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Showing posts from April, 2012

Anywhere I can sign up for an arranged marriage?

Alright, so where do I sign up? Set me up with somebody and we'll have to make this work. I'm guessing this arranger's taste for me in women is better than my own and there will be a better chance that things work out long-term if another chooses my partner for me than I. When I got to feeling better from a two-year illness in late-December of 2010, I felt a new kind of energy, a motivation I hadn't felt before and it let me to losing 20-25 additional pounds, writing books galore and putting myself back out on the dating market. Writing has gone well. I added some weight in the winter, but have already started losing it again. On the dating front? It's been a disaster! I'll give a rundown of this before-mentioned disaster and abbreviate all the names accordingly: 1) "M" - Had a crush on her for about 3-4 years. I was told she felt similarly. She gave me a bunch of signs that she was at least someone interested in/attracted to me, but then was fla...

Who should we elect president? Just ask the dogs...

The Mitt Romney dog incident has been traveling about the airwaves for a couple months now, I believe. It's been reported that upon taking a family vacation in 1983 I want to say (for a change, I'm too lazy to fact check this) and took their dog Seamus for a ride...on the roof of the car. Many dog groups were not happy upon hearing this news. So just the other day, the Romney camp let the world know that in President Obama's book "Dreams From My Father," he admitted to eating dog meat. He was 9-10 years old, living in Indonesia and this meat had been prepared for him by his superiors. So, there we have it. It's all about the dogs. Romney: 36-year old man who strapped the family dog to the hood of the car on a family trip. Obama: 9-10-year old boy who had dog meat prepared for him while living in Indonesia. Yeah, those two stories are comparable...not really. The thing is, America is a dog-loving country. We typically see these animals as pets, as friends...

My letter-to-the-editor in response to two such letters regarding guns (claims that gun ownership makes us safer and that legalizing guns in bars isn't a big deal)

I read a couple of letters-to-the-editor via The Columbus Dispatch  regarding guns and felt the need to respond. First off, here are the two letters to which I will be responding: "Gun ownership increases safety in U.S. I respond to the Saturday letter “Gun lobby misreads the Constitution” from Richard Bradley. This issue has been settled by the highest court in the land. It is no longer debated law. The Supreme Court ruled it is a right for individuals to keep and bear arms. Contrary to the statement by Bradley, we do have the absolute right to arm ourselves. I would love to have a civil conversation about this subject with anyone. Another fact is that despite more gun owners than ever before and despite the relaxing of many gun laws, every form of violent crime has gone down in this country. Now look at Great Britain, with its incredibly strict gun laws, where violent crime rises every year. In fact, it has more than four times the violent crime per capita than we do...

A response to a letter-to-the-editor which stated Florida Republican Representative Allen West was correct in his claim that up to 80 Democratic members of the House are members of the Communist Party

First off, here is the letter I will be responding to - "Progressive movement  Rep Allen West at a town hall in Florida, on Tuesday 4/4/12 told the truth.  The 76 members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are the most dangerous to the constitutional Republic of all of the “Big Government” progressives who are in any office in the country.   Reps Raul M. Grijalva, D-Ariz and Keith Ellison, D-Minn are the co-chairs of the caucus and rejected Rep. West’s claim.   I support the claim and offer as evidence  and have recommended that it be viewed by ALL members of congress.  Now I would like to “demand” that all Christians in the US and all elected officials and all candidates should watch this DVD and then “publicly proclaim their support or rejection of progressivism.”   We should all also read “The Naked Communist” by Cleon Skoussen.  James West, Galloway"

A scale of a nightmare

Two months after I moved to Columbus, which was about 4 years ago, I remember getting out of the shower, looking in the mirror and not liking what I saw. My weight had increased to 186 lbs. and due to my poor workout and eating habits, I wasn't about to see a decrease in my weight anytime soon if I kept things going as they were. So, on that day, I decided to make some changes. I stopped drinking soda pop and sports drinks and went straight to water and water only. I stopped eating junk food. I went from fried meat to grilled. I also began to work out more. I lost a good 20-25 lbs. over the course of the year through these altered habits. I then became ill for a couple years, which prevented me from working out. Fortunately, while I couldn't work out, my eating habits didn't alter and I only gained 5 lbs. back. When I finally got to feeling better, I felt a motivation I had never possessed before and went on to lose another 20-25 lbs. for a total of around 45 lbs. since the...

Romney's ridiculous Obama-is-waging-the-real-war-on-women claim...

For the past few weeks, the majority of leaders in the Republican Party have spoken out against Democrats' charges that the GOP is waging a war on women. Likely republican nominee, Mitt Romney, has now attempted to turn the tables on the matter, recently stating that the real war on women has been waged by President Obama. More specifically, he said, "Women account for 92.3% of the jobs lost under Obama." Of course, there's a lot more to this story and number than Romney is telling his listeners.  First off, fact-checking site graded Romney's statement as "mostly false," stating that "...The numbers are accurate but quite misleading. First, Obama cannot be held entirely accountable for the employment picture on the day he took office, just as he could not be given credit if times had been booming. Second, by choosing figures from January 2009, months into the recession, the statement ignored the millions of jobs lost before then, whe...

Republicans Ask Jesus Questions (no, this is not based on a true story...)

Republicans Ask Jesus Questions Michael Buffer: "Before we get started today, I must go over a few things. As you all know by now when we gave you body cavity searches, cameras are not allowed at this event. Our speaker could be blinded by the flash and as a result, the world could end. Guns are allowed, however. I see a couple of rocket launchers over there. Very nice. How are you doing, junior? Is that too heavy for you? No? That's my boy! Well, since our guest knows everything, there really isn't a need for you to ask the questions. However, as no one else here knows everything, I'm sure our guest will understand us doing so. When any of you ask a question, please be kind, courteous and halfway intelligent. With all of that in mind, I ask that you put your hands together to welcome the man who guides the Republican Party, who makes robes and sandals look cool, who saved every one of is the one, the only Jesus H. Christ!" JC: "Alright. Far out...

A Fictional Q & A with Mitt Romney

Romney Spokesperson, Joseph Smith: "Okay. We'll give you all a total of 30 minutes to ask the future president questions. Please keep them short, so we can get to as many as possible. Don't interrupt the future president. If you do, you will be kicked out and then tortured at Gitmo. If any question is asked with a liberal-bias, you will likely get beaten up with Bibles. With that in mind, I bring to you the one, the only Mitt Romney!" Romney: "Okay. I'm ready for my first question. You up front here with the missing teeth..." Billy-Bob Josephat: "You used to speak out in favor of women's abortion rights. Now, I'm very pro-life. How can you convince me that you are now as well?" Romney: "It's because of people like you that I've seen the light and become pro-life. Every vote, I mean, life, is precious. People used to ask me why I wanted to kill babies and I was both angered and confused by this. I never wanted to kill bab...

A letter-to-the-editor response to the saying "Guns don't kill people; people kill people"

This morning, I stumbled across the following letter-to-the-editor in The Columbus-Dispatch : "Guns aren’t problem; laws and people are I respond to the March 23 Forum column “NRA seems to be running out of goals,” by Gail Collins. I want to reiterate the observation that guns don’t kill people. People kill people. Guns very often are used to save lives. A few years ago, some people were enjoying a meal at a restaurant in Florida. Suddenly, two punks with guns entered and took money from the register and from patrons. They then proceeded to force all the people into a cooler, and lock them in. One customer had a gun and shot both assailants. Perhaps Collins should have been there to engage in small talk with strangers, while in total darkness. In another example, my wife and I were traveling north on I-77 on a Sunday afternoon. I immediately noticed a reward poster concerning a man who had been murdered there just two weeks earlier. Apparently the victim had no gun. Some years ba...

Are people actually into this?

I joined a site a while back upon moving to the area, as I had lived in Nebraska for 26 years and didn't know anyone around here. I was seeking friendships at first, but having lived here for 4 years and working at home, I'm now open to other things. On the site, people can answer a variety of questions, pertaining to: Dating, sex, lifestyle, ethics and "others" (whatever that means). I earned degrees in psychology, so naturally, I find it interesting to study/learn about people. There are thousands of questions and some of them, especially pertaining to sex, are very strange. One asks if you're serious about someone and they admit to liking to pee on their partner when fooling around, how would it effect your feelings/the relationship on a whole. No, I'm not making this up. I may be very creative, but not even I would think of that. I had to laugh at that question, because part of me thinks it can't be serious. It sounds like it could take place in a ...

A response to a letter-to-the-editor which stated that Rush Limbaugh has never lied

The following letter-to-the-editor ( The Columbus-Dispatch ) was written by one Nancy Davis, entitled, "Fluke was merely a prop in liberal drama". "Where is Sandra Fluke now? New national guidelines issued by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommend cervical-cancer screening no more often than every three years, replacing the annual Pap smear, according to a March 15 Dispatch news brief. Indeed, it is apparent that Fluke does not care about women's health issues, or she would be speaking out against these new guidelines. Additionally, it seems that she is a pawn for the liberal agenda to take away our First Amendment right of freedom of religion. In correcting David T. Dennison Jr.'s March 19 letter, Fluke did not testify before Congress. The Democrats attempted to replace their witness at the last minute with Fluke, and because Congress needs 72 hours to vet witnesses, she was not permitted to testify. Fluke had no medical background and did not quali...