So, I had an interesting discussion with a female friend of mine yesterday - with the topic being drama and jealousy. She and I had a disagreement on, generally-speaking, who was the more dramatic gender. While I stated that I felt on average, women were more dramatic than men, she disagreed and felt the opposite. Of course, I was just speaking in general terms and then she specified her position, by saying on the "jealousy-drama" front, guys were far worse than girls. I then told her that on that particular front, she may be right, but I think it's pretty close and I think it's difficult to scale that specific kind of drama, because the two genders often times exhibit jealousy in different ways - with the males being more blunt and obvious about it. However, a friend of mine in Omaha almost refuses to be friends with girls, that or she winds up losing those friendships when it all comes down to it, because there's too much drama. She's told me she really prefers guy friends, because there's less drama. My mother has told me that if she had to choose, she was glad she had two boys as opposed to two girls, because of the drama-factor (and spending too much time in the bathroom). So, in general terms, which sex is is the more dramatic? When it comes to jealousy, which is more dramatic? Also, what constitutes valid jealousy and over-jealousy? Perhaps guys often times feel like a "protector" and knowing their gender as they do and how the lower brain can often times dominate the upper one, they outwardly exhibit what can be construed as jealousy-drama more than women, whereas women may be more subtle about it and this subtlety can often times go unnoticed by many (much more so than the male's actions/reactions). I personally think that communication is the key ingredient to limiting jealousy (well, so long as the actions follow step with the words). I think "flirting" is often times a very grey, tricky and potentially dangerous word/action, because I think a lot of people define it differently. What one person may view as flirting, another may just see as being nice/friendly and vice versa. I know some whom may get jealous if their boyfriend/girlfriend dances with another, especially of the bumping-and-grinding kind. While the observer feels that may be crossing the line, the participator classifies it as "just dancing". While one person may feel that a bunch of poking/touching is crossing the line, the other may say, "Oh, I'm just being silly" and there's that disconnect between the two parties on what constitutes harmless flirting (or flirting at all) with flirting that is crossing the line. I think it can be "dangerous," especially for women, because a lot of times, I've grown to learn that women flirt for attention and that's it. I've fallen victim to this a number of times, where a woman would flirt with me, I'd feel like she was obviously sending me signals that she was attracted to and interested in me and I then came to find out she was just striving for attention. That's the thing - most guys take women's flirtations as a signal that she's into him. While she thinks it's all harmless and good fun, she doesn't realize she'll likely hurt him when he asks her out and she turns him down. It's all a very fine balancing act to take on, I find.
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