This past weekend, the Republican National Committee made the following tweet in an attempt to honor civil rights icon Rosa Parks:
"Today we remember Rosa Parks' bold stand and her role in ending racism."
After being repeatedly mocked for the tweet, the RNC responded with this tweet:
"Previous tweet should have read 'Today we remember Rosa Parks' bold stand and her role in fighting to end racism.'"
Sure, sure... With that kind of cover, the RNC would likely take a similar approach with the following tweets:
Original tweet: "We cheated on our wives."
Cover tweet: "Previous tweet should have read 'We never cheated on our wives.'"
Original tweet: "Gay people make us go eww."
Cover tweet: "Previous tweet should have read 'Gay, meaning happy, people sometimes make us go eww.'"
Original tweet: "Blacks kind of frighten us."
Cover tweet: "Previous tweet should have read 'Blacks, on the roulette wheel, kind of frighten us.'"
Original tweet: "We're not worried about kids' health after they're born."
Cover tweet: "Previous tweet should have read 'We're not not worried about kids' health after they're born.'"
Original tweet: "We think 47% of this country is pretty stupid."
Cover tweet: "Previous tweet should have read 'We think 47% of this country is really stupid.'"
"Today we remember Rosa Parks' bold stand and her role in ending racism."
After being repeatedly mocked for the tweet, the RNC responded with this tweet:
"Previous tweet should have read 'Today we remember Rosa Parks' bold stand and her role in fighting to end racism.'"
Sure, sure... With that kind of cover, the RNC would likely take a similar approach with the following tweets:
Original tweet: "We cheated on our wives."
Cover tweet: "Previous tweet should have read 'We never cheated on our wives.'"
Original tweet: "Gay people make us go eww."
Cover tweet: "Previous tweet should have read 'Gay, meaning happy, people sometimes make us go eww.'"
Original tweet: "Blacks kind of frighten us."
Cover tweet: "Previous tweet should have read 'Blacks, on the roulette wheel, kind of frighten us.'"
Original tweet: "We're not worried about kids' health after they're born."
Cover tweet: "Previous tweet should have read 'We're not not worried about kids' health after they're born.'"
Original tweet: "We think 47% of this country is pretty stupid."
Cover tweet: "Previous tweet should have read 'We think 47% of this country is really stupid.'"
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