Donald Trump spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, had some interesting words for CNN's Wolf Blitzer in a recent episode of The Situation Room, as she said this:
"Donald Trump never voted for the Iraq War. Hillary Clinton did. And then she didn't support the troops to have what they need. It was under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that changed the rules of engagement that probably cost his [Captain Humayun Khan] life."
There's only one problem with that statement - Captain Humayun Khan died in 2004, 4+ years before Barack Obama entered the Oval Office. Besides that misstep with chronology, Ms. Pierson was right on the money! Due to her seeming lack of knowledge with regard to history or how time works, expect her to say the following at some point in the future:
- "If Trump had built a big beautiful wall in 1987, it would have prevented the Holocaust."
- "The Oscar moment I remember most is when Nickelback won the award for Best Original Screenplay."
- "Just before Jesus died, his final words were, 'Taco Tuesdays!'"
- "When American football first started, they played with boomerangs."
- "Rene Descartes' most famous quote has to be, 'I tweet, therefore I am.'"
- "Shakespeare likes hogging all the credit, but 'Hamlet' was actually first written by Melania Trump."
- "The root cause of The Great Depression was flying DeLoreans."
- "The Titanic's name was derived from a Russian stripper by the name of Anic."
- "Hannibal Lecter has always gotten a bad rap for being a vegan."
- "Bradley Cooper once literally transformed into Chris Kyle."
- "The dinosaurs went extinct after T-Rexes ate the rest of them & then tried to celebrate by doing push-ups."
- "R.E.M. once stood for 'Really Energetic Manatees'."
- "Curious George ultimately disproved Darwin."
- "Columbus once sailed to Texas, thought it was Mars, & that's why some still call Texans Martians."
- "Fox News was once fair and balanced."
- "ISIS was originally formed at a 7-Eleven."
- "The Founders were all holding AK-47s while writing the Constitution."
- "The book of Two Corinthians states, 'Love thy neighbor, unless they're different than you.'"'
- "In the 16th century, guys experiencing shrinkage would often times use the Monopoly thimble for a condom."
- "Drunken-pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey was an Olympic sport until 1969."
"Donald Trump never voted for the Iraq War. Hillary Clinton did. And then she didn't support the troops to have what they need. It was under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that changed the rules of engagement that probably cost his [Captain Humayun Khan] life."
There's only one problem with that statement - Captain Humayun Khan died in 2004, 4+ years before Barack Obama entered the Oval Office. Besides that misstep with chronology, Ms. Pierson was right on the money! Due to her seeming lack of knowledge with regard to history or how time works, expect her to say the following at some point in the future:
- "If Trump had built a big beautiful wall in 1987, it would have prevented the Holocaust."
- "The Oscar moment I remember most is when Nickelback won the award for Best Original Screenplay."
- "Just before Jesus died, his final words were, 'Taco Tuesdays!'"
- "When American football first started, they played with boomerangs."
- "Rene Descartes' most famous quote has to be, 'I tweet, therefore I am.'"
- "Shakespeare likes hogging all the credit, but 'Hamlet' was actually first written by Melania Trump."
- "The root cause of The Great Depression was flying DeLoreans."
- "The Titanic's name was derived from a Russian stripper by the name of Anic."
- "Hannibal Lecter has always gotten a bad rap for being a vegan."
- "Bradley Cooper once literally transformed into Chris Kyle."
- "The dinosaurs went extinct after T-Rexes ate the rest of them & then tried to celebrate by doing push-ups."
- "R.E.M. once stood for 'Really Energetic Manatees'."
- "Curious George ultimately disproved Darwin."
- "Columbus once sailed to Texas, thought it was Mars, & that's why some still call Texans Martians."
- "Fox News was once fair and balanced."
- "ISIS was originally formed at a 7-Eleven."
- "The Founders were all holding AK-47s while writing the Constitution."
- "The book of Two Corinthians states, 'Love thy neighbor, unless they're different than you.'"'
- "In the 16th century, guys experiencing shrinkage would often times use the Monopoly thimble for a condom."
- "Drunken-pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey was an Olympic sport until 1969."
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