It really amazes me the kind of BS people will believe simply because they want to believe it. Case and point - a political chain email. If you've received one concerning President Obama, there's approximately a 90% chance that it's at least partially false (around a 70% chance that it's completely false). That trend continued with the latest such email I came across. It's been updated over the years, but I was fortunately able to come across a detailed analysis of all the email's claims so I didn't have to do the job myself. The fact-checker is Matthew at, who I will be using as my reference to keep a running tally of the accurate and inaccurate claims (his full analysis can be found at this link - Without further ado, here's the chain email: "QUIT BASHING OBAMA - by COL. ROBERT F. CUNNINGHAM and PATRICK RISHOR, The Gilmer Mirror Quit trashing Obama's accomplishments. He has done more than any ot...
Randomness. Politics. Songs. Poetry. Short Stories. Essays. Satire. Research. Sarcasm. A mix of Jon Stewart, George Carlin, Weird Al Yankovic, The Onion,, and Gandhi. former co-host of "The Tracy & Craig Show" (which had previously been called "The Tracy Fort Show") and current host of "I Feel Snitty," author of the "LOL at the GOP" series, and Donald Trump's worst nightmare (besides facts).