Even though approximately 90% of the public support universal background checks, including a large majority of gun owners, many Congressional Republicans are not convinced on the matter. The latest in this seemingly never-ending line of anti-background check Republicans is Utah Senator Mike Lee, who recently said the following on Fox News: "[T]he concern with those is that background checks in and of themselves aren't going to work unless they are accompanied by some sort of registration system. [The American people] are not really comfortable with the idea of the government knowing exactly what firearm they purchase any more than they would be comfortable with the government knowing when or how often they go to church or what they eat for breakfast or what books they are reading from the library." Senator Lee is absolutely right. I mean, what's the difference between a gun and a church, breakfast, or library books anyway? Nothing. I will now prove just how striki...
Randomness. Politics. Songs. Poetry. Short Stories. Essays. Satire. Research. Sarcasm. A mix of Jon Stewart, George Carlin, Weird Al Yankovic, The Onion, FactCheck.org, and Gandhi. former co-host of "The Tracy & Craig Show" (which had previously been called "The Tracy Fort Show") and current host of "I Feel Snitty," author of the "LOL at the GOP" series, and Donald Trump's worst nightmare (besides facts).