Texas Senator and man who makes Tom Cruise look sane - Ted Cruz - has been claiming that he and other Tea Partiers are speaking for the American people to defund Obamacare. He even went as far to say that if it were up to the American people, the vote would be 100 to 0 to defund the bill. Sorry, Ted, but like many of the other things you say, this is false.
In five recent polls taken on the matter, an average of 38% of people support the defunding of Obamacare, while an average of 49.6% oppose such an idea, with another 13% whom aren't sure. Using Cruz's made-up vote count, this would result in 38 people voting aye and 50 people voting nay for the defunding of the healthcare reform bill. In other words, Cruz was just off by 62% and 50%, respectively...
I actually find it to be quite funny that Cruz and the Tea Party claim to be speaking for the American people in shutting down the government to repeal, defund, or delay Obamacare. As I just noted, the numbers aren't on their side here. What makes matters even more uproarious, however, is the fact that polls show approximately 90% of Americans support expanding background checks for gun purchases, yet it was these same Congresspeople whom claim to be speaking for the American people now that decided to go against them then.
Tea Party Math
Issue: Obamacare
Polls: 38% want it defunded, while 50% don't
Action: "The people have spoken! Let's defund Obamacare!"
Issue: Gun control (expanding background checks)
Polls: 90% support the measure
Action: "The people have spoken! Hands off our guns!"
No, I'm not thinking math was ever their strong subject...
In five recent polls taken on the matter, an average of 38% of people support the defunding of Obamacare, while an average of 49.6% oppose such an idea, with another 13% whom aren't sure. Using Cruz's made-up vote count, this would result in 38 people voting aye and 50 people voting nay for the defunding of the healthcare reform bill. In other words, Cruz was just off by 62% and 50%, respectively...
I actually find it to be quite funny that Cruz and the Tea Party claim to be speaking for the American people in shutting down the government to repeal, defund, or delay Obamacare. As I just noted, the numbers aren't on their side here. What makes matters even more uproarious, however, is the fact that polls show approximately 90% of Americans support expanding background checks for gun purchases, yet it was these same Congresspeople whom claim to be speaking for the American people now that decided to go against them then.
Tea Party Math
Issue: Obamacare
Polls: 38% want it defunded, while 50% don't
Action: "The people have spoken! Let's defund Obamacare!"
Issue: Gun control (expanding background checks)
Polls: 90% support the measure
Action: "The people have spoken! Hands off our guns!"
No, I'm not thinking math was ever their strong subject...
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