As I've been doing every couple of weeks or so, I thought I'd share the fun I've been having with regard to trending hashtags on Twitter. Here are my posts from April 22nd through May 12th, ordered from the most to the least popular (all my tweets can be viewed here -
1) Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan walk off as a Democrat talks about the importance of and standing by the Constitution. That's pretty representative of the GOP today - they just don't give a sh*t about this country.
#ContemptOfCongress #BillionDollarLoser
17,306 Likes, 6,973 Retweets
2) Two of Trump's main go-tos during his campaign:
1) "I tell it like it is."
The guy has lied 10,000+ times in half a term.
2) "I know how to make money better than anyone."
He lost over $1 billion in 10 years - more than anyone else.
Your president, Trumpsters!
1,552 Likes, 604 Retweets
3) Trump: "I ask my daddy for a $500 million allowance; don't pay taxes; lose billions of dollars; am owned by the Russians; lie thousands of times; cheat on all my wives; sexually assault women, so yeah, I know how to make America great again."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
977 Likes, 424 Retweets
4) Gaetz: "Democrats are in denial about Donald Trump!"
...and the award for Projection of the Year goes to Matt Gaetz!
#ContemptOfCongress #BillionDollarLoser
757 Likes, 230 Retweets
5) Dems: "This is about upholding the Constitution and our democracy!"
Reps: "This is about politics!"
So upholding the Constitution and our democracy is about scoring political points? Who are you fighting for then? Oh, that's right- Russia.
#ContemptOfCongress #BillionDollarLoser
414 Likes, 166 Retweets
6) Trebek: "He brags about having millions after he was initially handed billions by his daddy."
"Who is #Brokeahontas?"
Trebek: "That is correct!"
427 Likes, 130 Retweets
7) This just in: Chris Christie is still an as*hole.
#ContemptOfCongress #BillionDollarLoser #MSNBC
445 Likes, 90 Retweets
8) Trump: "Good luck, #SleepyJoe!"
So says the guy who doesn't get out of bed until noon; spends most of his day watching Fox, eating, tweeting, crapping, or tweeting crap; and calls signing a blank piece of paper a hard day's work.
403 Likes, 120 Retweets
9) Then
Trump: "My dad gave me a very small loan of $1 million."
Trump: "My dad gave me a very small loan of $1 million. ...500 times."
385 Likes, 120 Retweets
10) For claiming to be such an ardent opponent of homosexuality, #FranklinGraham sure seems to think about gay sex an awful lot. Just sayin'...
379 Likes, 70 Retweets
11) Trump, Jr. subpoenaed.
Trump, Sr.: "I hardly knew the kid. He was like a coffee-son. I don't even know his name. I saw on a Starbucks cup one time, he was called something like Doorknob."
#DonaldTrumpJr #Snark
341 Likes, 80 Retweets
12) THIS JUST IN: "If he wins the 2020 election, Trump has vowed to combine 'USA' and 'USSR' to rename the country 'URASS.'"
#PutinsGOP #Snark
327 Likes, 92 Retweets
13) "I've accomplished more in my first 2 years as president than anybody in history."
"My first 2 years as president were stollen from me."
Combined quotes: "I've accomplished more in these first 2 stollen years as president than anybody in history."
Yeah, that's not possible...
332 Likes, 76 Retweets
14) Well, it now looks like Trump can legitimately say he's the best at something. The guy loses more money than anyone else in the country. Congratulations!
301 Likes, 100 Retweets
15) Graham: "Do you love kissing the president's ass as much as I do?"
Barr: "Yes."
Graham: "No further questions."
#BarrLied #Snark
307 Likes, 83 Retweets
16) Conservative men try to take away women's reproductive rights.
Women respond with a #SexStrike.
Con men shame them for it.
While opposing abortion, these con men support locking kids in cages and separating them from their families.
Con men aren't pro-life; they're pro-birth.
303 Likes, 86 Retweets
17) Leahy: "You said Trump was fully cooperative. I'm now going to read a list a mile long to disprove that."
Barr: "Trump didn't kill and eat little children."
Leahy: "What? I asked if he cooperated."
Barr: "Trump never raped an emu named Elmer."
Leahy: "WTF?"
#BarrLied #Snark
286 Likes, 90 Retweets
18) Donald Trump is a businessman like an F5 tornado is a construction worker.
278 Likes, 80 Retweets
19) Barr: "Yes. Wait, are you speaking in general or specific to Trump? In general, yes, but for Trump, no. Look, when anyone else poops, it's poop, but when Trump poops, it's gold. That's science, folks."
#BarrLied #Snark
246 Likes, 96 Retweets
20) #FranklinGraham: "Buttigieg needs to repent for being gay!"
As soon as Trump repents for breaking Commandments: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and passing laws which break 6. Wait, I take that back, for "Thou shalt not be gay" isn't even a Commandment, nor immoral, you putz.
257 Likes, 74 Retweets
21) Why are you voting for Trump?
"He's a great businessman!"
But his tax returns show him to be a fraud...
"I don't care about his tax returns!"
"It's none of my business!"
264 Likes, 53 Retweets
22) Hirono: "Come on, attorney general, give us a little credit for knowing what the hell is going on!"
Graham: "Not all of us!"
Speak for yourself, putz (and your GOP brothers and sisters)...
237 Likes, 65 Retweets
23) Since Drumpf seems to have gone the way of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" by calling Biden "Sleepy Joe," I suggest we continue the theme by referring to him as Dopey Donald.
#SleepyJoe #DerangedDonald
219 Likes, 63 Retweets
24) Conservative men: "Let's shame women for not having sex with us because we're trying to control their bodies! Yeah, that'll prove we're not sexist!"
214 Likes, 64 Retweets
25) #ImpeachDonaldTrump and take Mike Pence with you.
200 Likes, 66 Retweets
26) Dear Trumpanzees:
You misheard the slogan. It was actually "Putin America First."
197 Likes, 66 Retweets
27) "Picking between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz is like choosing between being shot or poisoned." - Lindsey Graham (2/21/16)
So you went with being shot, eh?
196 Likes, 50 Retweets
28) Graham: "Good morning. Thank you for joining us. Before allowing one of our saviors, William Barr, to testify, I'm going to kiss the giant ass of Donald Trump for several minutes."
#BarrLied #Snark
180 Likes, 52 Retweets
29) GOP: "We claim to be about family values, while separating families from one another. We call ourselves Constitutionalists, as we burn it. We make a big deal about a black man kneeling during the anthem, but try to destroy what our soldiers fought for."
153 Likes, 66 Retweets
30) Lara Trump: "Letting in migrants was one of the worst things that ever happened to Germany."
Eh, I think you're forgetting something...
Lara: "Oktoberfest?"
No, the Holocaust!
Lara: "I think that was in Hollywood..."
#LaraTrump #Snark
161 Likes, 52 Retweets
31) 1) Mueller gets appointed.
2) Trump says, "Well, I'm f*cked."
3) Trump and everyone around him lie their asses off.
4) GOPers claim he's innocent.
While the rest of us reside in the US, the GOP lives in Idiocracy.
153 Likes, 47 Retweets
32) I swear, #Brokeahontas could be living in a cardboard box and Trumpanzees would say, "Yeah, but it's the best cardboard box in the country. He built it with his bare hands and made Mexicans pay for it."
161 Likes, 36 Retweets
33) It's official: the longest song ever recorded - "100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" - has now been surpassed by "1,000,000,000 Dollars of Trump's Down the Drain," "bigly."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
135 Likes, 42 Retweets
34) Cruz: "Democrats ain't got nothing!"
You do realize you're saying Democrats have something, right?
147 Likes, 17 Retweets
35) Who affiliated with Donald Trump's White House has not lied to the public? I'll give you some time...
:: waits until January 20, 2021 ::
Okay, time's up. The correct answer is no one!
135 Likes, 27 Retweets
36) Hillary faces 11 hours of questioning by a House Committee
Clinton: :: yawns ::
Barr thinks about facing 11 questions by a House Committee
His reaction... (gif of a camel running away at the sight of a bag)
124 Likes, 33 Retweets
37) Graham: "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"
Barr: "What the f*ck ever."
Graham: "Well, that's good enough for me."
#BarrLied #Snark
115 Likes, 39 Retweets
38) Hawley: "As a white man, I can tell you this isn't about Russia interference. This is about racism against the our majority! Nobody has ever been discriminated against like straight, white, Christian male Trump supporters! Our white hoods shall not be burned!"
#BarrHearing #Snark
117 Likes, 36 Retweets
39) Remember when Trump called himself the law and order president? I guess he meant lawless and disorder - that or "Law & Order: FU."
124 Likes, 27 Retweets
40) To your knowledge, do you know anything?
Barr: "Not to my knowledge."
#BarrHearing #Snark
112 Likes, 24 Retweets
41) Then
GOP: "It doesn't matter if a president obstructs justice. What matters is intent, and that's very difficult to prove."
GOP: "So what if the president intended to obstruct justice? He didn't, did he? That's all that matters here."
103 Likes, 32 Retweets
42) Well, I guess "The Art of the Deal" looked like this:
Trump: "I'll give you $5 million for that business."
Seller: "It's a dead end, dude. I'll give it to you for $50."
Trump: "I see what you're doing. Make it $50 million!"
Seller: "Done."
#TrumpTaxes #Snark
108 Likes, 25 Retweets
42) Barr: "To my knowledge... To my knowledge... To my knowledge..."
In other words, he either doesn't know, is BSing, or a combination of the two.
112 Likes, 21 Retweets
44) Romney: "47% of people pay no income tax. I'll never convince them to take personal responsibility or care for their lives."
#Brokeahontas: "That like makes me really smart, bigly."
93 Likes, 37 Retweets
45) Trump: "The covfefe was stollen by the special council and he smocking got off Scott Free! That's just unpresidented! He's ruined the state of our uniom!"
#Stollen #Snark
104 Likes, 25 Retweets
46) Women: "We're going on a #SexStrike!"
GOPers: "Let's shame them!"
Trump: "Grab women by the pus*y!"
GOPers: "Let's make him president!"
97 Likes, 23 Retweets
47) Barr: "I can't answer your question. I haven't gone through the whole report, really any of it, and neither have the people who work for me. But yes, I'm fully confident in my 4-page summary of a 400-page report."
#BarrLied #Snark
90 Likes, 27 Retweets
48) Trump: "I don't know what the Logan Act is, but I was told by my BFF Vlady that if I say it 45 times during this conference thing, he'll give me a bullsh*t-flavored lollipop, so here you go."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
83 Likes, 33 Retweets
49) Calling Donald Trump a great businessman would have been like calling the 2008 Detroit Lions Super Bowl contenders. Psst, they finished 0-16 that year.
85 Likes, 30 Retweets
50) Ilhan: "Lobbyists suck!"
Trump: "Anti-Semite!"
White supremacists: "Jews will not replace us!"
Trump: "Very fine people!"
74 Likes, 29 Retweets
51) Hawley: "What this is about is someone saying they could smell the Trump on people."
Very well. I can smell the bullsh*t emanating from your mouth.
82 Likes, 16 Retweets
52) Sasse takes two minutes to ask a question.
Barr: "Well, I mean, what is legal and illegal? I'm seriously asking. What are the technical definitions? As the lead attorney of the greatest country in the history of the world, I think I have the right to know."
#BarrHearing #Snark
73 Likes, 21 Retweets
53) Barr: "What do you mean by that word? What's the origin? Can you use it in a sentence? Could you repeat the word one more time? Oh, your time's up? Too bad, so sad."
#BarrLied #Snark
75 Likes, 18 Retweets
53) William Barr is like a housekeeper, paid to clean a mansion, cleaning one bathroom, & continually telling the owners he cleaned the entire home, even though security cameras & the eye-test suggest otherwise. Upon hearing this, he backtracks & says he doesn't recall.
77 Likes, 16 Retweets
55) Trump: "The Red Socks are a great team here in Boston. You have so many great teams: The Brewins, the Paid Tree Its; and best of all, the Sell Ticks. God, I love sport, bigly!"
#RedSocks #Snark #BillionDollarLoser
74 Likes, 18 Retweets
56) Wall Street Journal editorial on William Barr: "A Real Attorney General"
Really? Yeah, if he's representing a mob boss. Oh, wait...
72 Likes, 19 Retweets
57) #ImpeachDonaldTrump if, for no other reason, to hear how "Fox & Friends" tries to cover it.
Doocy: "Trump impeached?"
Kilmeade: "No, I think that's, 'Trump: 'I'm peached.''"
Doocy: "Trump's calling himself a peach?"
Kilmeade: "Makes sense. I do that all the time too."
75 Likes, 12 Retweets
58) Trump: "I'm the most transparent president in history, but no, you can't see my taxes, my grades, the rest of the Mueller report, McGahn's notes, and I'm not going to testify. Most transparent president in history, folks, bigly."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
64 Likes, 20 Retweets
59) Lee: "Is there any evidence you're aware of that Putin has something on Trump?"
Release Trump's taxes and then ask that question...
65 Likes, 18 Retweets
60) Barr: "When Trump gave the obstruction to McGahn, I mean instruction..."
#BarrLied #FreudianSlip
63 Likes, 19 Retweets
60) Everyone be careful! As displayed by William Barr earlier today, it appears as though Donald Trump's selective amnesia is indeed contagious!
69 Likes, 13 Retweets
62) Trump writes "The Art of the Deal," where he gives advice on making money, losing millions himself.
Trumpsters: "Yeah, but he wrote 'The Art of the Comeback,' so there!"
Right, because when you lose your house due to a psychic, it's wise to go back for seconds.
61 Likes, 15 Retweets
62) Cruz: "Trump may have called my dad the zodiac killer, and while he's wrong about this one thing and I still love him dearly like a family member, Obama is the real zodiac killer. Period."
#BarrHearing #Snark
62 Likes, 14 Retweets
64) Graham: "We need to investigate Trump-haters!"
"We are better to risk losing w/out Trump than winning w/him! Enough w/Trump! Embracing Trump is embracing demographic death! Between Trump & Cruz, it's like choosing between getting shot or poisoned!" - Lindsey Graham
52 likes, 22 Retweets
64) #ImpeachDonaldTrump, because the only way we'll make America great again is with him out of office.
64 Likes, 10 Retweets
66) Trump: "John Kerry broke the law. It he was a Republican, Democrats would prosecute, but since it's him, they won't. No, we won't do anything about it. What good are laws anyway, you know? If I believed in laws, I'd be, nevermind.... Next question..."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
53 Likes, 20 Retweets
66) Barr: "Look, I really don't know anything about the Mueller report, and because of that, I think I'm the most qualified to talk about it. I probably won't be able to answer any specific questions about it, but I'll dance around them like Bacon in 'Footloose.'"
#BarrLied #Snark
57 Likes, 16 Retweets
66) Siskel and Ebert give #Brokeahontas six bankruptcies.
59 Likes, 14 Retweets
66) Whenever a GOP Rep speaks, I start picturing this scene from "Airplane!" - …
61 Likes, 12 Retweets
70) I swear I just heard Trump say on television, "We have the biggest sh*t in the world." If he means we have a leader who spreads the most bullsh*t in the world, he's right.
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
57 Likes, 15 Retweets
70) Barr: "For anyone citing specific pages and quotes in the Mueller report, I ask you to cut it out. I mean, it's over 400 pages long. I've only had time to write a summary for the darn thing, not to read it!"
#BarrHearing #Snark
63 Likes, 9 Retweets
72) While I never want to see it, I think we can now safely say that Vladimir Putin has the biggest pee tape of all time (featuring microscopically small dingalings), which features: Donald Trump, William Barr, and Lindsey Graham.
56 Likes, 12 Retweets
72) Trump's next book: "How To Make -$1 Billion."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
56 Likes, 12 Retweets
74) Barr: "I didn't really know what exactly Mueller concluded or didn't conclude, so I thought it was best for me to read his mind like it were mine and conclude for him, even on terms the Special Counsel didn't use, like collusion. You're welcome, America."
#BarrLied #Snark
48 Likes, 19 Retweets
74) Barr: "It wasn't a summary. It was summarizing the principle conclusions. It's like CliffsNotes. It's not summarizing the book. It's just making the book shorter by, like, summarizing it."
#BarrLied #Snark
54 Likes, 13 Retweets
76) Kennedy: "All this talk about Trump, Russia, Mueller, blah, blah, blah. Let me ask you a serious question: what'd you have for breakfast today? Are you more of a sausage or bacon kind of guy?"
#BarrHearing #Snark
52 Likes, 13 Retweets
76) Trump: "Why is Burr subpoenaing Don, Jr.? Richard said no collusion. I even call him no-collusion Dick. Look, even though there's no such crime as collusion & it wasn't mentioned by Mueller, the Mueller report exonerated me of the crime of collusion."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
50 Likes, 15 Retweets
76) Barr: "Why aren't we talking about how Trump was falsely accused of collusion for two years? The Mueller report, which I haven't read and know nothing about, proved Trump didn't collude, even though it says no such thing. This is simple common sense."
#BarrHearing #Snark
52 Likes, 13 Retweets
79) I may have released this book two years ago, but "The Art of the Steal" seems even more relevant today. You can check it out here. - …
#ContemptOfCongress #BillionDollarLoser
51 Likes, 13 Retweets
80) #ImpeachDonaldTrump, because the guy already said he was f*cked. It's about time we help him follow through with something for a change.
52 Likes, 10 Retweets
81) Hirono/Barr ("Three Stooges" gif)
52 Likes, 6 Retweets
82) Barr: "Look, I'll compare this to the O.J. murder trial. Since he was found not guilty, if he had obstructed justice during the proceedings, he'd be innocent. You can only be guilty of B if you're guilty of A. That's grade-school math right there."
#BarrHearing #Snark
43 Likes, 14 Retweets
82) Hawley: "The 25th Amendment doesn't deal with mental illness, right? There isn't such a thing as mental illness."
#BarrHearing #Snark
47 Likes, 10 Retweets
84) Barr: "Were my conclusions inaccurate? I don't know. But I mean, nobody's called me out on it if that's the case."
Objection! That's bullsh*t, your honor!
#BarrLied #Snark
43 Likes, 10 Retweets
85) Barr: "Look, the president is not above the law, but he can't break the law. Let's make that clear."
#BarrHearing #Snark
34 Likes, 17 Retweets
86) Trump: "In order to win the jackpot, you have to go bankrupt at least six times."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
39 Likes, 11 Retweets
87) Graham: "Russia interfered in our election, which resulted in Donald Trump's victory. So now's as good a time as any to talk about Hillary Clinton's emails."
#BarrLied #Snark
42 Likes, 7 Retweets
88) Trump: "Democrats are asking for a do-over. 92% of the Mueller report is out in the open. What more do they want? When scientists get through 92% of an experiment or study thing, do they continue on? No. There's no bigger number than 92, believe me!"
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
42 Likes, 6 Retweets
89) A dipsh*t, a con-man, & the devil reincarnated as a human raccoon about to attend prom at a nursing home called Tiny Hands & Bigly Bone Spurs walk into a Barr. This is when Barr & Trump decide to treat law like garbage & the Constitution like toilet paper.
37 Likes, 10 Retweets
90) Normally the question is, "What would you do if you won the lottery?" Donald Trump, however, has answered the question, "What would you do if you lost the lottery ($1 billion)?" Become president on the mantra of, "I won the lottery and you will too!" "SAD!"
35 Likes, 10 Retweets
90) Jesus: "Love thy neighbor as thyself."
King: "Even them darker ones?"
Jesus: "Yes."
King: "F*ck that!"
House GOP: "Censure him!"
Jesus: "I died for your sins."
King: "You see that, everyone? I'm just like Jesus!" …
#SteveKing #Snark
38 Likes, 7 Retweets
92) A #BarrHearing isn't a #BarrHearing without Lindsey Graham making bar-and-hooker jokes...
36 Likes, 8 Retweets
93) Graham: "Even though the five words in the Mueller report I've read don't say anything about disproving collusion, I've heard the geniuses at 'Fox & Friends' say it does disprove this, and that's good enough for me."
#BarrLied #Snark
32 Likes, 10 Retweets
93) Cornyn: "Who's really to blame for Russia and Trump? Obama. Obama wanted Trump to become president to undo his 8 years of failures - especially helping us rebound from our biggest recession since the Great Depression!"
#BarrLied #Snark
35 Likes, 7 Retweets
95) Crapo: "I hope you're investigating FBI members who have opinions. Are you? I really hope so. God bless this great country and the First Amendment, but yeah, you need to take down FBI members who have opinions."
#BarrHearing #Snark
36 Likes, 5 Retweets
96) Trump: "I was very surprised Don, Jr. got subpoenaed. He's a good kid. I guess only good kids get subpoenaed. Period."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
33 Likes, 6 Retweets
97) Graham: "Even if Mueller's unredacted report proved Trump killed 275 million people, it wouldn't change my mind about the man I often refer to as Orange Jesus."
#BarrLied #Snark
27 Likes, 10 Retweets
98) This reminds me of a parody I wrote based off the Barenaked Ladies song, "If I Had $1,000,000," entitled, "If I Lost $1,000,000,000." Weird Al, get to work! - …
27 Likes, 6 Retweets
99) If anyone wants a laugh while the GOP Reps attempt to spread their malarkey at the hearing, check out my latest book, "Trumplandia," available for $2.99 for your Kindle. - …
#ContemptOfCongress #BillionDollarLoser
20 Likes, 10 Retweets
100) DT: "The Mueller report said I was totally exonerated. I was even told it said there were witnesses - this is true - but there were witnesses who once saw angel wings coming out of my head & I flew to Mar-a-Lago. I didn't see it, but it has to be true."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
21 Likes, 6 Retweets
101) McClintock: "Bueller... Mueller... Bueller... Mueller..."
#ContemptOfCongress #BillionDollarLoser
18 Likes, 8 Retweets
102) If I were a meteorologist in Buffalo during the winter, chances are I'd give the following forecast: "This storm is going to make shoveling hospitalizing again. Expect some yuge Trumps, Shapiros, and Wohls to come down all day & result in 2 feet of snow!"
#BenShapiro #Snowflakes
23 Likes, 2 Retweets
103) Graham: "Mueller indicted people. A lot of people were indicted by Mueller and he could indict more people since he's already indicted some people already. Is that right? I mean, Mueller indicted people, so can he indict people?"
#BarrLied #Snark
20 Likes, 4 Retweets
104) Graham: "I've read parts of the minimally redacted Mueller report. I'm gonna call it fully redacted. The two additional words I read in the unredacted report don't change my mind about Barr's conclusions, though."
#BarrLied #Snark
16 Likes, 6 Retweets
105) As I watch MSNBC's coverage of Joe Biden walking into a pizza shop, I can't help but think this is an episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," where Larry David is front and center.
18 Likes, 2 Retweets
106) Tillis: "I'm going to ask you a declaration, or declare to you a question. I'm... Well, whatever I'm about to do, it's gonna be like bigly smart."
#BarrHearing #Snark
17 Likes, 2 Retweets
107) The GOP's rendition of Naughty By Nature's "O.P.P.":
Reps: "You down with GOP?"
Putin: "Да ты меня знаешь!"
Reps: "You down with GOP?"
Putin: "Да ты меня знаешь!"
Reps: "You down with GOP?"
Putin: "Да ты меня знаешь!"
GOP: "Who's down with GOP?"
Putin: "ублюдок влады!"
16 Likes, 1 Retweet
108) Ted Cruz was the first to make William Barr laugh. Well, sh*t, I lost that bet.
16 Likes, 0 Retweets
109) Grassley: "Steele dossier. Democratic collusion with foeigners which made their hero, Donald Trump, president. Go."
#BarrLied #Snark
10 Likes, 0 Retweets
Totals: 33,038 Likes, 11,609 Retweets (Averages of 303.1 Likes, 100.5 Retweets)
1) Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan walk off as a Democrat talks about the importance of and standing by the Constitution. That's pretty representative of the GOP today - they just don't give a sh*t about this country.
#ContemptOfCongress #BillionDollarLoser
17,306 Likes, 6,973 Retweets
2) Two of Trump's main go-tos during his campaign:
1) "I tell it like it is."
The guy has lied 10,000+ times in half a term.
2) "I know how to make money better than anyone."
He lost over $1 billion in 10 years - more than anyone else.
Your president, Trumpsters!
1,552 Likes, 604 Retweets
3) Trump: "I ask my daddy for a $500 million allowance; don't pay taxes; lose billions of dollars; am owned by the Russians; lie thousands of times; cheat on all my wives; sexually assault women, so yeah, I know how to make America great again."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
977 Likes, 424 Retweets
4) Gaetz: "Democrats are in denial about Donald Trump!"
...and the award for Projection of the Year goes to Matt Gaetz!
#ContemptOfCongress #BillionDollarLoser
757 Likes, 230 Retweets
5) Dems: "This is about upholding the Constitution and our democracy!"
Reps: "This is about politics!"
So upholding the Constitution and our democracy is about scoring political points? Who are you fighting for then? Oh, that's right- Russia.
#ContemptOfCongress #BillionDollarLoser
414 Likes, 166 Retweets
6) Trebek: "He brags about having millions after he was initially handed billions by his daddy."
"Who is #Brokeahontas?"
Trebek: "That is correct!"
427 Likes, 130 Retweets
7) This just in: Chris Christie is still an as*hole.
#ContemptOfCongress #BillionDollarLoser #MSNBC
445 Likes, 90 Retweets
8) Trump: "Good luck, #SleepyJoe!"
So says the guy who doesn't get out of bed until noon; spends most of his day watching Fox, eating, tweeting, crapping, or tweeting crap; and calls signing a blank piece of paper a hard day's work.
403 Likes, 120 Retweets
9) Then
Trump: "My dad gave me a very small loan of $1 million."
Trump: "My dad gave me a very small loan of $1 million. ...500 times."
385 Likes, 120 Retweets
10) For claiming to be such an ardent opponent of homosexuality, #FranklinGraham sure seems to think about gay sex an awful lot. Just sayin'...
379 Likes, 70 Retweets
11) Trump, Jr. subpoenaed.
Trump, Sr.: "I hardly knew the kid. He was like a coffee-son. I don't even know his name. I saw on a Starbucks cup one time, he was called something like Doorknob."
#DonaldTrumpJr #Snark
341 Likes, 80 Retweets
12) THIS JUST IN: "If he wins the 2020 election, Trump has vowed to combine 'USA' and 'USSR' to rename the country 'URASS.'"
#PutinsGOP #Snark
327 Likes, 92 Retweets
13) "I've accomplished more in my first 2 years as president than anybody in history."
"My first 2 years as president were stollen from me."
Combined quotes: "I've accomplished more in these first 2 stollen years as president than anybody in history."
Yeah, that's not possible...
332 Likes, 76 Retweets
14) Well, it now looks like Trump can legitimately say he's the best at something. The guy loses more money than anyone else in the country. Congratulations!
301 Likes, 100 Retweets
15) Graham: "Do you love kissing the president's ass as much as I do?"
Barr: "Yes."
Graham: "No further questions."
#BarrLied #Snark
307 Likes, 83 Retweets
16) Conservative men try to take away women's reproductive rights.
Women respond with a #SexStrike.
Con men shame them for it.
While opposing abortion, these con men support locking kids in cages and separating them from their families.
Con men aren't pro-life; they're pro-birth.
303 Likes, 86 Retweets
17) Leahy: "You said Trump was fully cooperative. I'm now going to read a list a mile long to disprove that."
Barr: "Trump didn't kill and eat little children."
Leahy: "What? I asked if he cooperated."
Barr: "Trump never raped an emu named Elmer."
Leahy: "WTF?"
#BarrLied #Snark
286 Likes, 90 Retweets
18) Donald Trump is a businessman like an F5 tornado is a construction worker.
278 Likes, 80 Retweets
19) Barr: "Yes. Wait, are you speaking in general or specific to Trump? In general, yes, but for Trump, no. Look, when anyone else poops, it's poop, but when Trump poops, it's gold. That's science, folks."
#BarrLied #Snark
246 Likes, 96 Retweets
20) #FranklinGraham: "Buttigieg needs to repent for being gay!"
As soon as Trump repents for breaking Commandments: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and passing laws which break 6. Wait, I take that back, for "Thou shalt not be gay" isn't even a Commandment, nor immoral, you putz.
257 Likes, 74 Retweets
21) Why are you voting for Trump?
"He's a great businessman!"
But his tax returns show him to be a fraud...
"I don't care about his tax returns!"
"It's none of my business!"
264 Likes, 53 Retweets
22) Hirono: "Come on, attorney general, give us a little credit for knowing what the hell is going on!"
Graham: "Not all of us!"
Speak for yourself, putz (and your GOP brothers and sisters)...
237 Likes, 65 Retweets
23) Since Drumpf seems to have gone the way of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" by calling Biden "Sleepy Joe," I suggest we continue the theme by referring to him as Dopey Donald.
#SleepyJoe #DerangedDonald
219 Likes, 63 Retweets
24) Conservative men: "Let's shame women for not having sex with us because we're trying to control their bodies! Yeah, that'll prove we're not sexist!"
214 Likes, 64 Retweets
25) #ImpeachDonaldTrump and take Mike Pence with you.
200 Likes, 66 Retweets
26) Dear Trumpanzees:
You misheard the slogan. It was actually "Putin America First."
197 Likes, 66 Retweets
27) "Picking between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz is like choosing between being shot or poisoned." - Lindsey Graham (2/21/16)
So you went with being shot, eh?
196 Likes, 50 Retweets
28) Graham: "Good morning. Thank you for joining us. Before allowing one of our saviors, William Barr, to testify, I'm going to kiss the giant ass of Donald Trump for several minutes."
#BarrLied #Snark
180 Likes, 52 Retweets
29) GOP: "We claim to be about family values, while separating families from one another. We call ourselves Constitutionalists, as we burn it. We make a big deal about a black man kneeling during the anthem, but try to destroy what our soldiers fought for."
153 Likes, 66 Retweets
30) Lara Trump: "Letting in migrants was one of the worst things that ever happened to Germany."
Eh, I think you're forgetting something...
Lara: "Oktoberfest?"
No, the Holocaust!
Lara: "I think that was in Hollywood..."
#LaraTrump #Snark
161 Likes, 52 Retweets
31) 1) Mueller gets appointed.
2) Trump says, "Well, I'm f*cked."
3) Trump and everyone around him lie their asses off.
4) GOPers claim he's innocent.
While the rest of us reside in the US, the GOP lives in Idiocracy.
153 Likes, 47 Retweets
32) I swear, #Brokeahontas could be living in a cardboard box and Trumpanzees would say, "Yeah, but it's the best cardboard box in the country. He built it with his bare hands and made Mexicans pay for it."
161 Likes, 36 Retweets
33) It's official: the longest song ever recorded - "100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" - has now been surpassed by "1,000,000,000 Dollars of Trump's Down the Drain," "bigly."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
135 Likes, 42 Retweets
34) Cruz: "Democrats ain't got nothing!"
You do realize you're saying Democrats have something, right?
147 Likes, 17 Retweets
35) Who affiliated with Donald Trump's White House has not lied to the public? I'll give you some time...
:: waits until January 20, 2021 ::
Okay, time's up. The correct answer is no one!
135 Likes, 27 Retweets
36) Hillary faces 11 hours of questioning by a House Committee
Clinton: :: yawns ::
Barr thinks about facing 11 questions by a House Committee
His reaction... (gif of a camel running away at the sight of a bag)
124 Likes, 33 Retweets
37) Graham: "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"
Barr: "What the f*ck ever."
Graham: "Well, that's good enough for me."
#BarrLied #Snark
115 Likes, 39 Retweets
38) Hawley: "As a white man, I can tell you this isn't about Russia interference. This is about racism against the our majority! Nobody has ever been discriminated against like straight, white, Christian male Trump supporters! Our white hoods shall not be burned!"
#BarrHearing #Snark
117 Likes, 36 Retweets
39) Remember when Trump called himself the law and order president? I guess he meant lawless and disorder - that or "Law & Order: FU."
124 Likes, 27 Retweets
40) To your knowledge, do you know anything?
Barr: "Not to my knowledge."
#BarrHearing #Snark
112 Likes, 24 Retweets
41) Then
GOP: "It doesn't matter if a president obstructs justice. What matters is intent, and that's very difficult to prove."
GOP: "So what if the president intended to obstruct justice? He didn't, did he? That's all that matters here."
103 Likes, 32 Retweets
42) Well, I guess "The Art of the Deal" looked like this:
Trump: "I'll give you $5 million for that business."
Seller: "It's a dead end, dude. I'll give it to you for $50."
Trump: "I see what you're doing. Make it $50 million!"
Seller: "Done."
#TrumpTaxes #Snark
108 Likes, 25 Retweets
42) Barr: "To my knowledge... To my knowledge... To my knowledge..."
In other words, he either doesn't know, is BSing, or a combination of the two.
112 Likes, 21 Retweets
44) Romney: "47% of people pay no income tax. I'll never convince them to take personal responsibility or care for their lives."
#Brokeahontas: "That like makes me really smart, bigly."
93 Likes, 37 Retweets
45) Trump: "The covfefe was stollen by the special council and he smocking got off Scott Free! That's just unpresidented! He's ruined the state of our uniom!"
#Stollen #Snark
104 Likes, 25 Retweets
46) Women: "We're going on a #SexStrike!"
GOPers: "Let's shame them!"
Trump: "Grab women by the pus*y!"
GOPers: "Let's make him president!"
97 Likes, 23 Retweets
47) Barr: "I can't answer your question. I haven't gone through the whole report, really any of it, and neither have the people who work for me. But yes, I'm fully confident in my 4-page summary of a 400-page report."
#BarrLied #Snark
90 Likes, 27 Retweets
48) Trump: "I don't know what the Logan Act is, but I was told by my BFF Vlady that if I say it 45 times during this conference thing, he'll give me a bullsh*t-flavored lollipop, so here you go."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
83 Likes, 33 Retweets
49) Calling Donald Trump a great businessman would have been like calling the 2008 Detroit Lions Super Bowl contenders. Psst, they finished 0-16 that year.
85 Likes, 30 Retweets
50) Ilhan: "Lobbyists suck!"
Trump: "Anti-Semite!"
White supremacists: "Jews will not replace us!"
Trump: "Very fine people!"
74 Likes, 29 Retweets
51) Hawley: "What this is about is someone saying they could smell the Trump on people."
Very well. I can smell the bullsh*t emanating from your mouth.
82 Likes, 16 Retweets
52) Sasse takes two minutes to ask a question.
Barr: "Well, I mean, what is legal and illegal? I'm seriously asking. What are the technical definitions? As the lead attorney of the greatest country in the history of the world, I think I have the right to know."
#BarrHearing #Snark
73 Likes, 21 Retweets
53) Barr: "What do you mean by that word? What's the origin? Can you use it in a sentence? Could you repeat the word one more time? Oh, your time's up? Too bad, so sad."
#BarrLied #Snark
75 Likes, 18 Retweets
53) William Barr is like a housekeeper, paid to clean a mansion, cleaning one bathroom, & continually telling the owners he cleaned the entire home, even though security cameras & the eye-test suggest otherwise. Upon hearing this, he backtracks & says he doesn't recall.
77 Likes, 16 Retweets
55) Trump: "The Red Socks are a great team here in Boston. You have so many great teams: The Brewins, the Paid Tree Its; and best of all, the Sell Ticks. God, I love sport, bigly!"
#RedSocks #Snark #BillionDollarLoser
74 Likes, 18 Retweets
56) Wall Street Journal editorial on William Barr: "A Real Attorney General"
Really? Yeah, if he's representing a mob boss. Oh, wait...
72 Likes, 19 Retweets
57) #ImpeachDonaldTrump if, for no other reason, to hear how "Fox & Friends" tries to cover it.
Doocy: "Trump impeached?"
Kilmeade: "No, I think that's, 'Trump: 'I'm peached.''"
Doocy: "Trump's calling himself a peach?"
Kilmeade: "Makes sense. I do that all the time too."
75 Likes, 12 Retweets
58) Trump: "I'm the most transparent president in history, but no, you can't see my taxes, my grades, the rest of the Mueller report, McGahn's notes, and I'm not going to testify. Most transparent president in history, folks, bigly."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
64 Likes, 20 Retweets
59) Lee: "Is there any evidence you're aware of that Putin has something on Trump?"
Release Trump's taxes and then ask that question...
65 Likes, 18 Retweets
60) Barr: "When Trump gave the obstruction to McGahn, I mean instruction..."
#BarrLied #FreudianSlip
63 Likes, 19 Retweets
60) Everyone be careful! As displayed by William Barr earlier today, it appears as though Donald Trump's selective amnesia is indeed contagious!
69 Likes, 13 Retweets
62) Trump writes "The Art of the Deal," where he gives advice on making money, losing millions himself.
Trumpsters: "Yeah, but he wrote 'The Art of the Comeback,' so there!"
Right, because when you lose your house due to a psychic, it's wise to go back for seconds.
61 Likes, 15 Retweets
62) Cruz: "Trump may have called my dad the zodiac killer, and while he's wrong about this one thing and I still love him dearly like a family member, Obama is the real zodiac killer. Period."
#BarrHearing #Snark
62 Likes, 14 Retweets
64) Graham: "We need to investigate Trump-haters!"
"We are better to risk losing w/out Trump than winning w/him! Enough w/Trump! Embracing Trump is embracing demographic death! Between Trump & Cruz, it's like choosing between getting shot or poisoned!" - Lindsey Graham
52 likes, 22 Retweets
64) #ImpeachDonaldTrump, because the only way we'll make America great again is with him out of office.
64 Likes, 10 Retweets
66) Trump: "John Kerry broke the law. It he was a Republican, Democrats would prosecute, but since it's him, they won't. No, we won't do anything about it. What good are laws anyway, you know? If I believed in laws, I'd be, nevermind.... Next question..."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
53 Likes, 20 Retweets
66) Barr: "Look, I really don't know anything about the Mueller report, and because of that, I think I'm the most qualified to talk about it. I probably won't be able to answer any specific questions about it, but I'll dance around them like Bacon in 'Footloose.'"
#BarrLied #Snark
57 Likes, 16 Retweets
66) Siskel and Ebert give #Brokeahontas six bankruptcies.
59 Likes, 14 Retweets
66) Whenever a GOP Rep speaks, I start picturing this scene from "Airplane!" - …
61 Likes, 12 Retweets
70) I swear I just heard Trump say on television, "We have the biggest sh*t in the world." If he means we have a leader who spreads the most bullsh*t in the world, he's right.
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
57 Likes, 15 Retweets
70) Barr: "For anyone citing specific pages and quotes in the Mueller report, I ask you to cut it out. I mean, it's over 400 pages long. I've only had time to write a summary for the darn thing, not to read it!"
#BarrHearing #Snark
63 Likes, 9 Retweets
72) While I never want to see it, I think we can now safely say that Vladimir Putin has the biggest pee tape of all time (featuring microscopically small dingalings), which features: Donald Trump, William Barr, and Lindsey Graham.
56 Likes, 12 Retweets
72) Trump's next book: "How To Make -$1 Billion."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
56 Likes, 12 Retweets
74) Barr: "I didn't really know what exactly Mueller concluded or didn't conclude, so I thought it was best for me to read his mind like it were mine and conclude for him, even on terms the Special Counsel didn't use, like collusion. You're welcome, America."
#BarrLied #Snark
48 Likes, 19 Retweets
74) Barr: "It wasn't a summary. It was summarizing the principle conclusions. It's like CliffsNotes. It's not summarizing the book. It's just making the book shorter by, like, summarizing it."
#BarrLied #Snark
54 Likes, 13 Retweets
76) Kennedy: "All this talk about Trump, Russia, Mueller, blah, blah, blah. Let me ask you a serious question: what'd you have for breakfast today? Are you more of a sausage or bacon kind of guy?"
#BarrHearing #Snark
52 Likes, 13 Retweets
76) Trump: "Why is Burr subpoenaing Don, Jr.? Richard said no collusion. I even call him no-collusion Dick. Look, even though there's no such crime as collusion & it wasn't mentioned by Mueller, the Mueller report exonerated me of the crime of collusion."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
50 Likes, 15 Retweets
76) Barr: "Why aren't we talking about how Trump was falsely accused of collusion for two years? The Mueller report, which I haven't read and know nothing about, proved Trump didn't collude, even though it says no such thing. This is simple common sense."
#BarrHearing #Snark
52 Likes, 13 Retweets
79) I may have released this book two years ago, but "The Art of the Steal" seems even more relevant today. You can check it out here. - …
#ContemptOfCongress #BillionDollarLoser
51 Likes, 13 Retweets
80) #ImpeachDonaldTrump, because the guy already said he was f*cked. It's about time we help him follow through with something for a change.
52 Likes, 10 Retweets
81) Hirono/Barr ("Three Stooges" gif)
52 Likes, 6 Retweets
82) Barr: "Look, I'll compare this to the O.J. murder trial. Since he was found not guilty, if he had obstructed justice during the proceedings, he'd be innocent. You can only be guilty of B if you're guilty of A. That's grade-school math right there."
#BarrHearing #Snark
43 Likes, 14 Retweets
82) Hawley: "The 25th Amendment doesn't deal with mental illness, right? There isn't such a thing as mental illness."
#BarrHearing #Snark
47 Likes, 10 Retweets
84) Barr: "Were my conclusions inaccurate? I don't know. But I mean, nobody's called me out on it if that's the case."
Objection! That's bullsh*t, your honor!
#BarrLied #Snark
43 Likes, 10 Retweets
85) Barr: "Look, the president is not above the law, but he can't break the law. Let's make that clear."
#BarrHearing #Snark
34 Likes, 17 Retweets
86) Trump: "In order to win the jackpot, you have to go bankrupt at least six times."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
39 Likes, 11 Retweets
87) Graham: "Russia interfered in our election, which resulted in Donald Trump's victory. So now's as good a time as any to talk about Hillary Clinton's emails."
#BarrLied #Snark
42 Likes, 7 Retweets
88) Trump: "Democrats are asking for a do-over. 92% of the Mueller report is out in the open. What more do they want? When scientists get through 92% of an experiment or study thing, do they continue on? No. There's no bigger number than 92, believe me!"
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
42 Likes, 6 Retweets
89) A dipsh*t, a con-man, & the devil reincarnated as a human raccoon about to attend prom at a nursing home called Tiny Hands & Bigly Bone Spurs walk into a Barr. This is when Barr & Trump decide to treat law like garbage & the Constitution like toilet paper.
37 Likes, 10 Retweets
90) Normally the question is, "What would you do if you won the lottery?" Donald Trump, however, has answered the question, "What would you do if you lost the lottery ($1 billion)?" Become president on the mantra of, "I won the lottery and you will too!" "SAD!"
35 Likes, 10 Retweets
90) Jesus: "Love thy neighbor as thyself."
King: "Even them darker ones?"
Jesus: "Yes."
King: "F*ck that!"
House GOP: "Censure him!"
Jesus: "I died for your sins."
King: "You see that, everyone? I'm just like Jesus!" …
#SteveKing #Snark
38 Likes, 7 Retweets
92) A #BarrHearing isn't a #BarrHearing without Lindsey Graham making bar-and-hooker jokes...
36 Likes, 8 Retweets
93) Graham: "Even though the five words in the Mueller report I've read don't say anything about disproving collusion, I've heard the geniuses at 'Fox & Friends' say it does disprove this, and that's good enough for me."
#BarrLied #Snark
32 Likes, 10 Retweets
93) Cornyn: "Who's really to blame for Russia and Trump? Obama. Obama wanted Trump to become president to undo his 8 years of failures - especially helping us rebound from our biggest recession since the Great Depression!"
#BarrLied #Snark
35 Likes, 7 Retweets
95) Crapo: "I hope you're investigating FBI members who have opinions. Are you? I really hope so. God bless this great country and the First Amendment, but yeah, you need to take down FBI members who have opinions."
#BarrHearing #Snark
36 Likes, 5 Retweets
96) Trump: "I was very surprised Don, Jr. got subpoenaed. He's a good kid. I guess only good kids get subpoenaed. Period."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
33 Likes, 6 Retweets
97) Graham: "Even if Mueller's unredacted report proved Trump killed 275 million people, it wouldn't change my mind about the man I often refer to as Orange Jesus."
#BarrLied #Snark
27 Likes, 10 Retweets
98) This reminds me of a parody I wrote based off the Barenaked Ladies song, "If I Had $1,000,000," entitled, "If I Lost $1,000,000,000." Weird Al, get to work! - …
27 Likes, 6 Retweets
99) If anyone wants a laugh while the GOP Reps attempt to spread their malarkey at the hearing, check out my latest book, "Trumplandia," available for $2.99 for your Kindle. - …
#ContemptOfCongress #BillionDollarLoser
20 Likes, 10 Retweets
100) DT: "The Mueller report said I was totally exonerated. I was even told it said there were witnesses - this is true - but there were witnesses who once saw angel wings coming out of my head & I flew to Mar-a-Lago. I didn't see it, but it has to be true."
#BillionDollarLoser #Snark
21 Likes, 6 Retweets
101) McClintock: "Bueller... Mueller... Bueller... Mueller..."
#ContemptOfCongress #BillionDollarLoser
18 Likes, 8 Retweets
102) If I were a meteorologist in Buffalo during the winter, chances are I'd give the following forecast: "This storm is going to make shoveling hospitalizing again. Expect some yuge Trumps, Shapiros, and Wohls to come down all day & result in 2 feet of snow!"
#BenShapiro #Snowflakes
23 Likes, 2 Retweets
103) Graham: "Mueller indicted people. A lot of people were indicted by Mueller and he could indict more people since he's already indicted some people already. Is that right? I mean, Mueller indicted people, so can he indict people?"
#BarrLied #Snark
20 Likes, 4 Retweets
104) Graham: "I've read parts of the minimally redacted Mueller report. I'm gonna call it fully redacted. The two additional words I read in the unredacted report don't change my mind about Barr's conclusions, though."
#BarrLied #Snark
16 Likes, 6 Retweets
105) As I watch MSNBC's coverage of Joe Biden walking into a pizza shop, I can't help but think this is an episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," where Larry David is front and center.
18 Likes, 2 Retweets
106) Tillis: "I'm going to ask you a declaration, or declare to you a question. I'm... Well, whatever I'm about to do, it's gonna be like bigly smart."
#BarrHearing #Snark
17 Likes, 2 Retweets
107) The GOP's rendition of Naughty By Nature's "O.P.P.":
Reps: "You down with GOP?"
Putin: "Да ты меня знаешь!"
Reps: "You down with GOP?"
Putin: "Да ты меня знаешь!"
Reps: "You down with GOP?"
Putin: "Да ты меня знаешь!"
GOP: "Who's down with GOP?"
Putin: "ублюдок влады!"
16 Likes, 1 Retweet
108) Ted Cruz was the first to make William Barr laugh. Well, sh*t, I lost that bet.
16 Likes, 0 Retweets
109) Grassley: "Steele dossier. Democratic collusion with foeigners which made their hero, Donald Trump, president. Go."
#BarrLied #Snark
10 Likes, 0 Retweets
Totals: 33,038 Likes, 11,609 Retweets (Averages of 303.1 Likes, 100.5 Retweets)
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