I've heard and read some people in recent days make the claim that Mitt Romney's tax returns are this years "birth certificate" (of Barack Obama). At first glance or listen, I kind of chuckled, but after thinking about it more, believe the comparison isn't great after all. The thing is, President Obama has released his birth certificate. This happened a long time ago, on multiple occasions in fact. Before he became a nominee for president, when was a candidate's birth certificate really questioned? On the other side of things, Mitt Romney has released unto the public quite the minimal amount of information regarding his tax returns and unlike the birth certificate, many times throughout history have candidates released their tax returns in full.
Also, while some people were spreading conspiracy theories about President Obama being born in Kenya, he (and others) disproved these theories through solid evidence. Democratic Senator Harry Reid has made the claim that he heard from a "reputable" source that Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years and Romney has yet to disprove this claim. Instead of disproving this claim, Romney has tried pushing the ball back over to Senator Reid and said, "Tell me what your reputable source is first." This didn't happen with regard to Obama's birth certificate. It's not like the president responded to the conspiracy theories by saying, "You show me your birth certificate first!" No, he kind of laughed it off and released the certificate. That's a decent sign a person is telling the truth right there. On the other side, Romney's defensiveness and attempting to push the ball back to another showcases some uncertainty, some worry and possibly some guilt.
Also, while some people were spreading conspiracy theories about President Obama being born in Kenya, he (and others) disproved these theories through solid evidence. Democratic Senator Harry Reid has made the claim that he heard from a "reputable" source that Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years and Romney has yet to disprove this claim. Instead of disproving this claim, Romney has tried pushing the ball back over to Senator Reid and said, "Tell me what your reputable source is first." This didn't happen with regard to Obama's birth certificate. It's not like the president responded to the conspiracy theories by saying, "You show me your birth certificate first!" No, he kind of laughed it off and released the certificate. That's a decent sign a person is telling the truth right there. On the other side, Romney's defensiveness and attempting to push the ball back to another showcases some uncertainty, some worry and possibly some guilt.
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