That's right. If Barack Obama is re-elected this year, the end will be near. This is, more or less, what many far-right Republicans have been proclaiming. Humorously enough, these same individuals were making similar declarations in the run up to the 2008 election. So the world hasn't ended in Obama's first 3.5 years in office and so these doomsday predictors are 0 for 1 on that front. What's to say they won't be right this time and finish an impressive 1 for 2? Sure, in school, that'd be a failing grade, but when it comes to doomsday predictions, it's not half bad.
One such spokesperson is NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre. What has he said would occur if Obama is re-elected? Read for yourself...
"All that first term, lip service to gun owners is just part of a massive Obama conspiracy to deceive voters and hide his true intentions to destroy the Second Amendment during his second term."
He added, "We see the president's strategy crystal clear: Get re-elected and, with no more elections to worry about, get busy dismantling and destroying our firearms' freedom, erase the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights and excise it from the U.S. Constitution."
Before the 2008 election, leaders of the NRA were saying similar things, but just as they were certain and wrong the first go-round, they are certain this time as well!
However, as I'm sure it's a great disappointment to Mr. LaPierre and others like him, Obama received an "F" grade by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence due to his signing bills which allowed firearms to be carried in national parks and also Amtrak trains. But, of course, this was all part of Obama's grander plan. He was going to try and hoodwink gun enthusiasts by expanding gun rights in his first term, try to win some of their support and even though a second term was anything but certain, he'd save all of his anti-gun bills for that four-year stretch. Things make so much sense when you don't think about them.
Well, continuing with that trend, let me enlighten the world on what will happen if Barack Obama gets elected to a second term as President of the United States of America. It won't be pretty. In fact, the world will literally end as we know it when all is said and done. Before the world's ultimate demise, however, let me list ten events which will inevitably occur before Obamageddon is officially upon us. What will Obama do?
1) He will take away everyone's guns, keep them for himself and then shoot and kill newborn babies right as they're released from their mothers' vaginas.
2) He will take from the richest 1% and give to the poorest 99%, so that 1% are poor and 99% are rich. It's math, people!
3) He will force everyone to have health insurance and if you don't, he'll do away with your health by sending a secret panel over to kill you, probably with some kind of medicine.
4) He will change Christmas to Brokeback Mountain Day and force everyone to be gay. If you're a male, you'll have to marry a man by the name of Bruno and if you're a female, you'll have to marry a woman by the name of Shawniqua.
5) He will overload us with so many contraceptives that he'll force guys to wear condoms on our upper-heads at all times.
6) He will require that a child's first words have to be, "How much you got?" and be able to efficiently roll and sell doobies.
7) He will edit The Bible - changing the name Jesus to Sesju.
8) He will declare that it's adultery when a married person sleeps with the American flag.
9) He will cancel National Prayer Day through the power of his own prayers.
10) He will re-paint the White House black, I mean, African-American!
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