election case before Supreme Court"

Translation: "Ted Cruz offers to read 'One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish' to the Supreme Court" …
#Election2020 #ConcedeTrump
67 Likes, 10 Retweets

205) "Karl Rove Tears Into Sidney Powell: Trump Is ‘So Ill-Served’ by Her ‘Antics’"

Pat Robertson, Geraldo, and now Karl Rove speaking sanely? I think that fulfills the final three signs. The apocalypse is near. …
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump
69 Likes, 8 Retweets

206) GOP: "It's unprecedented to impeach a president for inciting a terror attack on the US Capitol to end American democracy!"
#ImpeachTrumpNow #Snark
57 Likes, 19 Retweets

207) At the start of his term, Donald Trump said he was going to build a big, beautiful Southern-border wall, to keep out drug-dealers and rapists.

At the end of Donald Trump's term, we're needing a wall to be built around the Capitol, to keep out #MAGATerrorists.
59 Likes, 17 Retweets

208) Gym Jordan: "Republicans have consistently condemned violence, no matter what!"

Yeah, right, unless you're inciting it...
#ImpeachandRemove #ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW
59 Likes, 17 Retweets

209) Translation: Jeanine Pirro believes Hitler killed millions of white supremacists during the Holocaust.
#TwitterBannedTrump #ByeDon …
56 Likes, 19 Retweets

210) Trumpers: "Back the blue!"
Translation: "Back the blue into a wall with an American flag-pole!"

Trumpers: "Support the troops!"
Translation: "Support the troops, but not what they did nor what they fought for, because we want to undo all of that!"
#Traitors #CapitolRiot
63 Likes, 12 Retweets

211) Gym Jordan: "I'm now going to take Democrat quotes out of context, just to show you they're just as bad as the verbatim quotes they use with us. Context doesn't matter; words do!"
#ImpeachandRemove #Snark
55 Likes, 18 Retweets

212) GOP: "Sure, our fascists are bad, but not nearly as bad as your anti-fascists!"
#ImpeachandRemove #Impeach
65 Likes, 8 Retweets

213) John Catanzara is a f*cking idiot. …
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump #CapitolRiots
52 Likes, 20 Retweets

214) We will be, starting January 20th!
#Election2020results #ConcedeNowTrump …
64 Likes, 8 Retweets

215) This is actually funny. Think back to the 2016 campaign season and then fast-forward to now.

Trump: "There's no one I'd rather have state my case to the Supreme Court than the man whose wife is a dog and whose father killed JFK - Lyin' Ted." …
52 Likes, 19 Retweets

216) "Tucker Carlson mocks Jill Biden: She's a doctor 'in the same sense Dr. Pepper is'"

Privileged white guy says what? …
55 Likes, 15 Retweets

217) No, there's just mounting evidence that Donald Trump is a pathological liar; you're his sheep; and you're all being put out to pasture by voters.
#Election2020 #ConcedeAlready …
60 Likes, 10 Retweets

218) #WaitLetMeGetThisStraight

It's okay to be the antithesis of Jesus and his beliefs so long as you claim to believe in Jesus and his beliefs?
60 Likes, 10 Retweets

219) You're right. They look like Trump supporters.
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump #CapitolRiots …
62 Likes, 7 Retweets

220) Just think, if every failed lawsuit qualifies as a firing, Donald Trump has been fired over 50 times in the past month. Please excuse me. I must make a call.

:: calling Guinness World Records ::
#election #ConcedeNowTrump
63 Likes, 6 Retweets

221) We have. Reading comprehension just isn't your strong suit. Neither is listening, apparently.
#Capitol #TerroristTrump …
63 Likes, 6 Retweets

222) BREAKING NEWS: "'How to Hack Parler' has broken the Guinness World Record for shortest YouTube video"
#ParlerHack #Snark
62 Likes, 6 Retweets

223) The picture book, "1,001 Things To Do In Jail Before You Die"
64 Likes, 4 Retweets

224) "Trump: I wanted to file 'one big, beautiful lawsuit'"

This is part of the Trump process:
1) Say something is big and beautiful
2) Claim Mexicans will pay for it
3) Nothing results
4) Taxpayers get billed …
#Election2020results #ConcedeNowTrump
51 Likes, 16 Retweets

225) If you didn't pay attention to Russian interference in the 2016 election & the probe; Trump's attempted bribe of Ukraine & his impeachment; & his dictatoresque voter-suppression tactics in 2020, you chose to be willfully ignorant of the depth/breadth of corruption.
#Election2020 …
52 Likes, 15 Retweets

226) Whenever Trump tweeted, "LAW & ORDER!!!," I responded, "CRIMINAL MINDS!!!"

In light of today, the prosecution rests.
#Traitor #Capitol
55 Likes, 12 Retweets

227) I'm just waiting for the day a GOPer claims Donald Trump was sent by Democrats to destroy the Republican Party. I'll then respond, "Wait, so you worshiped a Democrat for 4 years?"
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump #CapitolBuilding
54 Likes, 12 Retweets

228) Dear GOP:

If Trump shoots someone on 5th Avenue on live television; walks up to the camera; and says, "I'm Donald Trump and I just shot and killed this guy," that's all the evidence you need.
#ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW #Impeach
55 Likes, 11 Retweets

229) Hoyer's doing a great job, but this has to be the longest minute in recorded history.
#impeachment #ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW
61 Likes, 5 Retweets

230) Apparently I've "liked" too many posts recently. Twitter has limited my "liking" and "following" capabilities for 3 days as a result. So, if I don't follow back or "like" a post, it's not you, it's me, and I actually mean that.
62 Likes, 4 Retweets

231) ...and the award for Tiniest Penis of the Year goes to... Envelope please? Joseph Epstein! Congratulations!
#DrBiden #JillBiden …
47 Likes, 18 Retweets

232) Amazing. More people died of #COVID19 in this country yesterday than died during the 9/11 attacks, and all this lame-duck "president" has done is throw "The Pet Goat" books at people, while saying, "Look over there!" and "He did it!"
53 Likes, 12 Retweets

233) "Who the f*ck is Gym Jordan?"
#Covid …
54 Likes, 11 Retweets

234) GOP: "We've done this before. Blah blah blah. Yada yada yada. Same old, same old. Bribing a foreign adversary is the same thing as inciting terrorism on the US Capitol. Whatever. When's recess?"
#ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW #Snark
54 Likes, 11 Retweets

235) This #SuitcaseGate is stupid on multiple levels - not least of which is the fact that even if Biden lost Georgia, he still would have won the election.
57 Likes, 8 Retweets

236) It's the strangest thing. Every year around this time, and only this time, I become psychic, for I magically seem to know "A Christmas Story" is playing on TBS.
63 Likes, 2 Retweets

237) Studies show over 9 in 10 said protesters were indeed peaceful. Not only that, we were fighting for a cause based on reality - police brutality and racism. About 9 in 10 at the Capitol last week were anything but peaceful. They were terrorists trying to end our republic.
#Capitol …
51 Likes, 13 Retweets

238) Wow, so apparently, according to the GOP, the following is true:
- Trump ended the Great Depression.
- He killed Hitler with orange spray-tan.
- He walked on water.
- He rose from the dead.
- He can fly, courtesy of his ears and hair.
- His middle name is Jesus.
51 Likes, 13 Retweets

239) Yes, shame, shame on those who "betrayed" a man who has betrayed the country for his entire term.

You're just a regular ol' Judas, aren't you?
#ImpeachTrump #ImpeachmentDay …
52 Likes, 12 Retweets

240) A virus which may have derived from bats infected Ghouliani? Call that the least surprising thing of 2020.
56 Likes, 8 Retweets

241) My dog accidentally stepped on my laptop. Through this, she apparently hacked into Parler.
#ParlerHacked #Snark
62 Likes, 2 Retweets

242) "The White House Paid Up to $500 Million Too Much for These Ventilators, Congressional Investigators Say"

The art of the deal, folks... …
37 Likes, 26 Retweets

243) Donald Trump is the Osama bin Laden of Oompa Loompas, for he'll do anything in his power to destroy democracy and he's f*cking orange.
#TraitorTrump #Trump
51 Likes, 12 Retweets

244) Well, since House GOPers' lives were put at risk by Donald Trump last Wednesday and they don't seem to care, I guess they don't think their lives matter. Apparently only Donald Trump's Life Matters. Traitors.
#Impeach #ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW
52 Likes, 11 Retweets

245) Headline: "Trump loses his 50th election lawsuit"

Since Biden won 25 states, I think this should mean the Democratic nominees should be guaranteed victories in the 2024 and 2028 elections.
#Election #ConcedeNowTrump
54 Likes, 9 Retweets

246) Robert Mueller - a Republican - and a bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee disagree.

Oh, and Hunter Biden wasn't running for office. Nice red herring, though...
#election #ConcedeNowTrump …
50 Likes, 12 Retweets

247) Several GOPers seem to think you can't breathe out of your nose, as their masks only cover their mouths.
#ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW #Impeach
51 Likes, 11 Retweets

248) BREAKING NEWS: "US laws apply to vikings too" %2Fstory%2Fnews%2Fnation%2F2021%2F01%2F09%2Fjake-angeli-qanon-man-fur-hat-horns-capitol-riot-arrested%2F6609039002%2F
#CapitolRiot #Traitor
53 Likes, 9 Retweets

249) "Corporations are people, my friend." - the most "moderate" Republican in the US Senate, Mitt Romney
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
56 Likes, 6 Retweets

250) Rep. Clay Higgins objects to the Constitution, democracy, and the United States. He's a traitor. Period.
#ElectionTwitter #TraitorTrump …
54 Likes, 7 Retweets

251) It's official: the GOP's healthcare plan is what they falsely accused Obamacare of being in the first place. Due to their constant lies about #COVID to the public; their seeming indifference to tackling the virus; & the insane spread as a result, death panels may now be a thing.
41 Likes, 19 Retweets

252) If you feel sorry for Lady G, please raise your hand. You in the back? Oh, you were just stretching? Gotcha.
#LadyG #CapitolRiots …
52 Likes, 8 Retweets

253) "Report: Of the hundreds of people invited to Mike Pompeo's indoor holiday party, a few dozen showed up"

Probably because the rest have #COVID from their last indoor party. …
53 Likes, 7 Retweets

254) In light of this gathering, I propose we change the name to Freedumb Plaza.
#ElectionIntegrity #TraitorTrump
54 Likes, 6 Retweets

255) Why not? His first 74 years were lived on lies. Why not live the rest of his years on another one?
#Election2020 …
56 Likes, 4 Retweets

256) "Georgia recount costs some counties hundreds of thousands of dollars"

Remember this when voting in the run-offs, Georgia voters. …
#Election2020 #ConcedeTrump
39 Likes, 20 Retweets

257) It's quite something that GOPers are trying to seriously compare a "Twitter mob," who typed unflattering words, to a literal mob that attempted to destroy the US Capitol; kill members of Congress; and end American democracy.
#ImpeachTrump #ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW
46 Likes, 13 Retweets

258) Uh, no. You know what's dangerous? Inciting violence, inciting a terrorist attack on the US Capitol, inciting domestic terrorists to end American democracy. Period.
#CapitolRiot #ByeDon …
47 Likes, 12 Retweets

259) "German Chancellor Angela Merkel says Twitter ban on President Trump ‘problematic’"

You know what's problematic? People dying because of "leaders" inciting violence on social media. Inciting domestic terrorism isn't free speech; it's a crime. …
48 Likes, 11 Retweets

260) He didn't say this. Either way, this is pretty rich coming from someone who worships a president that lied 20,000+ times in his 4 years in office and is fighting to overturn election results...
#Election2020results #ConcedeNowTrump …
50 Likes, 9 Retweets

261) Sadly, the reason 4+ people died yesterday was because social media platforms didn't pay close enough attention previously and continually allowed Trump to incite anger, hatred, and violence.
#TraitorTrump #CapitolRiots …
50 Likes, 9 Retweets

262) - the 2018 blue wave
- flipping Arizona and Georgia blue
- a Biden/Harris White House
54 Likes, 5 Retweets

263) "Former  CEO claims to have an army of ‘hackers and cyber sleuths’ that can prove Trump won reelection"

If there's one thing Trump is good at, it's prompting people to waste their time and money. …
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump
42 Likes, 16 Retweets

264) #WaitLetMeGetThisStraight

Saving the economy is of greater importance than saving lives, even though without lives, there would be no economy?
51 Likes, 7 Retweets

265) Jebus, I didn't realize some people were so passionate about "irregardless." Look, like #JoshHawley, you have every right to use a "term" which literally means "not without regard." If you use it non-sarcastically, though, I have every right to tease you about it, "bigly."
51 Likes, 7 Retweets

266) He was already crazy. You just refused to see his seemingly infinite "dysfunctions."
#ImpeachTrump #ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW …
50 Likes, 7 Retweets

267) "Rich people stay rich by living like they're broke. Broke people stay broke by living like they're rich."

Trumper: "Okay, I'll place $2.5M on the debunked conspiracy of widespread voter fraud."

If that's not living like you're broke, I don't know what is...
52 Likes, 5 Retweets

268) There is no debate. We saw all the evidence we needed on live television last week. Impeach and remove Trump now!
#CapitolRiot #ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW …
43 Likes, 13 Retweets

269) "America First" is a classic case of false advertising. At least be honest about your "movement" and call it what it is - The White Privileged Only America movement.
#ImpeachTrump #ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW …
43 Likes, 13 Retweets

270) So, Alby, what is the only thing smaller than a quark?

Einstein: "Oh, that's easy. It's #TrumpsMicroPenis."
46 Likes, 10 Retweets

271) I'll try building off this simile.

Once your opponent defeats you, it's pretty meaningless to continue standing on the field for weeks on end, as you chant that the game isn't over, and try calling the commissioner, asking him to make your extra points worth 20 a piece.
#Concede …
49 Likes, 7 Retweets

272) Yes, because the risks that come with traveling during a global pandemic are exactly the same as those that come with uttering two words to a person. The longer you and your ilk pretend #COVID19 isn't a big deal, the longer we're going to have to avoid travel. Capisce? …
50 Likes, 6 Retweets

50 Likes, 6 Retweets

274) Say what? You think Jenna should be convicted? Agreed.
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
53 Likes, 3 Retweets

275) If Congressional Republicans dealt with a mass shooting like they have with Trump inciting terrorism
Democrats: "Arrest him! Throw the book at him!"
Republicans: "No, no, no. That would just further divide the victims' families. We must let them heal."
42 Likes, 13 Retweets

276) #WaitLetMeGetThisStraight

It's mathematically more likely for millions of people to be lying about one man than for one man to be lying?
46 Likes, 9 Retweets

277) Translation:

"I have to say that I'm grateful to God that for the last 4 yrs He gave us a president who made it his goal to break each and every one of the Ten Commandments every single day."

Yeah, hallelujah; praise Jesus... 🙄
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
48 Likes, 7 Retweets

278) I wonder what people who are drinking tonight; aren't working tomorrow; and are planning on staying up for the remainder of this sh*tshow are thinking. My guess is, "F*ck it! One more! It's 5 am somewhere!"
51 Likes, 4 Retweets

279) He basically chanted the same thing for 4 years. Does this then mean he's saying he's not a conservative either?
#Capitol #TerroristTrump …
42 Likes, 12 Retweets

280) 1) Can VP Pence save the nation? No.
2) Will he? Refer back to question 1.
3) Does he possess courage? Ask his wife, Mother.
4) What's the 3rd Wednesday of this month? The 16th - you know, a full week ago.
5) Is this Trumpster an idiot? Aren't they all?
#Election2020 #PenceCard …
44 Likes, 10 Retweets

281) That's because it wasn't. Just ask Robert Mueller, the Senate Intelligence Committee, those spending time in jail over the matter, etc. No matter how hard you try, comparing reality to an alternative reality will never work. It'll always be false equivalence.
#election #Concede …
45 Likes, 9 Retweets

282) Of course he did. When wanting your case argued before the Supreme Court, who better to do that than the person you previously referred to as "Lyin' Ted"? …
#election #ConcedeTrump
47 Likes, 7 Retweets

283) "I think he's having a heart attack! Is there a doctor in the house?!?"

"I'm a doctor - Dr. Smith."

"What are you doing?!? His heart isn't down there!"

"Trust me; I'm a podiatrist, and I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!"
#DrBiden …
50 Likes, 4 Retweets

284) For being a role model to my son, in showing him the polar opposite of who he should strive to be.
51 Likes, 3 Retweets

285) COVID: Over 380,000 have died of it in this country. We don't want people to die.

Social Media: The incitement of violence leads to deaths. We don't want people to die.

See the trend? I guess if we're to take the term literally, Democrats are the ones who are pro-life.
#ByeDon …
40 Likes, 13 Retweets

286) Translation: "Republicans have an obligation to treat Gandhi the exact same way Democrats treated Ted Bundy."
#ImpeachedTwice #impeachment …
46 Likes, 7 Retweets

287) #PelosiLovesTrump? Really? If that's the game you want to play, she doesn't love Trump nearly as much as Trump loves Hillary and Obama. Just sayin'.
49 Likes, 4 Retweets

288) Go right ahead. You'll be laughed out of court just like you were regarding the election lawsuits.
#TwitterBannedTrump #ByeDon …
43 Likes, 9 Retweets

289) Um, the public has no confidence in "president Trump." That's why we voted him out.
#ElectionResults2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
44 Likes, 8 Retweets

290) "Pa. State Rep. Aaron Bernstine Says It’s Wrong To Blame Pres. Donald Trump For U.S Capitol Riot"

In other news, Rep. Bernstine also believes Charles Manson was never at fault for any of his crimes... …
#CapitolRiots #Snark
38 Likes, 13 Retweets

291) To Trumpers, apparently the Holocaust started when Hitler said, "When the Jews tweet, we must delete!" 🙄
#Twitter #ByeDon
40 Likes, 11 Retweets

292) Oh, you mean the voters? 🙄
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
45 Likes, 6 Retweets

293) "My psychiatrist told me I was crazy and I said I want a second opinion. He said okay, you're ugly too." - Rodney Dangerfield

If Donald Trump were the patient, it'd make perfect sense.
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
46 Likes, 5 Retweets

294) ...and here comes a GOPer talking about the "peaceful protests" from last week. Can we just place all of these people in a loony bin please? Now? Jebus...
#ImpeachTrump #ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW
46 Likes, 5 Retweets

295) Releasing the crackheads, I mean Kraken... #ThingsWeShouldThankTrumpFor
49 Likes, 2 Retweets

296) Okay, so Chuck Norris wasn't at the #CapitolRiot (it was a lookalike), but he is a MAGAt. Apparently, Chuck Norris doesn't kill terrorists; he votes for them.
46 Likes, 4 Retweets

297) Morgan Wallen's first song tonight: something about Southern Comfort

Morgan Wallen's second song tonight: something about beer

If he were to play a third song, my guess is it'd be about thermodynamics. Just kidding. It'd probably be called "Last Call Jagerbombs."
49 Likes, 1 Retweet

298) "States tell Supreme Court they support Texas bid to reverse Biden win"

...and 81.3M+ voters say otherwise. …
#election #ConcedeNowTrump
39 Likes, 10 Retweets

299) Every time a GOPer mentions Abraham Lincoln...
Lincoln: "Oh, go f*ck a stovepipe hat!"
#ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW #Snark
43 Likes, 6 Retweets

300) ...and why did government close schools? #COVID19. It's not like the government one day got together and said, "You know what would be a great idea and one all the kids and parents would love? Close schools for absolutely no reason whatsoever! Winning!" …
44 Likes, 5 Retweets

301) "Trump: Speech before Capitol riot was 'totally appropriate'"

In other words, Donald Trump - the "president" of the United States - believes that inciting domestic terrorism on the US Capitol is totally appropriate. …
#Capitol #ImpeachTrump
34 Likes, 14 Retweets

302) "Franklin Graham Says Trump 'Will Go Down in History As One of the Great Presidents'"

What are things Jesus would never say? …
#election #Jeopardy
36 Likes, 12 Retweets

303) Not if you died from #COVID19. …
42 Likes, 6 Retweets

304) Some of these right-wing #Nashville conspiracies are nuts. Here is my predicted next such theory:

"Nashville sounds a lot like Nazareth, & on Jesus' birthday? Makes you wonder. Also, the hockey team there is the Predators. Sex-trafficking Democrat leaders did this to attack JC!"
43 Likes, 5 Retweets

305) Trump suppression is like a really bad movie:
- He tweets the wrong spoiler
- Destroys the director's camera
- Poisons a lead actor
- After the film airs, he again tweets the wrong spoiler
- Sues the film on this "spoiler" being stupid
- Tries to ban the film for it
38 Likes, 9 Retweets

306) Todd: "Governor Whitmer, I've been thinking about you a lot these past 24 hours..."

Thanks for sharing, Chuck. I noticed she didn't reciprocate the utterance. Can't say I blame her.
#MSNBC #CapitolRiots
43 Likes, 4 Retweets

307) "Stop the count!""
"Keep counting!"
"Why are they still counting?!?"
"Count all legal votes!"

You guys really need a course in Sticking to Your Message 101. Just sayin'.
#Election2020results #ConcedeNowTrump …
45 Likes, 2 Retweets

308) Well, since Giuliani contracted #COVID19, I think we can now say with absolute certainly what the ultimate cause of this virus is - lying about having your hands down your pants.
45 Likes, 2 Retweets

309) Let's see here... It's December 1st. The election was held on November 3rd. Yeah, I think the election is over...
#Election2020 #ConcedeTrump …
46 Likes, 1 Retweet

310) Okay, so 4 things:
1) Trump doesn't know what "free speech" is.
2) He doesn't know what the 25th Amendment is.
3) He's apparently been talking to fake genies.
4) Holocaust-survivors may have something to say about all of this...
#TwitterBansTrump #ByeDon …
36 Likes, 10 Retweets

311) Yeah, tell that to the 350,000+ who have died due to #COVID19. …
38 Likes, 8 Retweets

312) "Trump gives Medal of Freedom to Jim Jordan who voted against accepting election results after deadly riot"

They really need to change the name to Medal of Freedumb. …
#CapitolRiot #ImpeachTrumpNow
40 Likes, 6 Retweets

313) "Some Democrats in Congress are worried their colleagues might kill them"

Example #94,576,142,883,902 that the GOP is not pro-life. …
#CapitolRiot #MAGATerrorists
33 Likes, 12 Retweets

314) Yeah, warrior...
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
37 Likes, 8 Retweets

315) Eliminating men's fears of dancing in public
38 Likes, 7 Retweets

316) Since the GOP thinks #NewNevada & #NewCalifornia are a thing, here are their other 48 states:
- Alaska Question
- Hawaii-i-e-i-o
- Washington Dryer
- Oregon Fishin' Catch Ya Later
- Idaho Yeah You Da Ho
- Joe Hannah Montana
- Tex-Mexico
- Texass
- If You Think You Can You Kansas
39 Likes, 6 Retweets

317) Headline: "Twitter Thwarts Tyrant-Tweet-Twit Trump" …
37 Likes, 7 Retweets

318) Unlikely events, ranked from "bigly" unlikely to most unlikely
5. Getting struck by lightning
4. Making Debbie Downer laugh
3. Winning the lottery
2. Hearing a mime do stand-up
1. Trump winning an election lawsuit
#Election #ConcedeNowTrump
38 Likes, 6 Retweets

319) Simple: they were advised not to because of all you batsh*t crazy Trumpers being there with terror on your minds.
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump #CapitolRiots …
39 Likes, 5 Retweets

320) Mark Levin is the Alex Jones of Scott Baios.
#Election #COVID19 …
40 Likes, 4 Retweets

321) Trumpers
Rhetoric: "All Lives Matter!"
Reality: "White Terrorist Lives Matter!"
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump #CapitolBuilding
32 Likes, 11 Retweets

322) Zero evidence shouldn't be enough evidence for anybody, slick.
#ElectionResults2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
36 Likes, 7 Retweets

323) They won't need to. The wind will take care of that.
#TrumpRally #BorderWall …
36 Like, 7 Retweets

324) "Trump Jr: 'free speech is dead' and 'controlled by leftist overlord'"

"Free speech is dead, because of social media!," Donald Trump, Jr. claims, on Twitter... …
#TwitterBansTrump #ByeDon
37 Likes, 6 Retweets

325) By trying to strip millions of people of their votes? Yeah, about that word "free..."
#COVID19 #Election2020 …
38 Likes, 5 Retweets

326) Jordan: "After 70+ years of Trump inciting division, anger, hatred, and violence, he just tweeted that he's all about peace. I think we can trust that single tweet over his 70+ years of behavior which suggests the contrary."
#ImpeachTrump #Snark
38 Likes, 5 Retweets

327) From this point forward, the saying will be, "There's simple-minded and then there's Dan Crenshaw..."
#Election #ConcedeNowTrump …
40 Likes, 3 Retweets

328) Yes, because since the country is now the laughing stock of the world, that definitely means he's made America great again. 🙄
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
41 Likes, 2 Retweets

329) Well, you look like sh*t, but what else is new, right?
#COVID19 …
41 Likes, 2 Retweets

330) How is this different from his first 1,431 days of destruction? …
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump
31 Likes, 11 Retweets

331) "‘He screwed the country’: Trump loyalty disintegrates"

He's been screwing the country for 4 years.  
#TraitorTrump #CapitolRiots
36 Likes, 6 Retweets

332) Let me guess, it's because he claims to have built a wall to keep New Mexicans from entering the country and voting... …
#election #ConcedeNowTrump
27 Likes, 14 Retweets

333) "Russia state media: Trump should seek asylum in Russia, avoid lawsuits"

Yeah, this is perfectly normal... …
#election #ConcedeTrump
29 Likes, 12 Retweets

334) Eh, currently the survival rate worldwide is 97%, as 1.715M have died, whereas 54.809M have survived. That doesn't take into account the fact many of those 54M+, while they may have technically survived #COVID19, will never fully recover from it. …
36 Likes, 5 Retweets

335) "Heavily Armed Far-Right Mob Floods Oregon Capitol"

The best people... …
27 Likes, 13 Retweets

336) The GOP hasn't taken COVID seriously and we're nearing 400k deaths as a result.

People before politics?

The GOP shrugged at Russian interference and Trump bribery.

People before politics?

The GOP incited violence at our Capitol.

People before politics?
#Traitors #Impeach …
30 Likes, 10 Retweets

337) Just like 5 + 5 in many ways is 155... 🙄 …
#Election2020 #ConcedeTrump
34 Likes, 6 Retweets

338) Trump: "Parler, if you're listening - I hope you're able to find the on/off switch on your computers. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by the Noble Prize and Medal of Freedom Communities. Let's see if that happens."
#ParlerHacked #Snark
36 Likes, 4 Retweets

339) Domestic terrorist Jenny Cudd.
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump #CapitolRiots …
29 Likes, 10 Retweets

340) "Trump calls into Pennsylvania hearing, rambles about voter fraud on speakerphone"

This was as much a legitimate hearing as Rudy Giuliani is a legitimate spokesperson for HairClub. …
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump
31 Likes, 8 Retweets

341) "US vaccinations lag behind expectations"

Apparently "Operation Warp Speed" is the rush-hour traffic of vaccinations. …
31 Likes, 8 Retweets

342) If you want to consistently use that standard, there would be no GOP members in Congress.
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
33 Likes, 6 Retweets

343) Let me guess, the "photo evidence collected" is this tweet claiming photo evidence was collected...
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
35 Likes, 4 Retweets

344) This is pretty rich coming from a guy who claims to be "pro-life" and against "cancel-culture."
30 Likes, 8 Retweets

345) Eh, over 300,000 Americans have forever lost all their freedoms due to government and the people not doing enough. It's true insanity to continue down this same path and expect different results. It's scary so many people can't seem to see this reality.
32 Likes, 6 Retweets

346) Setting: Hell
Trump: "What mountain is this?"

There's no such thing as too low for Donald Trump.
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump #CapitolHill
34 Likes, 4 Retweets

347) Is this recount #56 or 57?
#Election2020 #Concede …
35 Likes, 3 Retweets

348) A set of Monopoly thimbles - you know, to use as condoms
35 Likes, 3 Retweets

349) ...and COVID-related deaths hit 265,000. Yeah, congratulations, America...
#Election2020results #ConcedeTrump …
26 Likes, 11 Retweets

350) The only thing that's strong about you is the odor coming from your backside.
30 Likes, 7 Retweets

351) Yeah, I did not have this on my bingo card... …
30 Likes, 7 Retweets

352) If anyone should be exploding about the comparison, it's Nixon, for next to Trump, he isn't a crook. …
#ImpeachandRemove #ImpeachTrump
30 Likes, 7 Retweets

353) He really does want to look like the world's biggest loser, doesn't he? My recommendation is for him to leave via hot-air balloon, with a message on it (in Sharpie), saying, "THERE'S NEVER BEEN THIS MUCH HOT AIR, BELIEVE ME!" …
#Election2020 #ConcedeNow
31 Likes, 6 Retweets

354) You're calling Donald Trump a "Democrat politician"? I don't think so!
#COVID19 …
34 Likes, 3 Retweets

355) I'm just waiting for someone to tweet, "#CancelBingCrosby. White Christmas? Racist! Stay woke!"
35 Likes, 2 Retweets

356) "Trump administration refused offer to buy millions more Pfizer vaccine doses"

Of course they did. I guess "Operation Warp Speed" should actually have been called Operation Rush-Hour Traffic, Operation 66 Horsepower, or Operation Twerp Speed. …
28 Likes, 8 Retweets

357) *you're
#ImpeachandRemove #ImpeachTrumpAgain …
32 Likes, 4 Retweets

358) You should seriously place a mask over that. It's obviously infected.
#COVID19 …
31 Likes, 4 Retweets

359) You call that an attempt at intimidation? Yeah, okay, Ms. MicroPenis...
#ConcedeTrump …
31 Likes, 4 Retweets

360) Hmm, with regard to "censorship," Inigo Montoya, take it away... …
#TwitterBansTrump #ByeDon
31 Likes, 4 Retweets

361) Elect an even halfway competent president, who doesn't think science is a Chinese hoax, and we wouldn't have needed to cast so many mail-in ballots. On November 3rd, we did decide to limit this unreliable practice. We voted out Donald Trump.
#Election2020results #ConcedeNowTrump …
32 Likes, 3 Retweets

362) Issa: "The question is, is the president a clear and present danger? He is not. He may have been for his first 1,454 days in office, but that obviously means he won't be in his last 7 days. It's just common sense."
#ImpeachTrumpNow #Snark
32 Likes, 3 Retweets

363) You can't blame autocorrect for this one. You do realize "Trump" begins with a "T," correct?
#ImpeachTrump #TerroristTrump …
32 Likes, 3 Retweets

364) Rep. DUI says what?
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
33 Likes, 2 Retweets

365) Newsflash: he never was. …
26 Likes, 8 Retweets

366) The #PenceCard: noun. The time when Trumpsters think they're holding a get-out-of-jail-free card, when in actuality their card says to advance to the nearest railroad.
#election …
30 Likes, 4 Retweets

367) "Trump to meet with state attorneys general after joining Supreme Court election challenge"

What is a supreme waste of time? …
#election #Jeopardy
26 Likes, 7 Retweets

368) Further proving the modern-day Republican Party cares for no one other than themselves.
28 Likes, 5 Retweets

369) If you're a Christian and tell your kids the story of Santa, please realize that if your child is dyslexic, he/she may grow up thinking Satan comes down the chimney, placing presents under the tree on Christmas.
#MerryChristmas2020 #Snark
30 Likes, 3 Retweets

370) To all the Trumpers contending that this post is peak "lack of self-awareness," this is not an apples-to-apples comparison.

In Uganda, the government shut down Twitter for all.

In the US, Twitter shut down specific accounts.

The US government is not Twitter.

The end.
#ByeDon …
30 Likes, 3 Retweets

371) GOP: "Protesting concentration camps, where a few of them get out of hand, is just as bad as people attacking those in concentration camps!"
#ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW #Snark
24 Likes, 8 Retweets

372) BREAKING NEWS: "Brain-dead rockers Eric Clapton and Van Morrison offer to play 'Stand and Deliver' at the funerals of all 1,703,441+ COVID victims"
#COVID19 #Snark
25 Likes, 7 Retweets

373) I'm not sure what Steve Scalise's biggest problem is right now - persuading the country the Constitution should be destroyed or doing this while wearing a mask...
#TraitorTrump #GOPBetrayedAmerica
27 Likes, 5 Retweets

374) Well, Madison Cawthorn believes wearing underwear over his mouth constitutes as wearing a mask.
#ImpeachTrump #ImpeachTrumpAgainNOW
27 Likes, 5 Retweets

375) Giuliani
"Truth isn't truth."

"COVID isn't COVID."
#COVID19 #Snark
30 Likes, 2 Retweets

376) I see #MarshallLaw trending. My guess is a bunch of Trumpanzees created a hybrid of "The Brady Bunch" and "Beetlejuice;" mistook Marcia's name as Marshall; and thought if they tweeted said name three times, Trump would implement Martial Law.
31 Likes, 1 Retweet

377) Interesting. When reading this, it sounded an awful lot like how you typically describe Trump. I may not be  theologian, but doesn't the Bible frown on that sort of thing?
#ConcedeNowTrump …
26 Likes, 5 Retweets

378) Since there is only one Donald Trump, your usage of the pronoun "us" makes zero sense.
#election #ConcedeNowTrump …
28 Likes, 3 Retweets

379) "‘It is over’: Geraldo Rivera tells Fox News no avenue left to overturn election result"

Yeah, but was that Geraldo or his mustache talking? …
#election #ConcedeNowTrump
28 Likes, 3 Retweets

380) For proving once and for all that Mike Judge is a psychic.
#ThingsWeShouldThankTrumpFor #Idiocracy
31 Likes, 0 Retweets

381) McClintock: "Inciting terrorism is just politics! Big whoop! Okay, now I'm going to cherry-pick some things from Trump's speech. Give me a second here as I put on my bifocals."
#ImpeachandRemove #Snark
22 Likes, 8 Retweets

382) I'll assume "he" represents "Donald Trump," because otherwise, this would make no sense.
#COVID19 …
26 Likes, 4 Retweets

383) So, you're saying, as of January 20th, your dear leader will be without a stimulus? Good to know. Thanks.
#election #COVID19 …
28 Likes, 2 Retweets

384) That's a lie.

A phony hoax means it was legit, which it was.

You mean, the ones that are in jail?

Attempted bribery and inciting terrorism will do that.

Oh, wait, this is a love letter to Trump. It has to be, for he only works for himself.
#ImpeachmentDay #impeached …
30 Likes, 0 Retweets

385) This actually makes sense. Since Trump always cheats and believes he doesn't, of course he'd think someone who doesn't cheat does.
#Election2020 #ConcedeNow …
24 Likes, 5 Retweets

386) For making canceling Facebook accounts great again.
25 Likes, 4 Retweets

387) The site is so easy to hack, rappers will start integrating into their songs the lyrics "bitches and Parlers."
27 Likes, 2 Retweets

388) Please shut-up.
#Election2020 #MuellerReport …
27 Likes, 1 Retweet

389) Happy Thanksgiving! The bullsh*tter's full.
#Election2020results #ConcedeNowTrump …
24 Likes, 3 Retweets

390) What did he lose? A bet that Trump would win?
#Election2020 #Concede …
24 Likes, 3 Retweets

391) "Seditious Basterds," take 9,422,617...
#Election2020 #ConcedeTrump …
21 Likes, 5 Retweets

392) Introducing the Trumpizer Bunny. He just keeps losing and losing...
#Election2020results #ConcedeNowTrump
23 Likes, 3 Retweets

393) SAD!
25 Likes, 1 Retweet

394) "No, Olive Garden Did Not Revoke Sean Hannity’s Lifetime Pasta Pass"

At least charge him for the breadsticks!  
21 Likes, 4 Retweets

395) Fact-checkers, get ready: James O'Keefe will be releasing another BS-ridden video tonight.
#PantsOnFire #CNNTapes
23 Likes, 2 Retweets

396) Speaking of not paying close enough attention... You probably watched "Titanic" and summed it up by saying, "Some kid became king of the world or something."
#TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump #CapitolRiots …
23 Likes, 2 Retweets

397) Crooks, Kooks, and Doofs
23 Likes, 1 Retweet

398) I've heard of take-your-child-to-work day, but I didn't realize this could result in the kids speaking on Capitol Hill...
#TraitorTrump #GOPBetrayedAmerica
23 Likes, 1 Retweet

399) Making everyone feel better about themselves when they look in the mirror, as we think, "Well, at least we don't look like him."
20 Likes, 3 Retweets

400) Posey: "You know what's caused all this violence? The resist movement! Resisting anger, hatred, and violence only causes anger, hatred, and violence! Bring peace! Resist the violence-resistance!"
#ImpeachTrump #Snark
21 Likes, 2 Retweets

401) Translation: "Undermining democracy in this country isn't really a big deal. We'll still be the greatest, freest country in the world."
#Election #ConcedeNowTrump …
22 Likes, 1 Retweet

402) I guess nothing will make me love Neil Gorsuch then. So sad.
23 Likes, 0 Retweets

403) What's your New Year's resolution?
Democrats: "To lose weight via the Pringles diet."
Independents: "To get paid more selling Fun Dip."
Libertarians: "To travel the world without a passport."
Trumper Republicans: "To end democracy for freedom."
18 Likes, 4 Retweets

404) "West Wing fears COVID spread after Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis attends White House party"

Here we go again. White House #COVID outbreak. Take #who in the hell knows??? ...and action! …
19 Likes, 3 Retweets

405) Eh, no. If 26 out of 328,200,000 is a majority, my name is Bill Gates...
#Election #ConcedeNowTrump …
19 Likes, 3 Retweets

406) So says Jim Jordan. Literally. He's speaking. Debate tip when your opponent is Jim Jordan: cut off your own mic and just let him speak. He'll prove himself wrong in no time.
#TwitterBansTrump #ByeByeTrump …
20 Likes, 2 Retweets

407) Read it and weep... …
#DiaperDon #ConcedeTrump …
15 Likes, 6 Retweets

408) #WaitLetMeGetThisStraight

It's more disrespectful to our troops to silently protest by kneeling during the anthem than it is to condemn those not taking for granted and making the most of the freedoms for which they fought?
17 Likes, 3 Retweets

409) #WaitLetMeGetThisStraight

America is the greatest country in the world, but in order to become even greater, we must become more like Russia?
17 Likes, 3 Retweets

410) What, when it comes to:
- Russian interference in the 2016 election?
- Trump obstructing justice?
- Trump attempting to bribe Ukraine?
- Trump attempting to suppress the vote?
- Biden winning the election?

If so, then I agree, "bigly."
#Election2020results #ConcedeTrump …
19 Likes, 1 Retweet

411) For providing the possibility of a new film/series, entitled, "The Chronicles of Nambia."
15 Likes, 4 Retweets

412) It's been more than three weeks since Trump started counting.

And he's still on #2.

Think about that.
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump …
18 Likes, 1 Retweet

413) #BiggestLoserTrump = #DiaperDonald
18 Likes, 1 Retweet

414) Mark Levin offering an education would be like Donald Trump offering business tips - useless.
#Election2020 #ConcedeTrump …
18 Likes, 1 Retweet

415) Well, the idea is false. The "ifea?" Beats the hell out of me. What about the IKEA?
#Election2020results #ConcedeNowTrump …
14 Likes, 2 Retweets

416) "Ohio Gov. DeWine signs gun rights bill eliminating duty to retreat"

Maybe according to "DeWhine," "guns don't kill people; guns kill COVID." 🙄 …
13 Likes, 2 Retweets

417) Evidence Isn't Evidence
14 Likes, 0 Retweets

418) Peter Venkman's Trumpster-evil-doppelganger: "Trump won the election; Schiff is in prison; dogs and cats living together...mass hysteria!"
#Nashville #Snark
12 Likes, 0 Retweets

419) Ali Velshi at 2:30 am
Strength: Demonstrating how to properly place on a mask.
Weakness: Counting how many masks he's wearing.
#CapitolBuilding #AfterMidnightMath
9 Likes, 1 Retweet

420) This is what I call a Pepper Brooks moment (Jason Bateman's character in "Dodgeball")

"That's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him." …
#Election2020 #ConcedeNowTrump
10 Likes, 0 Retweets

421) MK (Male Karen) Ultra
9 Likes, 0 Retweets

Totals: 41,135 Likes, 8,642 Retweets (Averages of 97.7 Likes, 20.5 Retweets)


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