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Showing posts from March, 2014

For some strange reason, elbows on the table is seen as ruder than farting at the table...

Not too long ago, I was watching Family Feud , and upon hearing the question, "Name something a person does at the dinner table that's considered rude," was surprised to see "Elbows on the table" as the top answer. It was ahead of, "Burping," "Farting," "Talking with your mouth full," etc. Really? Seeing someone with their elbows on the table is more rude than letting nasty odors spread about the room via a fart a person has been holding in for a while, and a burrito finally provided the final punch for the the nastiness to fly? Right... I can really see the following two conversations occur after a first date: Post-first date conversation #1 Grace Amazin: "So...? How was the date?" Mary Samsonite: "It was going okay at first..." Grace: "But..." Mary: "But, while I was still eating, he put his stinking elbows on the table! How rude!" Grace: "Wow! What nerve!" Mary: ...

Tea Partier attempts to lecture me about fallacies

Exactly six months after the horrific mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, I released the book, LOL at the GOP - Volume 3: Guns Don't Kill, Cars Don't Drive, and Ovens Don't Bake . This was to poke fun of the common right-wing talking point, "Guns don't kill people; people kill people!" So, a couple of days ago, a self-described Tea Partier sent me the following tweet: "People Kill, People Drive, and People Bake. Your title is a fallaciously implied argument." Based on that statement, it seems pretty obvious to me that this man believes the before-mentioned talking point - "Guns don't kill people; people kill people!" - and that humans are fully in control of everything that takes place in our everyday lives. The problem with his argument is he's alleging an "implied argument" of a sarcastic title poking fun at a talking point, and assuming to be fully cognizant of the tone of said title, my beliefs on the matter...

Book(s) Update

I've gotten everything I can get done, done, but am now in waiting mode, unfortunately. My two books, The Kind-Hearted Smarta*s - Volume 2: The Wisecracks Continue and The Kind-Hearted Smart Aleck - Volume 2: The Wisecracks Continue are pretty much good to go. I just have to finish the covers, and then I'll be set. I'm still awaiting my proofreader to look over my two other books, LOL at the GOP - Volume 4: Guns, Jesus, Corporations, and Fetuses and LOL at the GOP - Volume 5: You Can't Spell "Forgot To Take Their Crazy Pills" Without "Tea Party."  I'm currently awaiting a response from customer service with regard to the first two books. I'm hoping to hear back within the next day or two. It's also uncertain how long it will take my proofreader to look over the other two books. So, for the next couple of days, at least, it appears as if I'll be in waiting mode. Hopefully I hear back from the customer service rep very soon and my proof...

The real GOP rebranding

Ever since they suffered significant defeats in the 2012 election, the Republican Party has talked about "rebranding" themselves. This has been anything but successful, as for every one pro-women's or pro-minorities' rights speech they give, it seems as if they give four or five in the opposite direction. When I thought about the GOP and "rebranding" the other night, though, a thought occurred to me - the party has been quite successful with the concept of rebranding, just not when it comes to their party's image. No, the kind of rebranding I'm talking about is in reference to words. Let me run down a list of the words or concepts the GOP has seemed to successfully rebrand over the years (unfortunately): Liberal Actual definition: "Favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties," "favoring or permitting freed...

Timberlake Christian School in Virginia shall now be called Timberlake Hypocrite School

With every passing day, I'm asked less about why I've separated myself from organized religion. This is due to an ever-increasing quantity of stories like the one I'm about to share with you. Even some extremely religious individuals, after reading such stories, shake their heads, and give me a look as if to say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know..." Not long ago, 8-year-old Sunnie Kahle was informed via a letter written by administrators of a Virginia Christian elementary school (Timberlake) that she wouldn't be granted admittance to the school unless she changed a few things. A portion of the letter read as follows: "We believe that unless Sunnie as well as her family clearly understand that God has made her female and her dress and behavior need to follow suit with her God-ordained identity, that TCS is not the best place for her future education." You see, Sunnie has short hair and is kind of a "tomboy," as the description goes. I guess...

Report shows Republican states are most dependent on the federal government

Remember how, preceding the 2012 elections, the Republican Party decided to divide Americans up into two classes - the makers and the takers - and seemed to insinuate that Republicans were the makers and Democrats were the takers? Well, ironically enough, due to a new report that was released, it appears as if these Congressional Republicans and talking heads were suffering from a case of denial and/or projection. According to the consumer finance site Wallet Hub , it showed that if we were to divide the two parties by the labels of "makers" and "takers," Democratic states would be the "makers" and Republican states would be the "takers." The very blue state of Delaware had the best maker/taker ratio, as for every $1 in taxes it pays, it receives only 50 cents back from the federal government. The very red state of Mississippi and the battleground state of New Mexico tied for the worst maker/taker ratio, as for every $1 they pay in taxes, t...

Louisiana Representative Bill Cassidy infers that the uninsured are stupid

Republican Louisiana Representative Bill Cassidy, who is running to be the party's Senate candidate for the coming elections, recently said the following in a speech given to the Louisiana Oil and Gas Association with regard to health insurance: "[My plan] I think actually reflects the reality of who the uninsured are, relatively less sophisticated, less comfortable with forms, less educated. Those are the folks that - not all - there's a guy who goes to my church who's uninsured, who's middle-class but couldn't get it because he has Type 1 diabetes. So it's not all, but it is the folks who I think are going to have the hardest time reaching [...]" Excuse me?!? I don't think so... What makes this quote even sadder is the fact that Mr. Cassidy is a physician. As sad as it is to say, there are many other people like the guy he knows at church whom don't have health insurance. I happen to be one of them. I happen to possess three college degre...

More of my McConnelling videos

After finishing work last night, and with a half-hour to spare before The Daily Show started, I decided to create some more McConnelling videos. Here they are: "Talking About Sex With Mitch" - "Highway to McConne-Hell" - "Mitch Kissed a Girl (and he liked it)" - "Please Don't Speak Anymore" -  "Sex Machine Mitch" -

Info on my Facebook business, Twitter, and Tumblr pages

Here's the URL to my Facebook business page. I update it fairly regularly, but still haven't put forth a great deal of effort yet in researching matters and attempting to make the most out of it. In any case, it can be perused here: Up next is my Twitter page. I'm still not 100% certain what I'm doing on there yet, but feel I'm gradually getting the hang of it and am up to 8,183 followers. I update it daily with many of my own tweets, but also by retweeting some others'. It can be found here: Lastly, here's my Tumblr page, which I've neglected quite a bit recently, but if you're at all curious, you can find it at the following link:

Weekly update of my book information

For new readers (and regular ones, I suppose), here's some information pertaining to my books. All eight of my books can be purchased in paperback form at the following site (and others): The six books I've written and released in the past 2+ years (yes, I've been on a roll) can be purchased for much cheaper in Kindle form at the following link: As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me by either commenting on this blog or e-mailing me at Unless I'm out of town, I'm typically very good at responding rather quickly.

Book(s) Update

My proofreader was able to finish proofreading two books of mine this past weekend ( The Kind-Hearted Smarta*s - Volume 2: The Wisecracks Continue  and The Kind-Hearted Smart Aleck - Volume 2: The Wisecracks Continue ). After looking them over again, I think they're about good to go. I've still yet to design a cover for either, but have some ideas in the works. I've finished proofreading and editing a third book ( LOL at the GOP - Volume 4: Guns, Jesus, Corporations, and Fetuses ), so I'll have my proofreader look that over before I finalize matters. Lastly, I'm about to proofread and edit the fourth book I'll be releasing this year ( LOL at the GOP - Volume 5: You Can't Spell 'Forgot To Take Their Crazy Pills' Without 'Tea Party' ). Hopefully I'll be able to finish that sometime this week, that my proofreader will be able to look my third and fourth books over before long, and I can get to designing covers and releasing the books in the ...

Book(s) Update and March Madness

Well, I've officially finished proofreading and editing book #3 out of 4 ( LOL at the GOP - Volume 4: Guns, Jesus, Corporations, and Fetuses ). I'll attempt to finish proofreading and editing book #4 next week ( LOL at the GOP - Volume 5: You Can't Spell "Forgot To Take Their Crazy Pills" Without "Tea Party" ). In the meantime, I'll hopefully have books #1 and #2 fully proofread by another ( The Kind-Hearted Smarta*s - Volume 2: The Wisecracks Continue  and The Kind-Hearted Smart Aleck - Volume 2: The Wisecracks Continue ) by the end of the weekend. If she really gets on a roll, perhaps she can proofread book #3 as well.  In any case, I've reached a point in the week where my mind really can't handle any more, and I'm going to enjoy some March Madness college basketball starting in approximately one hour! I hope everyone enjoys their coming weekends, and if you're into March Madness, that you enjoy that as well! Best of luck to you...

What happened to "Psych"?

While part of me is sad to see that there's just one more episode left in the Psych series, another part of me is glad. The reason for that is I've been thoroughly disappointed in the eighth and final season. I started noticing the series going downhill in the seventh season, after six very strong ones. There were still some funny episodes in season 7, but there were also times when it appeared as if, due to the added romantic elements, Psych was going to become like Friends and turn into a romantic dramedy or soap opera. That element has definitely faded in season 8. However, it's been replaced by sub-par writing, extreme randomness, and a sense of, "Were the writers and actors high when making these episodes?" This season has honestly appeared to me to be one where the writers and actors weren't 100% certain if it was going to happen, and at the last minute, decided to gather all the "fun," random ideas they could, and place it on the screen - de...

Internet Explorer is not recommended

I received a kind comment on my blog yesterday, but this individual also made note that when logged into Internet Explorer, he/she noticed some overlap in my blogs perhaps due to a compatibility issue. This isn't the first time I've heard such a thing - both with regard to this site and many others. It's one of the main reasons I no longer use Internet Explorer and have opted to go with the likes of Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. I started having major compatibility issues with a host of different sites. Also, Explorer is fairly notorious for not protecting people very well from viruses. That's another reason I made the switch. So, if anyone is having compatibility issues when using Internet Explorer, I'd highly recommend making a similar switch. Heck, even if you're not having compatibility problems, I'd probably recommend making the switch anyway. No browser is perfect, but I've had far fewer problems on Firefox and Chrome than I did on Explore...

Amazon reviewers: Don't punish artists for poor delivery

I've noticed on a number of occasions where reviewers will give an album, a film, or a game 0.5 to 1.0 out of 5.0 stars and then proceed to write a review saying they loved the quality of the product, but were disappointed by the delivery. What they need to realize is they're not dissatisfied with the product, but with Amazon, and what they're doing is punishing the artist as opposed to the deliverer. It makes absolutely no sense to rave about an album and give it 1.0 star out of 5.0, all because the delivery was less than stellar. If anyone runs into this situation, I recommend either emailing Amazon or calling them at this number - (888) 280-3321. Take the matter up with them and hopefully the two of you can work something out. In my experience with Amazon, the customer service has been very helpful, and I'm sure they'll work with you to make sure your needs are met and you're not tentative about shopping there again.

More McConnelling

According to Buzzfeed, here are the top 30 The Daily Show -inspired McConnelling videos - Here are three more of mine:  "He's Bad" - "Mitch's Gin and Juice" - "U Can't Touch Him" -

What ladies probably shouldn't say to their men...

So, I got into an interesting discussion earlier today about an article in Cosmopolitan magazine, which advised women not to refer to a man's nether-region as "cute" or "adorable." Due the film How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days  as well as common sense (from a man's vantage point), I thought this was common knowledge, but I guess that's not exactly the case. So, I was told I should write a blog where I advise women on what not to say when around their male love interest(s). Here we go... 1. Don't call "it" "cute" or "adorable" - For quite possibly the first time in my life, I actually agree with some advice given in Cosmopolitan magazine. I'm sorry to say this, but a man's "junk" makes up approximately 39.7% of his entire ego (that may be an underestimate). Men also tend to link the words "cute" and "adorable" with "small" and "baby-like." When we see a friend or fam... is to news what gas problems are to first dates

Over the past week, I've noticed a right-wing acquaintance of mine posting a multitude of "articles" from a site I didn't recognize, which goes by the name of, Noticing the trend of absurd article titles, I decided to research this site for myself, and have concluded that it appears to be a bigger joke than Anna Kournikova and Ryan Leaf's careers in the professional world of sports combined. Currently, on's homepage, the "about us" section has this written: "Coming soon..." All of the articles are written by "admin." Yes, it only gets better from there. On the homepage, here is a list of the "fair and balanced" articles: - "Fox Hosts Explode On Liberal Co-Host As Things Get Heated" - "GOP Finally Starts to Push Back on Obama Executive Order Abuse" - "Fox News: How Does Al Sharpton Still Have a Job?" - "White House Chef Quits Job Due To Michelle...

For fans of "The Daily Show," be sure to check out

For those whom religious watch The Daily Show  like I do and caught last Thursday night's show when Jon Stewart introduced the world to "McConnelling," I'd highly recommend checking out this site - On it, you can rearrange certain Mitch McConnell photos, add a song via YouTube, and create your own hilarious Mitch McConnell campaign ad, which you can then share on Facebook and/or Twitter. To this point, I've only created one such ad, which I've entitled, "Mitch Is Too Sexy," and can be viewed here - Enjoy the new site and be sure to share the extra funny ones! I have a hunch when Stewart returns from break next Monday, he's going to have a good time showcasing a few of the better videos.

Info on my Facebook business, Twitter, and Tumblr pages

Here's the URL to my Facebook business page. I update it fairly regularly, but still haven't put forth a great deal of effort yet in researching matters and attempting to make the most out of it. In any case, it can be perused here: Up next is my Twitter page. I'm still not 100% certain what I'm doing on there yet, but feel I'm gradually getting the hang of it and am up to 8,014 followers. I update it daily with many of my own tweets, but also by retweeting some others'. It can be found here: Lastly, here's my Tumblr page, which I've neglected quite a bit recently, but if you're at all curious, you can find it at the following link:

Weekly update of my book information

For new readers (and regular ones, I suppose), here's some information pertaining to my books. All eight of my books can be purchased in paperback form at the following site (and others): The six books I've written and released in the past 2+ years (yes, I've been on a roll) can be purchased for much cheaper in Kindle form at the following link: As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me by either commenting on this blog or e-mailing me at Unless I'm out of town, I'm typically very good at responding rather quickly.

Book(s) Update

I just posted one of these on Friday, I believe it was. But, since I've been posting such updates each of the past four Mondays (or so), I thought I'd continue with that tradition. My proofreader is about 55.9% finished with the first two books that will be released this year. Hopefully she can finish that in the next week or so. In the meantime, I've just gotten started with the proofreading and editing process of the third and fourth books that will be released this year. In all honesty, I'm feeling slightly burned out at the moment, but am trying to get back into the groove. Hopefully I'll be able to finish proofreading and editing the two books in the coming couple of weeks, before passing them on down to my proofreader, who's probably wondering when in the world I'll stop handing down this seemingly never-ending line of coming books! Well, that's about all I have to share at this current time. As usual, I'll be certain to update readers on the p...

Book(s) Update

Well, I got off to a rather slow start this week, but finished stronger than Mike Tyson on steroids. As of a few minutes ago, I'm officially through the footnoting process for the 3rd and 4th books which will be released this year ( LOL at the GOP - Volumes 4 and 5). All I have left on the slate for those two books is to proofread and edit them both. Then I'll need a second pair of eyes to do likewise, before I edit them another time, and get them set for publishing. Well, my work for the week is done. Hopefully my proofreader will get a bit more accomplished this weekend than she did last weekend, and I'll be able to have The Kind-Hearted Smarta*s and The Kind-Hearted Smart Aleck (Volumes 2) available before too terribly long. I still have a bit of work to do before all is said and done, but when looking at the grand scope of things and what all I had on my plate as the new year began, I'm quite pleased with what all I've gotten finished. On that note, I think ...

Newsflash: Obamacare didn't cost Alex Sink a House seat

Congressional Republicans and conservative media outlets didn't waste any time in declaring their special election victory on Tuesday night was the result of the public being angered over the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare). Many such talking heads have gone on to say, "This just shows you how badly the GOP will steamroll Democrats in November due to this awful law." I hate to disappoint these giddy conservatives, but the numbers don't back up their claims. Among Independent voters in the FL-13 election, 57% sided with Democratic candidate Alex Sink with regard to her position on the healthcare law (maintaining the law and fixing any problematic components, but not repealing it), while just 31% sided with Republican candidate David Jolly on the issue (full repeal of the law). In other words, even the unaffiliated voters down the middle strongly sided with the Democrat in this election regarding the Affordable Care Act. Among all voters in this special election...

Some evangelicals believe they can resurrect the dead

Allow me to introduce everyone to Donna Leppitt. Ms. Leppitt is a member of a fellowship called Global Awakening, and as reported by BBC, it appears as if she and many others believe they can resurrect the dead. She and others like her have yet to perfect this art, however, and the only way to do this is through more practice. As Ms. Leppitt told the BBC, "Practice makes perfect." Indeed it does... It appears as if Global Awakening isn't alone in their belief that they can bring the deceased back to life. Another group, which goes by the name of Dead Raising Team, claims to have brought several people back to life and even made a film about these ventures, entitled, Deadraisers . So, let me get this straight... Evolution? "Didn't happen." Homosexuality being genetic? "Not possible." Global warming? "Not a chance." Resurrecting people from the dead? "It happens every day..." Take hallucinogens every day? "H...

According to Bachmann, homosexuals are the real bullies!

While Minnesota Congresswoman and lead candidate to star as Linda Blair's character in a remake of The Exorcist - Michele Bachmann - won't be running for re-election, she's decided to let the crazy words fly for as long as she's still in office. After Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoed SB 1062 late last month, which would have allowed professionals to refuse service or employment to individuals due to their religious beliefs (::cough:: gays ::cough::), Bachmann decided to make the following statement on the matter when speaking to conservative radio host Lars Larson this past weekend during the CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference): "There's nothing about gays in there. But the gay community decided to make this their measure. I think the thing that is getting a little tiresome, the gay community, they have so bullied the American people, and they've so intimidated politicians. The politicians fear them, so that they think they get to dictate ...

Young Republicans now favor same-sex marriage

While the Republican Party, on the whole, disapproves of same-sex marriage, if things continue as they've been trending, it will only be a matter of time before same-sex marriage is legal across the country. This is because support for gay marriage is increasing on both sides of the political spectrum as age decreases. According to a recent Pew Research poll, while just 39% of Republicans approve of same-sex marriage, 61% of 18- to 29-year-old Republicans approve of it. That number decreases to 43% among 30- to 49-year-olds, 30% for those between the ages of 50 and 64, and just 22% of Republicans over the age of 65 approve of gay marriage. There's a similar trend with Democrats, although, the numbers are much higher among the older groups. Among 18- to 29-year-olds, 77% approve of same-sex marriage rights. This number decreases slightly to 71% support among 30- to 49-year-olds, 66% for those between the ages of 50 and 64, and 62% of Democrats over the age of 65 approve of g...

I apparently had a psychic vision 9 months ago...

At CPAC this past weekend, NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre was introduced with the Huey Lewis Song "The Power of Love" playing in the background. Just 9 months ago, my most recent book ( LOL at the GOP - Volume 3: Guns Don't Kill, Cars Don't Drive, and Ovens Don't Bake ) was released. On the cover of this book is a man shooting a gun, which fires hearts at an individual, who appears to be full of smiles and laughter. Either Mr. LaPierre saw the cover of my book and took it a bit too literally, or I may start charging people money to reveal their futures. How I don't know which direction I'll go is anyone's guess. Perhaps I do know, but am not telling anyone - that or I'm just full of nonsense.

Info on my Facebook business, Twitter, and Tumblr pages

Here's the URL to my Facebook business page. I update it fairly regularly, but still haven't put forth a great deal of effort yet in researching matters and attempting to make the most out of it. In any case, it can be perused here: Up next is my Twitter page. I'm still not 100% certain what I'm doing on there yet, but feel I'm gradually getting the hang of it and am up to 7,838 followers. I update it daily with many of my own tweets, but also by retweeting some others'. It can be found here: Lastly, here's my Tumblr page, which I've neglected quite a bit recently, but if you're at all curious, you can find it at the following link:

Weekly update of my book information

For new readers (and regular ones, I suppose), here's some information pertaining to my books. All eight of my books can be purchased in paperback form at the following site (and others): The six books I've written and released in the past 2+ years (yes, I've been on a roll) can be purchased for much cheaper in Kindle form at the following link: As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me by either commenting on this blog or e-mailing me at Unless I'm out of town, I'm typically very good at responding rather quickly.

The GOP Hearts Putin

Rand Paul may have recently won the straw poll at CPAC, but if it were legally possible, I have a hunch Russian President Vladimir Putin would have been the big winner among conservative Republicans this past weekend. Don't believe me? Feel free to ask some of the supposed leaders of the conservative movement. "People are looking at Putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil. They look at our president as one who wears mom jeans and equivocates and bloviates." - Sarah Palin "Putin sees himself as a macho man who's going to do pretty much what he wants. The president sees himself as a renaissance man who wants to accommodate." - Bill O'Reilly "Putin decides what he wants to do and he does it in half a day, right? He decided he had to go to their parliament. He went to their parliament. He got permission in 15 minutes ... but he makes a decision and he executes it quickly. Then everybody reacts. That's what you call a leader. Preside...

Is there such a thing as mental cheating? Many say no, but I say yes.

As I've stated before, "cheating" is often times a shades-of-grey kind of issue, and the definition often times differs from person to person. Due to that, I've always said it's probably a good idea to date a person with whom you agree on the matter, in order to limit the potential misunderstandings regarding it. This especially seems to be the case when it comes to non-physical forms of cheating. While most everyone feels that participating in anything sexual with a person outside of a relationship is cheating, approximately 55% of women and 40% of men feel that passionately kissing someone outside of a relationship constitutes as cheating, and far fewer men than women feel that sexting with another can be viewed as cheating. Women also tend to believe in such a thing called emotional cheating much more so than men do. But what about mental cheating? Is there even such a thing? If so, what is it exactly, and how could we be certain that the person we're with ...

Book(s) Update

Well, it appears as if my books The Kind-Hearted Smarta*s - Volume 2: The Wisecracks Continue (uncensored version) and The Kind-Hearted Smart Aleck - Volume 2: The Wisecracks Continue (censored version) won't be released as early as I had expected. Unfortunately, while I've done all I can to this point, my proofreader/editor is running behind schedule, so all I can do is wait until she finishes that stop in the process, before I go through the books one final time, and get them finalized for publication. I sincerely hope they'll be completed and made available by late-March or early-April, at the very latest. On a more positive note, while awaiting a second pair of eyes to proofread and edit the two before-mentioned books, I've been hard at work on finishing two other books ( LOL at the GOP - Volume 4: Guns, Jesus, Corporations, and Fetuses and LOL at the GOP - Volume 5: You Can't Spell "Forgot To Take Their Crazy Pills" Without "Tea Party" )....

Chris Christie: "They're the party of intolerance, not us." Riiight...

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is back in the news and not for his closing of the George Washington Bridge. No, he's back in the news due to a speech he gave at the Conservative Political Action Conference, where he riled the base but garnered a chuckle out of me for stating the following: "I've got asked the question last year. Governor you're very popular in a blue state. How can you export that to the rest of the country, given the intolerance on social issues in your party?' And I said, well, let me ask you a question. You said the Republicans are intolerant. I'll just tell you this: At our national convention, we've had people like Tom Ridge and Colin Powell and Condi Rice speak at our national conventions. Even though I don't agree with their position on abortion. Tell me, sir, the last pro-life Democrat who was allowed to speak at a Democratic convention? By the way, don't strain yourself, because there's never been one. They're...

Nick Saban's bad analogy

I've got nothing against Alabama head coach Nick Saban. Without much debate, he's the best college football coach in the game today, and he could very well go down as one of the greatest college coaches in the history of the game when all is said and done. In saying all of that, however, I don't buy that he's trying to slow the game down for the players' safety, so much as I think he's doing it because he is having trouble adjusting to the up-tempo teams. I also think the analogy he pulled out of his backside regarding the issue the other day was quite ridiculous as well. Speaking to, Saban said this: "The fastball guys (up-tempo coaches) say there's no data out there, and I guess you have to use some logic. What's the logic? If you smoke one cigarette, do you have the same chances of getting cancer if you smoke 20? I guess there's no study that specifically says that. But logically, we would say, 'Yeah, there probably is.'...

Ohio anti-gay activist Phil Burress compares gay couples to cats and dogs

It was just recently reported that Ohio anti-gay activist Phil Burress made a very odd statement on a radio talk show, where he said the following with regard to plaintiffs attempting to challenge a state law which prohibits same-sex couples from adding both names to their child's birth certificate: "This defies common sense. It's like I'm going to take my cat and try to get a dog license for it, and when they tell me, 'Not, that's a cat,' I'm going to say, 'No it isn't, it's a dog,' and see what they say." I, for the life of me, can't figure out what in the world this guy is talking about. So, are women the cats in the scenario and men are the dogs? Is he saying that gay men are trying to claim they're women (and vice versa)? Is he simply saying that since gay couples can't reproduce, it's beyond logic to include both of their names on the child's birth certificate? If that's the case, then what about he...

So, Kentucky churches are giving free guns away to convert nonbelievers...

Wanna hear a funny and ironic story? The Kentucky Baptist Convention is holding "Second Amendment Celebrations" in order to "point people to Christ," as former Pastor Chuck McAlister stated. That's right - churches around the state are giving away guns as prizes in an attempt to lure nonbelievers into being converted to the Christian religion. The next such giveaway will be taking place at Lone Oak Baptist Church in Paducah on Thursday, where a free steak dinner will be served to the 1,000 individuals whom are expected to attend. There will also be a chance for these people to win one of 25 handguns, long guns, and shotguns - all in the name of worshiping Jesus! Hallelujah! Understandably, not all of the state's pastors are thrilled with these events. Reverend Joe Phelps - pastor of Louisville's Highland Baptist Church - had this to say regarding the situation: "How ironic to use guns to lure men to hear a message about Jesus, who said, 'P...

I nominate Steve Deace's "The intolerant same-sex lobby" for Stupidest Column of the Year (and it's only March)

It may only be March, but conservative talk show host Steve Deace is already trying to earn himself the award for Stupidest Column of the Year with a "piece" that was published in The Washington Times  yesterday, entitled, "The intolerant same-sex lobby - Leftist media shills should examine their own rigid views." Since I found this article to be so incredibly, for lack of a better word - stupid, I'll dissect it paragraph by paragraph. Let's begin... Deace starts his I-woke-up-on-the-wrong-side-of-the-bed-with-a-hangover-after-dreaming-about-having-intercourse-with-a-guy-on-MSNBC rant with this: "Remember when 'liberal' meant 'tolerant' or 'open-minded'?" Yes, those were the days... What are you driving at, Douchey? ...I mean, Deucey? "Nowadays, the perpetually offended have decided they don't have to debate, and they're so convinced that their own intellectual flatulence doesn't stink, they don...