When Fox News host Bill O'Reilly spoke with the president of American Atheists - Dave Silverman - on his show the other day, O'Reilly said the following - "Mr. Silverman, it is a fact that Christianity is not a religion. It is a philosophy."
Allow me to trust the almighty one for some clarification - the dictionary.
"philosophy [fi-los-uh-fee]
a system of principles for guidance in practical affairs"
"religion [ri-lij-uh n]
a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs."
"Christianity [kris-chee-an-i-tee]
the Christian religion, including the Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox churches."
Yes, Mr. O'Reilly, Christianity is nothing more than "a system of principles for guidance in practical affairs." When I think of a story where a "perfect" man is born from a virgin woman, sacrifices himself on a cross to save mankind from sin, rises from the dead three days later, and whomever believes in this story shall live for all eternity in a paradise known as heaven while the non-believers are sent to a fiery pit known as hell, I definitely think of it as "a system of principles for guidance in practical affairs."
From this point forward, whenever O'Reilly claims that there's a war on religion in this country, I'll hope his guest responds with, "There isn't a war on a religion. There's a war on philosophy."
Allow me to trust the almighty one for some clarification - the dictionary.
"philosophy [fi-los-uh-fee]
a system of principles for guidance in practical affairs"
"religion [ri-lij-uh n]
a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs."
"Christianity [kris-chee-an-i-tee]
the Christian religion, including the Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox churches."
Yes, Mr. O'Reilly, Christianity is nothing more than "a system of principles for guidance in practical affairs." When I think of a story where a "perfect" man is born from a virgin woman, sacrifices himself on a cross to save mankind from sin, rises from the dead three days later, and whomever believes in this story shall live for all eternity in a paradise known as heaven while the non-believers are sent to a fiery pit known as hell, I definitely think of it as "a system of principles for guidance in practical affairs."
From this point forward, whenever O'Reilly claims that there's a war on religion in this country, I'll hope his guest responds with, "There isn't a war on a religion. There's a war on philosophy."
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