What is it with the poor, bad, or "redneck" parts of a state being nicknamed after Kentucky? It seems to be a national trend. Regardless of where in the country a person is, chances are he or she will hear a resident of the area utter something negative about a place they refer to as "-tucky." When I lived in Omaha, Nebraska, about 20 minutes east of where I lived was Council Bluffs, Iowa. What did most Omaha residents refer to Council Bluffs as? Counciltucky, of course. So, in light of this, I thought I'd have some fun with the word "Kentucky" and nickname certain parts of every state after it. Here we go...
1. Alabama: Kentuckabama
2. Alaska: Kentuska
3. Arizona: Kentuckizona
4. Arkansas: Arkansucky
5. California: Calitucky
6. Colorado: Kentuckorado
7. Connecticut: Connectitucky
8. Delaware: Kentuckaware
9. Florida: Floritucky
10. Georgia: Georgitucky
11. Hawaii: Kentuckawaii
12. Idaho: Kentuckaho
13. Illinois: Illitucky
14. Indiana: Kentuckiana
15. Iowa: Kentuckowa
16. Kansas: Kansasucky
17. Kentucky: Kentuckyucky
18. Louisiana: Louisiucky
19. Maine: Mainetucky
20. Maryland: Marytucky
21. Massachusetts: Kentuckachusetts
22. Michigan: Kentuckigan
23. Minnesota: Minnesucky
24. Mississippi: Mississucky
25. Missouri: Kentuckouri
26. Montana: Montanucky
27. Nebraska: Nebrasucky
28. Nevada: Kentuckada
29. New Hamsphire: New Hamsucky
30. New Jersey: New Jersucky
31. New Mexico: New Kentuckxico
32. New York: New Yorkucky
33. North Carolina: North Kentuckolina
34. North Dakota: North Dakotucky
35. Ohio: Okentuckio
36. Oklahoma: Kentuckahoma
37. Oregon: Kentuckegon
38. Pennsylvania: Pennsyltucky
39. Rhode Island: Rhodetucky Island
40. South Carolina: South Kentuckolina
41. South Dakota: South Dakotucky
42. Tennessee: Tennessucky
43. Texas: Kentuckxas
44. Utah: Utuckyah
45. Vermont: Vermonucky
46. Virginia: Virgintucky
47. Washington: Washingtucky
48. West Virginia: West Virgintucky
49. Wisconsin: Wisconsucky
50. Wyoming: Wyotucky
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