Last week I wrote about how the Republican Party has attempted to revise the history of the Civil War and is today almost indistinguishable from the Confederates and Dixiecrats. Something else I've observed in the modern-day Republican Party is that, while they'll fight tooth and nail for a fetus to be born, after that you're on your own, sweetheart. While Jesus said to turn the other cheek when confronted with violence, the GOP has essentially contended that we should turn both our cheeks to everyone, regardless of the tone of the confrontation.
Terms like collectivism, help, share, aid, unity, and togetherness seem to now be foreign to most Republicans. Not only that, but the GOP seems hellbent on believing everything happens for a reason; we're all where we deserve to be; and no excuse can be valid. Where we were born; who our parents are; what school system we were educated in; these are all irrelevant factors in who we've become today. As the GOP repeated ad nauseum in the run-up to the 2012 election, "We built that!"
This is who the Republican Party has become. Fight for birth. Then fight for more wars. Fight for more guns. Loosen health and environmental regulations. It's every person for themselves. If we make it to the top, we will have earned it every step of the way and we will have done it all by ourselves. Nevermind our parents being the reason we're here in the first place; the essentials they provided us as we grew up; what we learned throughout our school years; the lessons we learned through work; the inspiration and motivation we were provided from our peers and leaders; etc. While we should be proud of our achievements, we also shouldn't lose sight of who and what helped us reach them.
It's ironic many Republican politicians play the Jesus/religion card, contending they worship the Christian messiah and follow his teachings, for Jesus taught kindness, generosity, and sacrifice, the antithesis of what the GOP has become. The modern-day Republican Party revolves around narcissism, plain and simple.
While many GOP leaders may firmly believe their actions coincide with the teachings of Jesus, for most I have to believe it's just a ruse. The Republican Party, dominated by allegedly straight and Christian white men, see their power fading and are doing everything in their power to make it last until they're here no longer. Women, minorities, the LGBT community have all fought long and hard for an equal playing field and have made some significant strides over the past several decades, however, they're still not to where they ultimately want to be and the GOP is putting forth an equal amount of effort to slow the progressions of these marginalized communities. Unfortunately, they've found marketing gimmicks to convince millions to hop on board with them:
- "Guns don't kill people; people kill people."
- "It's Adam and Even, not Adam and Steve."
- "Abortion is murder."
- "Tax-increasing liberals"
- "Illegals are taking our jobs!"
- "Anti-American liberals"
- "We built that!"
Conservative and Republican leaders have essentially brainwashed a good percentage of their base with repeated talking points and bumper-sticker slogans. Facts are of no relevance. Deception is of no consequence. All that matters is what you want to believe, so they've used religion as a crutch to rid themselves of guilt for their prejudices, and instead of practicing what Jesus preached, have decided they're the sun, and to everyone else, turned both their cheeks.
Terms like collectivism, help, share, aid, unity, and togetherness seem to now be foreign to most Republicans. Not only that, but the GOP seems hellbent on believing everything happens for a reason; we're all where we deserve to be; and no excuse can be valid. Where we were born; who our parents are; what school system we were educated in; these are all irrelevant factors in who we've become today. As the GOP repeated ad nauseum in the run-up to the 2012 election, "We built that!"
This is who the Republican Party has become. Fight for birth. Then fight for more wars. Fight for more guns. Loosen health and environmental regulations. It's every person for themselves. If we make it to the top, we will have earned it every step of the way and we will have done it all by ourselves. Nevermind our parents being the reason we're here in the first place; the essentials they provided us as we grew up; what we learned throughout our school years; the lessons we learned through work; the inspiration and motivation we were provided from our peers and leaders; etc. While we should be proud of our achievements, we also shouldn't lose sight of who and what helped us reach them.
It's ironic many Republican politicians play the Jesus/religion card, contending they worship the Christian messiah and follow his teachings, for Jesus taught kindness, generosity, and sacrifice, the antithesis of what the GOP has become. The modern-day Republican Party revolves around narcissism, plain and simple.
While many GOP leaders may firmly believe their actions coincide with the teachings of Jesus, for most I have to believe it's just a ruse. The Republican Party, dominated by allegedly straight and Christian white men, see their power fading and are doing everything in their power to make it last until they're here no longer. Women, minorities, the LGBT community have all fought long and hard for an equal playing field and have made some significant strides over the past several decades, however, they're still not to where they ultimately want to be and the GOP is putting forth an equal amount of effort to slow the progressions of these marginalized communities. Unfortunately, they've found marketing gimmicks to convince millions to hop on board with them:
- "Guns don't kill people; people kill people."
- "It's Adam and Even, not Adam and Steve."
- "Abortion is murder."
- "Tax-increasing liberals"
- "Illegals are taking our jobs!"
- "Anti-American liberals"
- "We built that!"
Conservative and Republican leaders have essentially brainwashed a good percentage of their base with repeated talking points and bumper-sticker slogans. Facts are of no relevance. Deception is of no consequence. All that matters is what you want to believe, so they've used religion as a crutch to rid themselves of guilt for their prejudices, and instead of practicing what Jesus preached, have decided they're the sun, and to everyone else, turned both their cheeks.
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