I normally don't have much beef with the reporting of Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post , but a recent article of his made me give a facial expression so out of whack, only my mother could love it, and even then, she'd only be saying to be nice. The article was entitled, "Cecily Strong was wrong about Hillary Clinton's appearance being off limits," and it started off like this: "Comedian Cecily Strong asked reporters to raise their right hands and make a pledge during her speech at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner on Saturday night. 'I want all the media to put their hands up and swear something this election season,' she said. 'I solemnly swear not to talk about Hillary's appearance because that is not journalism.'" Not long after that, Cillizza added this: "To a point, I agree with Strong. Hillary Clinton, by far the most high-profile woman in politics for, well, the better part of the last two d...
Randomness. Politics. Songs. Poetry. Short Stories. Essays. Satire. Research. Sarcasm. A mix of Jon Stewart, George Carlin, Weird Al Yankovic, The Onion, FactCheck.org, and Gandhi. former co-host of "The Tracy & Craig Show" (which had previously been called "The Tracy Fort Show") and current host of "I Feel Snitty," author of the "LOL at the GOP" series, and Donald Trump's worst nightmare (besides facts).