As I said I'd do, I once again live-tweeted throughout the events at Republican National Convention yesterday. Here are my tweets, ordered from the most to the least popular (all my posts can be viewed here -
1) Chris Christie is lecturing Hillary Clinton on ethics. That'd be like Donald Trump lecturing Jimmy Carter on fidelity.
253 Likes, 222 Retweets
2) Tiffany Trump: "My dad is a natural-born encourager. Just ask John McCain, that disabled reporter, Mexicans, Muslims, etc."
264 Likes, 170 Retweets
3) I'm sorry. I couldn't help but fall asleep. Did anything happen, well, besides hyperbole, plagiarism, and debunked conspiracies?
88 Likes, 28 Retweets
4) Trump, Jr.: "We have to attack our problems head on! Gun violence? More guns! Health issues? Less health insurance!"
66 Likes, 44 Retweets
5) Trump: "With the help of the Obamas writing our speeches for us, we're gonna make America great again, believe me."
71 Likes, 24 Retweets
6) Ryan: "The economy was solid under Clinton, improved under Obama, so do you really want more of that w/Hillary? I don't think so!"
62 Likes, 32 Retweets
7) Carson: "I'm not politically correct nor correct. My politifact stats: 82% False/Mostly False/Pants on Fire, 7% Mostly True."
60 Likes, 32 Retweets
8) Ron Johnson: "The louder I shout the words RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS the more it'll make them go away, because magic."
56 Likes, 31 Retweets
9) Trump, Jr.: "Even though my father never admits mistakes, he's what we need to become more accountable as a nation!"
44 Likes, 26 Retweets
10) Ryan: "I was bet I couldn't keep a straight face while lying for 15 consecutive minutes. As Charlie Sheen would say, 'Winning!'"
48 Likes, 20 Retweets
11) Kevin McCarthy: "We hear all of you, but we only listen to 1% of you tops."
50 Likes, 17 Retweets
12) Ryan: "We gave you 12 years of Bush, so trust us when we say you can trust us with our latest nominee - a reality tv show star!"
44 Likes, 22 Retweets
13) Ryan:"Dems are all about identities. We shouldn't be about that. We should just discriminate against people w/certain identities."
46 Likes, 19 Retweets
14) We've just witnessed the shortest speech in RNC history, as Donald Trump is now deporting the American Muslim for Trump.
43 Likes, 19 Retweets
15) Tiffany Trump: "My dad's a charmer. When he talked about young and beautiful pieces of ass, that was like so very charming."
37 Likes, 24 Retweets
15) Christie: "Chant 'lock her up' for Hillary Clinton while I stand up here, knowing I may get locked up at some point."
41 Likes, 20 Retweets
17) Ben Carson speaking alert: Take some shots of Red Bull.
44 Likes, 16 Retweets
18) Carson: "I love me some Jesus, which is why I love Donald Trump - a man who is like the antithesis of the Jesus."
41 Likes, 15 Retweets
18) Ryan: "Dems are all about failed promises - like building a wall, banning Muslims. Oh, wait, that was someone else..."
41 Likes, 15 Retweets
20) Ben Carson
Before: "If Trump's bad, it's only 4 years."
Now: "If Clinton's elected, it could ruin our entire future."
34 Likes, 21 Retweets
21) Cox: "Obama didn't take your guns, but it could still happen, & if you elect Hillary, it could happen again, which it didn't!"
43 Likes, 10 Retweets
21) The Vegas odds have it at 1 : 1 Tiffany Trump's speech will plagiarize one made by Sasha Obama.
45 Likes, 8 Retweets
23) Trump, Jr.: "The other party is regulation on steroids. Our party is the party of recession & oligarchy. It's your call, people."
29 Likes, 23 Retweets
23) McConnell: "We've worked hard for you - wasting millions of your tax dollars to take away your healthcare! You're welcome!"
36 Likes, 16 Retweets
25) Christie: "W/Trump we have a man who knows less about war than my dog Toto, flipflops more than I can count & wants another loan."
31 Likes, 16 Retweets
26) Trump, Jr.: "Who would you trust? A Dr. w/30 yrs experience who's made mistakes or one who's not a Dr.? Go w/the latter - my dad!"
28 Likes, 18 Retweets
27) Kevin McCarthy: "If you thought Joe McCarthy was paranoid, you ain't heard nothing yet!"
31 Likes, 13 Retweets
28) "Make America Work Again" night summary
Oligarchy is good, (raising) minimum wage is bad, specificity is evil.
28 Likes, 14 Retweets
28) I have a feeling Michael Mukasey took motivational speech classes from Ben Stein.
35 Likes, 7 Retweets
30) McCarthy: "Even though the GOP is living in 1816, it's Democrats who are living in the past! So let's make America white again!"
30 Likes, 8 Retweets
30) Rep. Chris Collins: "Donald Trump will beat all terrorists with his massively tiny hands!"
30 Likes, 8 Retweets
30) Andy Wist: "The only way we can keep the the American dream alive for our kids is to ignore climate change & let the world burn!"
31 Likes, 7 Retweets
33) Chris Christie: "Guilty or not guilty - I'm full of crap?"
26 Likes, 11 Retweets
34) Christie: "I'm going to end a lie with the word 'period,' even though it should be a question mark or some other thingy."
29 Likes, 7 Retweets
35) David Perdue: "Wanna talk about plagiarism? Hillary's plagiarizing Obama's playbook, while Trump's plagiarizing David Duke's."
26 Likes, 9 Retweets
36) Trump: "I've been practicing really hard to not mispronounce my VP's name. Pence? Pensee? Pins? I think it's Pence."
23 Likes, 9 Retweets
37) Ryan: "The GOP is the real party of progress-wanting to limit non-straight white male Christians' rights & creating an oligarchy."
22 Likes, 8 Retweets
38) Ms. Brown: "Who better understands you? A man who was loaned/inherited millions of dollars or some woman? That's what I thought!"
19 Likes, 9 Retweets
39) Johnson: "I'll focus my entire speech on 20% of an entire quote because the other 80% would ruin the point I'm trying to make."
18 Likes, 8 Retweets
40) McConnell: "We can't trust Hillary! We need to put our trust in a man that tells the truth less than he wears prom dresses-Trump!"
16 Likes, 8 Retweets
41) Roll call: "Our state is the greatest! Let us now read you this brochure we have here. It'll only take 25 minutes."
17 Likes, 6 Retweets
42) Christie: "Let's talk geography. How did Trump pronounce Tanzania again? Tanzeekeedubu or something? Funny stuff."
12 Likes, 10 Retweets
43) Gulbis: "Donald Trump reminded me to be fearless, unless it's the media, your mind, facts, and lots of other things."
14 Likes, 7 Retweets
44) GOP: "In case we haven't made it clear, we'll soon be releasing the book, 'Pantsuits & Email Knock-Knock Jokes.'"
15 Likes, 5 Retweets
44) Chris Christie brings six boxes of tissues on stage...
17 Likes, 3 Retweets
46) The American Muslim For Trump has taken the stage...
14 Likes, 4 Retweets
47) Johnson: "Feingold was the only one w/any balls to stand up for our freedom, so to secure our freedom, we must vote against him!"
15 Likes, 2 Retweets
48) Kerry Woodland: "This Trump winery is second to none, much like Trump steaks and vodka."
12 Likes, 3 Retweets
49) Sen. Moore: "Trump lies 65% of the time more than he tells the truth. Hillary does that -20% of the time more. Trump 2016!"
7 Likes, 3 Retweets
50) Cox: "For my speech, I want to sing a song very near & dear to me - Harvey Danger's 'Flagpole Sitta.'" - …
3 Likes, 3 Retweets
Day 2 Totals: 2,135 Likes, 1,080 Retweets (Averages of 42.7 Likes, 21.6 Retweets)
Overall Totals: 4,830 Likes, 2,376 Retweets (Averages of 43.9 Likes, 21.6 Retweets)
1) Chris Christie is lecturing Hillary Clinton on ethics. That'd be like Donald Trump lecturing Jimmy Carter on fidelity.
253 Likes, 222 Retweets
2) Tiffany Trump: "My dad is a natural-born encourager. Just ask John McCain, that disabled reporter, Mexicans, Muslims, etc."
264 Likes, 170 Retweets
3) I'm sorry. I couldn't help but fall asleep. Did anything happen, well, besides hyperbole, plagiarism, and debunked conspiracies?
88 Likes, 28 Retweets
4) Trump, Jr.: "We have to attack our problems head on! Gun violence? More guns! Health issues? Less health insurance!"
66 Likes, 44 Retweets
5) Trump: "With the help of the Obamas writing our speeches for us, we're gonna make America great again, believe me."
71 Likes, 24 Retweets
6) Ryan: "The economy was solid under Clinton, improved under Obama, so do you really want more of that w/Hillary? I don't think so!"
62 Likes, 32 Retweets
7) Carson: "I'm not politically correct nor correct. My politifact stats: 82% False/Mostly False/Pants on Fire, 7% Mostly True."
60 Likes, 32 Retweets
8) Ron Johnson: "The louder I shout the words RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS the more it'll make them go away, because magic."
56 Likes, 31 Retweets
9) Trump, Jr.: "Even though my father never admits mistakes, he's what we need to become more accountable as a nation!"
44 Likes, 26 Retweets
10) Ryan: "I was bet I couldn't keep a straight face while lying for 15 consecutive minutes. As Charlie Sheen would say, 'Winning!'"
48 Likes, 20 Retweets
11) Kevin McCarthy: "We hear all of you, but we only listen to 1% of you tops."
50 Likes, 17 Retweets
12) Ryan: "We gave you 12 years of Bush, so trust us when we say you can trust us with our latest nominee - a reality tv show star!"
44 Likes, 22 Retweets
13) Ryan:"Dems are all about identities. We shouldn't be about that. We should just discriminate against people w/certain identities."
46 Likes, 19 Retweets
14) We've just witnessed the shortest speech in RNC history, as Donald Trump is now deporting the American Muslim for Trump.
43 Likes, 19 Retweets
15) Tiffany Trump: "My dad's a charmer. When he talked about young and beautiful pieces of ass, that was like so very charming."
37 Likes, 24 Retweets
15) Christie: "Chant 'lock her up' for Hillary Clinton while I stand up here, knowing I may get locked up at some point."
41 Likes, 20 Retweets
17) Ben Carson speaking alert: Take some shots of Red Bull.
44 Likes, 16 Retweets
18) Carson: "I love me some Jesus, which is why I love Donald Trump - a man who is like the antithesis of the Jesus."
41 Likes, 15 Retweets
18) Ryan: "Dems are all about failed promises - like building a wall, banning Muslims. Oh, wait, that was someone else..."
41 Likes, 15 Retweets
20) Ben Carson
Before: "If Trump's bad, it's only 4 years."
Now: "If Clinton's elected, it could ruin our entire future."
34 Likes, 21 Retweets
21) Cox: "Obama didn't take your guns, but it could still happen, & if you elect Hillary, it could happen again, which it didn't!"
43 Likes, 10 Retweets
21) The Vegas odds have it at 1 : 1 Tiffany Trump's speech will plagiarize one made by Sasha Obama.
45 Likes, 8 Retweets
23) Trump, Jr.: "The other party is regulation on steroids. Our party is the party of recession & oligarchy. It's your call, people."
29 Likes, 23 Retweets
23) McConnell: "We've worked hard for you - wasting millions of your tax dollars to take away your healthcare! You're welcome!"
36 Likes, 16 Retweets
25) Christie: "W/Trump we have a man who knows less about war than my dog Toto, flipflops more than I can count & wants another loan."
31 Likes, 16 Retweets
26) Trump, Jr.: "Who would you trust? A Dr. w/30 yrs experience who's made mistakes or one who's not a Dr.? Go w/the latter - my dad!"
28 Likes, 18 Retweets
27) Kevin McCarthy: "If you thought Joe McCarthy was paranoid, you ain't heard nothing yet!"
31 Likes, 13 Retweets
28) "Make America Work Again" night summary
Oligarchy is good, (raising) minimum wage is bad, specificity is evil.
28 Likes, 14 Retweets
28) I have a feeling Michael Mukasey took motivational speech classes from Ben Stein.
35 Likes, 7 Retweets
30) McCarthy: "Even though the GOP is living in 1816, it's Democrats who are living in the past! So let's make America white again!"
30 Likes, 8 Retweets
30) Rep. Chris Collins: "Donald Trump will beat all terrorists with his massively tiny hands!"
30 Likes, 8 Retweets
30) Andy Wist: "The only way we can keep the the American dream alive for our kids is to ignore climate change & let the world burn!"
31 Likes, 7 Retweets
33) Chris Christie: "Guilty or not guilty - I'm full of crap?"
26 Likes, 11 Retweets
34) Christie: "I'm going to end a lie with the word 'period,' even though it should be a question mark or some other thingy."
29 Likes, 7 Retweets
35) David Perdue: "Wanna talk about plagiarism? Hillary's plagiarizing Obama's playbook, while Trump's plagiarizing David Duke's."
26 Likes, 9 Retweets
36) Trump: "I've been practicing really hard to not mispronounce my VP's name. Pence? Pensee? Pins? I think it's Pence."
23 Likes, 9 Retweets
37) Ryan: "The GOP is the real party of progress-wanting to limit non-straight white male Christians' rights & creating an oligarchy."
22 Likes, 8 Retweets
38) Ms. Brown: "Who better understands you? A man who was loaned/inherited millions of dollars or some woman? That's what I thought!"
19 Likes, 9 Retweets
39) Johnson: "I'll focus my entire speech on 20% of an entire quote because the other 80% would ruin the point I'm trying to make."
18 Likes, 8 Retweets
40) McConnell: "We can't trust Hillary! We need to put our trust in a man that tells the truth less than he wears prom dresses-Trump!"
16 Likes, 8 Retweets
41) Roll call: "Our state is the greatest! Let us now read you this brochure we have here. It'll only take 25 minutes."
17 Likes, 6 Retweets
42) Christie: "Let's talk geography. How did Trump pronounce Tanzania again? Tanzeekeedubu or something? Funny stuff."
12 Likes, 10 Retweets
43) Gulbis: "Donald Trump reminded me to be fearless, unless it's the media, your mind, facts, and lots of other things."
14 Likes, 7 Retweets
44) GOP: "In case we haven't made it clear, we'll soon be releasing the book, 'Pantsuits & Email Knock-Knock Jokes.'"
15 Likes, 5 Retweets
44) Chris Christie brings six boxes of tissues on stage...
17 Likes, 3 Retweets
46) The American Muslim For Trump has taken the stage...
14 Likes, 4 Retweets
47) Johnson: "Feingold was the only one w/any balls to stand up for our freedom, so to secure our freedom, we must vote against him!"
15 Likes, 2 Retweets
48) Kerry Woodland: "This Trump winery is second to none, much like Trump steaks and vodka."
12 Likes, 3 Retweets
49) Sen. Moore: "Trump lies 65% of the time more than he tells the truth. Hillary does that -20% of the time more. Trump 2016!"
7 Likes, 3 Retweets
50) Cox: "For my speech, I want to sing a song very near & dear to me - Harvey Danger's 'Flagpole Sitta.'" - …
3 Likes, 3 Retweets
Day 2 Totals: 2,135 Likes, 1,080 Retweets (Averages of 42.7 Likes, 21.6 Retweets)
Overall Totals: 4,830 Likes, 2,376 Retweets (Averages of 43.9 Likes, 21.6 Retweets)
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