Starting at 9 pm EST on TBS last night premiered the new series, Angie Tribeca, a satire on cop shows, starring Rashida Jones and created by Steve and Nancy Carell. It debuted in an unusual fashion, as all of season 1's ten episodes were displayed five times a piece in a 25-hour binge-a-thon (ending tonight at 10 pm EST). For anyone who appreciates Airplane!, The Naked Gun, Mel Brooks, and/or Police Squad, I'd highly recommend giving this show a gander. From the first scene of the debut show onward, I've been hooked, seriously hope season 2 will air before long, and that the show lasts several seasons.
Like in Airplane! and The Naked Gun, Angie Tribeca combines visual gags with deadpan humor to remarkable effect. The jokes come at the viewer so quickly and in such abundance, one will likely have to rewatch the episodes to catch them all. Between over-the-top material showcasing the absurdity of American cop shows to illustrating how little (literal) sense most clichés make to jokes so random, one has to wonder how high and/or sleep-deprived the writers were when concocting them, the show has it all from a humor perspective. So long as one doesn't have a stick up their butt when viewing this show, I'd have to believe they'd find it amusing as well.
If any readers have missed out on the marathon and are curious to view an episode or ten, you can check them out at the following link:
UPDATE: Okay then... When TBS started saying NEW episodes were going to start airing as of Monday, January 25th, I took that to mean the second season would be starting then, since they'd already aired the entirety of the first season. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case, as the pilot aired last night (again) and I'm now uncertain when season 2 will begin airing. Dadgummit!
Like in Airplane! and The Naked Gun, Angie Tribeca combines visual gags with deadpan humor to remarkable effect. The jokes come at the viewer so quickly and in such abundance, one will likely have to rewatch the episodes to catch them all. Between over-the-top material showcasing the absurdity of American cop shows to illustrating how little (literal) sense most clichés make to jokes so random, one has to wonder how high and/or sleep-deprived the writers were when concocting them, the show has it all from a humor perspective. So long as one doesn't have a stick up their butt when viewing this show, I'd have to believe they'd find it amusing as well.
If any readers have missed out on the marathon and are curious to view an episode or ten, you can check them out at the following link:
UPDATE: Okay then... When TBS started saying NEW episodes were going to start airing as of Monday, January 25th, I took that to mean the second season would be starting then, since they'd already aired the entirety of the first season. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case, as the pilot aired last night (again) and I'm now uncertain when season 2 will begin airing. Dadgummit!
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