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I smell bacon - no, it's not the cops. The pig I smell is Pastor Mark Driscoll.

It's people like evangelical leader Mark Driscoll who pushed me away from the Christianity and honestly, religion altogether.

Driscoll is the pastor of the Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Washington, who gave a sermon recently which has a few people talking.

At this sermon, Driscoll said:

"Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be their own husbands in everything."

He wasn't done there. Driscoll added this:

"If the wife disrespects the husband in front of his coworkers, will they respect the husband? No. Women who publicly disrespect their husbands, they encourage others to disrespect their husbands. And this doesn't mean you don't disagree with your husband but you do so respectfully, privately."

The portion of the sermon which has garnered the most attention is the following:

"Being married to [nagging wives] is like a life sentence, and the guy's just scratching on his wall every day. Proverbs talks about certain women - they're like a dripping faucet. You ever tried to sleep with a dripping faucet? Plunk, plunk, plunk, plunk, plunk. It's what we use to torture people who are prisoners of war."

It's no wonder people like Driscoll don't believe gays should receive equal treatment and rights, for he (they) doesn't (don't) even believe women should receive equal treatment and rights. It amazes me Driscoll adamantly declares that women must treat their husbands with respect, yet he also states that women must "submit" to their husbands and that the "husband is head of the wife." So, in other words, the wife must respect the husband, but it's not necessary for the husband to respect the wife. Driscoll then went off the deep-end by comparing a nagging wife to torture. I'd like to hear him define "nagging wife," because I have a feeling when she's not worshiping him as he so wishes, that would constitute her as one.

Here's how I picture Driscoll would want his wife to always behave:

Mr. Driscoll: "Hello, honey. How was your day? Were you a good wife? Did you clean the house, take care of the kids, run errands, do laundry, do the dishes, and cook dinner?"

Mrs. Driscoll: "Of course, sweetie - anything for you. I love you so much. You're my man. You're the greatest man in the history of the world, outside of Jesus, of course. You're the kind of man and husband God envisioned. Let me bow down to you."

Mr. Driscoll: "That's very good. It's the 794th consecutive day you've followed both my and God's orders on being my slave, I mean, wife. Now, I've drawn a few new things for you to try. Do them... Right now..."

Mrs. Driscoll: "Anything. Just name it. I'm just a woman and can't think for myself. Please tell me what to do, oh master of all that is wonderful."

Now here's how I picture Driscol wound envision his wife as nagging:

Mr. Driscoll: "Hello, honey. How was your day? Were you a good wife? Did you clean the house, take care of the kids, run errands, do laundry, do the dishes, and cook dinner?"

Mrs. Driscoll: "Of course, sweetie - anything for you. How was your day?"

Mr. Driscoll: "No questions, remember?"

Mrs. Driscoll: "Yes, of course. So, dinner is ready. Would you like to sit down and eat now or would you like to relax for a while and I can warm it up in a bit?"

Mr. Driscoll: "I told you - no questions!"

Mrs. Driscoll: "I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? Anything at all?"

Mr. Driscoll: "That does it! Nag! Nag! Nag! Nag! Nag! I'm going to take my food and head up to my room! You may pick up my plate and clean it once I ring the bell."

Yes, Mr. Driscoll obviously feels that women are inferior to men, which is funny to me, because if it weren't for a woman giving birth to him, he wouldn't be alive. Women need to respect men? Very well. But men also need to respect women. If Mr. Driscoll doesn't learn that, he may wind up being single and writing a personal ad like this and not receiving any responses:

"My name is Mark Driscoll and I am a man of God. I'm looking for a woman to treat me like her God - to praise me, worship me, spread the good word about me, and do all that I ask without question. She must be good at all the things real women and wives are supposed to be good at: Cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, pleasing me sexually, allowing me to be lazy, and letting me treat her like my slave. Let me be your master, so that I don't have to masturbate any more. Oh, and I like long walks on the beach."


  1. I could never be married to a guy like this. Not that he'd be able to stand being around me for more than two minutes. I like to think for myself, and that would be too much for him.

    1. Yes, thinking women seem to scare guys like that. Since all women are human and have the ability to think for themselves, I honestly don't know why Mark Driscoll and his ilk don't date robots.


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