During the first weekend of March Madness, I learned that...
- ...Villanova likes playing in March about as much as Pope Francis likes playing with himself.
- ..., if referees starred in their version of the film The Princess Bride, "goaltending" would be the term they'd frequently misuse.
- ...Wichita State is as much a #7 seed as I'm a woman named Flo.
- ...Enterprise still picks people up.
- ..., playing 6 games in 10 days, Dayton appeared to lose some kind of bet.
- ...Michigan State may be attempting to get the month of March nicknamed Izzo History Month.
- ...Wisconsin coach Bo Ryan will likely audition for the next Grinch film.
- ...Charles Barkley would make a "turrible" poet.
- ...Kansas coach Bill Self will one day write a book, entitled, Always the Favorite, Rarely the Winner.
- ..., almost overnight, people went from saying, "You know who I haven't heard about in a while? Christian Laettner," to saying, "Laettner again? He's all over the place! He's like Jesus!"
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