I've heard plenty of ridiculous arguments supporting legislation which bars transgenders from using public bathrooms of the gender with which they identify, but none were nearly as asinine as the one I read today. If you don't believe me, read what right-wing talk show host Rick Wiles recently said about the matter:
"How about if I just urinate on your floor (Target spokeswoman Molly Snyder)? How about that, Molly? Because you're defecating on this nation. ... Our minds are being capture, Doc, by perverts (directed toward co-host Doc Burkhart). This is what happened in Germany. The Nazis were perverts. They took over Germany. It was a radical, socialist, homosexual movement called the Nazi Socialist Party. They're now in control of America, and sane people better rise up and oppose it quickly. This is just the beginning. ... It's either shut down Target or their type is going to shut down this nation, because there's no end to their insanity and their immorality and their wickedness. ... Doc, God is going to use the Russians to bring down Sodom and Gomorrah if there's no repentance in this land. Listen, these freaks are going to get us all killed. They're going to get us all killed. ... When there is a nuclear war, we all die. Now, those of us who are saved are going to go home to be with the Lord. Those who are unsaved are going to burn in hell. But we're all going to die in a nuclear war thanks to the sodomites that are in control of this nation right now. ... Show me a country in history that has gone down this road and survived. There's not one example. There's not one example in thousands of years of human history of a nation turning from God and becoming a sodomite nation and then going on to be great. Not one nation."
First off, I love how Wiles starts his rant: "How about if I just urinate on your floor? How about that, Molly? Because you're defecating on this nation." The man's a poet. When he asked a woman out for the first time, I imagine he said something like, "So, what's it going to be, Adrian? Are you going to go to the movies with me or just sh*t on my chest? Huh? Huh? Huh?" It's a shame the man wasn't one of the many authors of the Bible. Jesus likely just facepalmed himself at the thought of that.
Moving past Mr. Wiles' smooth opening, the man goes off the deep end to such a grand extent with his argument, he makes the middle of the ocean look like a baby pool. Not only does he go cuckoo for conspiracy theories, but he's also historically inaccurate. Late last year, fact-checker Politifact researched Texas state Representative Jason Villalba's claim that like Bernie Sanders, Nazis were Democratic Socialists. Guess what they graded that claim? Pants on Fire. In addition to that, the Nazis were not overrun by homosexuals. As a matter of fact, they persecuted homosexuals. So, ironically enough, in this scenario, Rick Wiles has more in common with the Nazis than homosexuals do, because like the Nazis, Wiles is persecuting homosexuals. Lastly, what percentage of the U.S. population does Rick Wiles think identifies as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender? He makes it sound like President Obama, Vice President Biden, and 90% of Congress are LGBTs, when Gallup found last year that only 3.8% of people in this country identify as LGBT.
So, let's go over things one more time...
Wiles' claim: The Nazis were socialists
Truth: This claim is so ridiculous, Politifact graded it as Pants on Fire false
Wiles' claim: The Nazis were homosexuals
Truth: The Nazis persecuted homosexuals (yes, this could be ruled as Pants on Fire as well)
Wiles' claim: This country is being ruled by sodomites
Truth: Just 3.8% of the population identifies as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender (Pants on Fire yet again)
Rick Wiles may want to spend less time obsessing over crimes the LGBT community are not committing and instead focus more on stocking up on fire extinguishers due to his seemingly constant pants-on-fire lies. He may also want to read his Bible again, because he makes it sound like it's been a while...
"How about if I just urinate on your floor (Target spokeswoman Molly Snyder)? How about that, Molly? Because you're defecating on this nation. ... Our minds are being capture, Doc, by perverts (directed toward co-host Doc Burkhart). This is what happened in Germany. The Nazis were perverts. They took over Germany. It was a radical, socialist, homosexual movement called the Nazi Socialist Party. They're now in control of America, and sane people better rise up and oppose it quickly. This is just the beginning. ... It's either shut down Target or their type is going to shut down this nation, because there's no end to their insanity and their immorality and their wickedness. ... Doc, God is going to use the Russians to bring down Sodom and Gomorrah if there's no repentance in this land. Listen, these freaks are going to get us all killed. They're going to get us all killed. ... When there is a nuclear war, we all die. Now, those of us who are saved are going to go home to be with the Lord. Those who are unsaved are going to burn in hell. But we're all going to die in a nuclear war thanks to the sodomites that are in control of this nation right now. ... Show me a country in history that has gone down this road and survived. There's not one example. There's not one example in thousands of years of human history of a nation turning from God and becoming a sodomite nation and then going on to be great. Not one nation."
First off, I love how Wiles starts his rant: "How about if I just urinate on your floor? How about that, Molly? Because you're defecating on this nation." The man's a poet. When he asked a woman out for the first time, I imagine he said something like, "So, what's it going to be, Adrian? Are you going to go to the movies with me or just sh*t on my chest? Huh? Huh? Huh?" It's a shame the man wasn't one of the many authors of the Bible. Jesus likely just facepalmed himself at the thought of that.
Moving past Mr. Wiles' smooth opening, the man goes off the deep end to such a grand extent with his argument, he makes the middle of the ocean look like a baby pool. Not only does he go cuckoo for conspiracy theories, but he's also historically inaccurate. Late last year, fact-checker Politifact researched Texas state Representative Jason Villalba's claim that like Bernie Sanders, Nazis were Democratic Socialists. Guess what they graded that claim? Pants on Fire. In addition to that, the Nazis were not overrun by homosexuals. As a matter of fact, they persecuted homosexuals. So, ironically enough, in this scenario, Rick Wiles has more in common with the Nazis than homosexuals do, because like the Nazis, Wiles is persecuting homosexuals. Lastly, what percentage of the U.S. population does Rick Wiles think identifies as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender? He makes it sound like President Obama, Vice President Biden, and 90% of Congress are LGBTs, when Gallup found last year that only 3.8% of people in this country identify as LGBT.
So, let's go over things one more time...
Wiles' claim: The Nazis were socialists
Truth: This claim is so ridiculous, Politifact graded it as Pants on Fire false
Wiles' claim: The Nazis were homosexuals
Truth: The Nazis persecuted homosexuals (yes, this could be ruled as Pants on Fire as well)
Wiles' claim: This country is being ruled by sodomites
Truth: Just 3.8% of the population identifies as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender (Pants on Fire yet again)
Rick Wiles may want to spend less time obsessing over crimes the LGBT community are not committing and instead focus more on stocking up on fire extinguishers due to his seemingly constant pants-on-fire lies. He may also want to read his Bible again, because he makes it sound like it's been a while...
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