A response to a letter-to-the-editor which stated Florida Republican Representative Allen West was correct in his claim that up to 80 Democratic members of the House are members of the Communist Party
First off, here is the letter I will be responding to -
"Progressive movement
Rep Allen West at a town hall in Florida, on Tuesday 4/4/12 told the truth. The 76 members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are the most dangerous to the constitutional Republic of all of the “Big Government” progressives who are in any office in the country. Reps Raul M. Grijalva, D-Ariz and Keith Ellison, D-Minn are the co-chairs of the caucus and rejected Rep. West’s claim. I support the claim and offer as evidencehttp://www.agendadocumentary.com and have recommended that it be viewed by ALL members of congress. Now I would like to “demand” that all Christians in the US and all elected officials and all candidates should watch this DVD and then “publicly proclaim their support or rejection of progressivism.” We should all also read “The Naked Communist” by Cleon Skoussen.
James West, Galloway"
...and here is my response...
This letter-to-the-editor is in response to James West's April 16th letter, entitled, "Progressive movement". In this letter, Mr. West mentions Florida Republican Representative Allen West's recent comments about his belief that as many as 80 Democratic members of the House are also members of the Communist Party. West (James, that is) then mentions that he supports Allen West's before-mentioned claim and that a particular film and book are all that are needed to prove it.
For the record, Representative West said he "heard" that up to 80 Democratic members of the House are members of the Communist Party and added that he "wouldn't name names".
So, there we have it, folks. Representative West would do quite well in the courtroom.
Judge Duh: "Do you have any physical evidence to support your claims?"
Rep. West: "I heard it, your honor."
Judge Duh: "Can you name any of the representatives which you heard are members of the Communist Party?"
Rep West. "No, your honor."
Judge Duh: "Well, that's good enough for me. We've placed the names of all 190 Democratic House members in this hat, will draw 80 of them and those 80 will be punished severely by the court of law. Here we go..."
With evidence as solid as Representative West's, I'm thinking of making the claim that of the 242 Republican members of the House, 94 of them are aliens and of the 47 Republican members of the Senate, 42 of them have fantasized about trying on Cinderella's glass slipper. How did I come to learn of this? Simple - I heard it. The voices in my head are extra active today. Oh and in order to understand how dangerous these Republican members of Congress are, I offer to you further proof via the film "Independence Day" and a conversation with Miss Cleo. The prosecution rests, your honor...
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