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Twitter trending-hashtag posts (9/11 - 10/7)

I've had some fun with trending hashtags on Twitter over the past month. Here are my posts, ordered from the most to the least popular (all my tweets can be seen here -

1) The only 2020 Trump landslide will be this one. [GIF of a fat man sliding down a slide on land]
3,000 Likes, 393 Retweets

2) At the pace he's going, I'm predicting Donald Trump's head explodes at some point while speaking/tweeting today. My money's on 7:11 pm EST.
#TrumpPressConference #TrumpMeltdown
1,500 Likes, 313 Retweets

3) Trump: "Some people say what Schiff did was treason."

Some people = One person (the moron in the White House)
1,400 Likes, 313 Retweets

4) "If a whistleblower is credible, should there be an investigation into his or her claim?"

McGuire: "Yes"

"Is this whistleblower credible?"

McGuire: "Yes"

"So there should then be an investigation, right?"

McGuire: "No"
772 Likes, 280 Retweets

5) Trump: "Ask the guy over here a question. Ask the President of Finland a question. You're being rude."

Reporter asks a question.

Trump: "Let me answer this for the gentleman to my right. You're stupid, corrupt, and rude, bigly!"
#TrumpPressConference #Snark
776 Likes, 258 Retweets

6) Civil War: Fought over a disagreement on slavery.

#CivilWar2: Trump wants it to be fought over a disagreement on whether or not he can be an above-the-law dictator.

The former was about moving the country forward. The latter is about saving one person's rotten, felonious ass.
749 Likes, 196 Retweets

7) One acts like a teenager, constantly mocking others, bullying them, thinking they know more than they do, yet are ignorant about the world around them. The other is 16-year-old Greta Thunberg.
#GretaThunbergOutdidTrump #GretaThunberg
715 Likes, 164 Retweets

8) For as awful as his Civil War threat may be, it also showcases how frightened #DonaldTrump is. His con is coming to an end and he knows it. He's: a coward, traitor,  narcissist, lunatic, an ignoramus, and it's high past time Reps and Dems came together to remove him from office.
598 Likes, 162 Retweets

9) Trump: "Adam Schiff lied. That's treason. Just once. Just lying once is treason. Period. I've only lied 12,000 times. That's like nothing. It's like those Flonase commercials tell us, '1 is greater than 12,000.' That's basic math, folks, basic math."
#TrumpPressConference #Snark
568 Likes, 160 Retweets

10) Can you imagine if it were a black man who mistook a white woman cop's apartment as his own and shot and killed her? He'd already be in the chair...
502 Likes, 122 Retweets

11) Trump: "It's a witch-hunt! The spies who gave the whistleblower information should be killed for treason!"

Wait, so if you're referring to them as spies, are you basically saying their reported information is accurate? Who's guilty of treason again?
482 Likes, 125 Retweets

12) Over the past week, Donald Trump has threatened:

- The whistleblower
- Staff
- Media outlets
- Adam Schiff
- The country

The "man" is a menace to society and needs to be impeached and locked up before he does any more damage, "bigly."
#DonaldTrump #CivilWar #ImpeachmentNow
388 Likes, 162 Retweets

13) "Why should the American people not be troubled by a president asking a foreign country to dig dirt on a rival?"

Trump: "Hoax. Witch-hunt. Benghazi. 7-11 attacks. OJ did it. Hillary's emails. Obama's birth certificate. Caravans. Minivans. Period. Any questions?"
438 Likes, 97 Retweets

14) Trump: "Shifty Schiff made up words, made up what I said. Treason!"

Psst, here's what preceded Schiff's quote of yours: "In not so many words, this is the essence of what the President communicates."
398 Likes, 113 Retweets

15) MAGAt Math: Ten counts of obstruction + Colluding with a foreign nation to influence our elections = Winning!

I see The Donald isn't the only one concocting Sharpie revisions...
439 Likes, 49 Retweets

16) President of Finland: :: in the middle of an answer ::

Trump: "People in Finland are so nice. You're all nice over there."

Donald Trump, making compliments rude again. Congratulations.
370 Likes, 77 Retweets

17) McGuire: "I really don't know what I'm doing. I'm only an acting director. What does this job even consist of? I don't know. Seriously, I'm asking you, who am I and what do I do? I do do all my own stunts, though, so that's something, right?"
#WhistleblowerComplaint #Snark
316 Likes, 70 Retweets

18) The #TrumpMeltdown today was the worst since... [GIF of Alex Jones crying uncontrollably]
311 Likes, 73 Retweets

"It's alleged the president admitted in a phone call that he shot and killed someone on 5th Avenue. Is that correct?"

19) McGuire: "That's the president's personal business. I don't have an opinion on whether or not it should be investigated."
#WhistleblowerComplaint #Snark
287 Likes, 84 Retweets

20) What is with Trump referring to his phone call with the Ukrainian President as perfect? My dog is better schooled in English than he is. I can guarantee he's never engaged in a "perfect" conversation of any stripe.
#Whistleblower #TraitorTrump
288 Likes, 47 Retweets

21) He worked with a foreign adversary to undermine our election. He's tried to ban people based on their religion. He's wanted to silence the media. He threatened an ally if they didn't aid him in an election. Now he's threatening a Civil War. He is anti-American. #ImpeachmentNow
232 Likes, 74 Retweets

22) Trump: "I deserve the Nobel Peace Prize."

More like the Piece of Sh*t Prize...
246 Likes, 46 Retweets

23) #Newt: "We led a legitimate impeachment over a president lying once to the American public!"

So then what's the punishment for a president who lies over 12,000 times to the American public?
#ImpeachmentNow #Snark
198 Likes, 73 Retweets

24) When a flag files a restraining order against him
227 Likes, 31 Retweets

25) MAGAts: Those who claim to want to make America great again, yet do so while defending a president who wants to undermine said country's "democracy."
212 Likes, 32 Retweets

26) Trump: "I like whistleblowers, but only when they're real. This whistleblower is faker than my wife, Melanie. Just sayin'. I'm just sayin', folks. I love you, baby."
#TrumpPressConference #Snark
162 Likes, 33 Retweets

27) Trump: "Look, you can't argue with my great and unmatched wisdom. I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me. Which is why I'm going to destroy ISIS and then make them strong again."
#greatandunmatchedwisdom #Snark
153 Likes, 36 Retweets

28) Anyone defending Trump by saying he was joking is only kidding themselves. Drumpf doesn't joke. He doesn't know what a joke is.

Dad joke: "What rhymes with 'boo' and stinks? You!"

Donald joke: "I know a guy who rhymes words, lots of words, and smells funny."
#Impeachment #Snark
154 Likes, 31 Retweets

29) "Did you have sexual relations with that woman?"
Clinton: "What is 'is?'"
GOP: "Impeach him!"

Trump: "Yeah, I asked for foreign interference in a US election."
Dems: "Impeach him!"
GOP: "Hold on a minute. What is 'I asked for foreign interference in a US election?'"
125 Likes, 53 Retweets

30) Over the past few hours
- An ad is aired which displays AOC's face burning
- A Republican state representative tweets a death threat to Beto
- Trump forgets the last name of his vice president

Here is the Republican Party of 2019, folks. #VoteBlue2020
116 Likes, 54 Retweets

31) "Amber Guyger broke down in tears on the stand." Really? You know who can no longer break down in tears? Botham Jean, the man she f*cking shot and killed in his own home.
140 Likes, 28 Retweets

32) Wind advisories
145 Likes, 21 Retweets

32) FAKE POLL!!! SAD!!!
148 Likes, 18 Retweets

34) When younger, smarter, more attractive leaders make out with his favorite third wife right in front of him
135 Likes, 25 Retweets

35) McGuire: "No one, I repeat, no one is above the law! Period! More like exclamation point! Three of them!!!"

"Except the president?"

McGuire: "Well, obviously..."
#WhistleblowerComplaint #Snark
127 Likes, 27 Retweets

36) Trebek: "This is the most popular item sold at Burger King."

Trump: "What is hamberders?"
139 Likes, 12 Retweets

37) 1) Trump is a projectionist.
2) Trump suggested Schiff should be arrested for treason.
3) This means Trump should be arrested for treason.
121 Likes, 27 Retweets

38) Modern-day GOP thinking

Headline: "Republican Ted Bundy killed 30+ women"

GOP: "Wait, so how did they find out about this? Who leaked it? Hmm... That's troubling, like bigly."
108 Likes, 35 Retweets

39) Then
Trump: "Democrats are so divisive!"

Trump: "Civil War!!!"
#DonaldTrump #CivilWar
103 Likes, 39 Retweets

40) How much do you want to bet, in the redacted version of the whistleblower complaint, there will be a drawing of Alabama in Sharpie?
123 Likes, 18 Retweets

41) McGuire: "That's an allegation."

"Trump basically admitted it. Did you hear that?"

McGuire: "Allegedly"

"Which part?"

McGuire: "Both, one, or neither"

"Which is it?"

McGuire: "Which is what?"

"Did you hear what Trump said?"

McGuire: "When?"

110 Likes, 25 Retweets

42) Proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation
113 Likes, 17 Retweets

43) It's pretty rich for Trump to refer to Congressional Democrats as #DONOTHINGDEMS, as all he seems to do is tweet that post and many others throughout the course of the day.
110 Likes, 17 Retweets

44) Trump: "When Obama said he'd be better able to negotiate with Russia after his election, that's the same exact thing as me saying I'd provide military funding to Ukraine in exchange for them interfering in an election. Same thing. Poh-teh-toe. Pizza."
#TrumpPressConference #Snark
108 Likes, 15 Retweets

45) Dear Senator Patsy Graham:

I wasn't there when it happened, but I trust my sources who told me you once referred to Donald Trump as a "race-baiting, xenophobic bigot." Just sayin'.
#LindseyGraham #Whistleblower
97 Likes, 25 Retweets

46) "Officer, I was scared for my life. After I broke an entering, he came at me with a spoon and ice cream, I thought it was a gun, so I had to stand my ground. Yes, in another's home. Yes, he was unarmed."

...and the award for worst defense goes to...
#AmberGuyger #Snark
96 Likes, 20 Retweets

46) Isn't it sad that when I saw "discribing" trending, I knew it was a Trump tweet typo? I also see he doesn't know the difference between an apostrophe and a hyphen, nor how to properly use either. I guess Daniel Day-Lewis is really Daniel Day'Lewis.
104 Likes, 12 Retweets

48) McGuire: "I don't know. I'm unaware. That's private. Executive privilege. That's his personal business. I was not informed. I'll refer you to someone else. I can't give my opinion on that. I hope that helps."
#WhistleblowerComplaint #Snark
87 Likes, 20 Retweets

49) Ramos: "How is your Democratic socialism different from what goes on in Venezuela?"

Sanders: "WTF is wrong with you?!?"
#DemocraticDebate #Snark
92 Likes, 13 Retweets

50) If what it takes to impeach Donald Trump is a secret vote in the Senate, I say have at it. Trump will then be out of the Oval Office and voters will see just how cowardly the GOP and its "leaders" are. Win-win as far as I'm concerned.
93 Likes, 11 Retweets

51) Children who know how to work an umbrella
92 Likes, 9 Retweets

52) The popular vote
85 Likes, 14 Retweets

53) An actual call
"Hey, how's it going? How's the weather? So, like I killed a guy last night. I'll send you the video. Anyway, how's your wife? Good?"

A Trumpian transcript of the call:
"Made small talk. Asked about family matters. The end."
#Transcript #Snark
80 Likes, 17 Retweets

54) Trump: "In my great and unmatched wisdom, I have to say, the covfefe is strong in this one, bigly."
#greatandunmatchedwisdom #Snark
82 Likes, 14 Retweets

55) Trebek: "This is the person you want to bang the most."

Trump: "Who is Vlady? I mean, who is Ivanka? I mean, who is my third and favorite third beautiful wife, Melanie?"
79 Likes, 14 Retweets

56) If Trump & Pompeo mugged someone...

"Did you read the victim's statement?"

Pompeo: "Are you stupid? I've been f*cking busy!"

"What happened to your knuckles? They're all bloody."


"Why's the victim's name tattooed on your face?"

"Fake tattoo!"
#Pompeo #Snark
70 Likes, 18 Retweets

57) Harris: "Trump may talk big, but you know guys who always gotta talk big and talk about how big they are...have really small penises. I'm just sayin'. I'm just sayin'."
#DemocraticDebate #Snark
72 Likes, 15 Retweets

58) Any one of these ten candidates could not speak and still sound smarter than Trump.
75 Likes, 10 Retweets

58) Harris: "Listen to me for a second, Donald... Now you can go back to watching Fox News."

Trump: "How does she know that? You see? Obama tapped my wires. This is proof, bigly!"
#DemocraticDebate #Snark
76 Likes, 9 Retweets

60) Words, the best words he can't accurately spell nor pronounce
77 Likes, 6 Retweets

61) Booker: "No! I'd like to translate that in Spanish: No!"

Trump: "Wait, what did he say? I don't speak Spanish..."
#DemocraticDebate #Snark
71 Likes, 11 Retweets

62) Trebek: "This is the capital of New Hampshire."

Trump: "What is covfefe?"
73 Likes, 8 Retweets

63) GOP: "Mr. McGuire, thank you for your service. You were in the navy for almost four decades. You're brilliant, strong, quite possibly the greatest person in history, other than Jesus, of course. Is that correct? No further questions."
#WhistleblowerComplaint #Snark
66 Likes, 8 Retweets

63) Trump: "Did you know the oran, orang, oranges of the word 'great and unmatched wisdom' was from me? It's true. Goo-Goo it."
#greatandunmatchedwisdom #Snark
66 Likes, 8 Retweets

65) Winners from "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?"
64 Likes, 7 Retweets

66) If Booker becomes the Democratic nominee, his campaign slogan will inevitably be, "Vote Booker 2020, Because Dagnabbit, Why Not?!?"
62 Likes, 6 Retweets

67) Ladies and gentlemen, I have obtained an official, unredacted copy of the whistleblower complaint. Here it is...
#ImpeachmentNow #WhistleblowerComplaint #Snark
54 Likes, 6 Retweets

68) Trebek: "This is the place or point where something begins."

Trump: "What is an oranges?"
55 Likes, 4 Retweets

68) The fact that First and Second Corinthians aren't nearly as good as Two Corinthians
56 Likes, 3 Retweets

70) Trebek: "This president has been responsible for all the bad things throughout American history."

Trump: "What is Obama? Who is Obama? What or who are Obama? Just Obama? One of those. Pick one, Alex."
49 Likes, 5 Retweets

71) GOP: "We are sorry our Democratic colleagues have accused you of crimes they didn't accuse you of. Nothing is worse than a person accusing you of something when they're not accusing you at all. With that, we yield our time."
#WhistleblowerComplaint #Snark
40 Likes, 10 Retweets

72) 90-year-old women who aren't 10s
45 Likes, 4 Retweets

73) Trebek: "This is the largest moose in North America."

Trump: "What is anomamoose, amonamoose, amonanomamoose?"
42 Likes, 6 Retweets

74) Stephanopoulos: "Okay, so I'm not trying to spark any fights here or anything, but Senator Klobuchar, who is the craziest person up on stage here tonight?"
38 Likes, 5 Retweets

75) Trebek: "This is who you said was Melania's child together."

Trump: "I'd like to use all of my lifelines, Alex."
41 Likes, 1 Retweet

76) Whenever a Democratic candidate speaks Spanish...

Trump: [Confused look GIF]
39 Likes, 2 Retweets

77) People who actually know what they're talking about
37 Likes, 1 Retweet

78) Incest laws
30 Likes, 4 Retweets

78) When meteorologists on The Weather Channel don't use a Sharpie
33 Likes, 1 Retweet

80) Yang: "I'm Asian, so I know a lot of doctors."

Trump: "Not my doctor - the best doctor in the world. Just look at him."
#DemocraticDebate #Snark
28 Likes, 5 Retweets

81) Legal immigrant wives
24 Likes, 3 Retweets

81) When Pinocchio tries showing him up by continually extending his nose
24 Likes, 3 Retweets

81) Stephanopoulos: "I'm being told there are more than three candidates on the stage tonight. Is that true? Raise your hand if you think that's true."
25 Likes, 2 Retweets

84) When Vladimir Putin plays hard-to-get
26 Likes, 0 Retweets

85) Dem candidates: "HBCUs"

Trump: "Seriously?!? I won! Bingo!!!"
#DemDebate #Snark
22 Likes, 1 Retweet

86) Honesty, loyalty, history, fidelity
21 Likes, 1 Retweet

87) Morals and laws
20 Likes, 0 Retweets

88) Golfers who can find the hole
17 Likes, 0 Retweets

89) Facts, logic, and common sense
16 Likes, 0 Retweets

90) Trump: "Putin-s hamberders are the best, be very best. There so good, I covfefe believe it. You know whom else is good? Catherine Zeta'Jones. I wander if she-s ever done that thing and what her oranges are like, bigly."
#HyphenGate #Snark
14 Likes, 1 Retweet

90) Trying to figure out what LGBT stands for... His current theory is "Loving Great Blue Trucks."
15 Likes, 0 Retweets

90) Carly Fiorina's face, I mean, persona -
15 Likes, 0 Retweets

93) Spell-check
13 Likes, 1 Retweet

93) Whenever his son Eric beats him at Trivial Pursuit
14 Likes, 0 Retweets

95) Books, math, really any kind of word or number
13 Likes, 0 Retweets

96) Whenever he got his $1 million allowance taken from him due to misbehavior
8 Likes, 1 Retweet

97) Non-alternative reality
7 Likes, 1 Retweet

98) Booger: "Washington... 0-2, down 28-0. I don't think they're real happy right now."

4 Likes, 0 Retweets

98) Booger: "I've been waiting to hear his name (Myles Garrett)."

Eh, you're the announcer here, buddy...
4 Likes, 0 Retweets

Totals: 20,500 Likes, 4,391 Retweets (Averages of 207.1 Likes, 44.4 Retweets)


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