The Supreme Court's Voting Rights Act decision and the modern-day Republican Party (R.I.P. logic, consistency, and common sense)
With the conservative Supreme Court ruling to do away with section IV of the Voting Rights Act today, I think I've come to a realization. That is that modern day conservatives believe more in the rights of corporations, guns, and fetuses than actual living, breathing humans. If there were a corporation called Fetuses With Guns, the Republican Party of today would be in heaven, singing happy hymnals to an invisible person whom they believe created this world and is in control of everything in it. Guns aren't counted as part the human population. Neither are corporations. Fetuses aren't either. Yet, they're to be treated as people, as equals in this great land. Guns don't kill people. Corporations and fetuses are people. Well, if we go by that logic, I'm not aware of guns killing corporations or fetuses, so in that context, they may not kill people. Now it's all making sense. Going by that logic, a piece of paper constitutes as a person. Dust = people. A rug is a person. Yet if we legalize gay marriage, that will lead the way to people marrying objects, such as guns, corporations, and rugs. Yet, I thought certain "things" were people. Based on this twisted logic, I guess the only thing a person with such beliefs could do is place all his or her faith in an invisible man who was born from a virgin, lived a perfect life, and sacrificed himself via a crucifixion to save mankind from our sins, only to rise from the dead three days after passing.
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