The Koch-funded anti-Obamacare group Generation Opportunity just started airing a couple of new ads which put the term "creepy" to shame. Both ads can be seen here - (and elsewhere). I'll wait a couple minutes for you to view them.
::waiting while listening to the final 1/3 of "Stairway to Heaven"::
Welcome back. As you saw, one ad showcased a woman going to her OB/GYN for an exam and another showed a man going to a doctor for a prostate exam. When the doctors leave the room, creepy circus music then begins to play and a perverted-looking Uncle Sam pops up between the woman's legs and next to the guy who just took off his pants. At the end of the ads, a message then appears, which says, "Don't let government play doctor. Opt out of Obamacare."
Evan Feinberg - president of Generation Opportunity - had this to say about the ads:
"What we're trying to communicate is, 'No, you're actually not required to buy health insurance. You might have to pay a fine, but that's going to be cheaper for you and better for you."
These ads fail on multiple levels. First off - if the creators were trying to be funny, they failed miserably. A creepy old guy popping up when a woman has her legs spread at a doctor's office is much more disturbing and creepy than humorous.
Also, Obamacare was originally a conservative idea. The Republican Party largely supported such a law during the Clinton years. Romneycare provided a lovely blueprint for Obamacare, and last I heard, Mitt Romney was a Republicans.
In addition to those two points, going without health insurance isn't better than getting some under Obamacare. While young people are less apt to needing medical attention than older folk, that does not mean they should be without healthcare. Things happen every day which potentially put us at risk of needing medical attention. I had a grand mal seizure when I was 18-years old and brain surgery to remove a tumor when I was 22. I can only imagine what would have happened if I had taken Generation Opportunity's advice back then, and said to myself, "Oh, look at me - I'm young, off to college, and have nothing to worry about! I don't need health insurance," and then, wham! I'm on a stretcher, being carried off to a hospital, and am about to be told I have a tumor. If my family thought the costs of those experiences was steep with healthcare, they were nothing compared to what they would have been if I didn't have health insurance. The main reason many on the right are trying to talk people out of purchasing health insurance is the more people that buy health insurance, the more likely it is Obamacare will succeed. These individuals don't think nor care whether or not people will be better off with healthcare (they will); they simply want Obamacare to fail.
Lastly, I had to double-check the source of these ads, because it was humorous on one level - irony. The thing is Obamacare will allow for more people to get exams done, like the ones depicted in the ads, which are incredibly important. That's a very positive thing. The Republican Party, meanwhile, has been attempting to pass bills making vaginal probes mandatory for women and outlawing abortion. When creepy Uncle Sam popped up between that woman's legs and the words "Don't let government play doctor" came across the screen, I immediately thought, "Isn't that ironic? I didn't know Saturday Night Live started a new season."
According to the creators of these ads and like-thinkers, here's how things break down:
Obamacare - Provides more people healthcare + allows for more people to undergo essential exams = government playing doctor = a very bad thing
Republican Party - Uninsured is a better option + vaginal probes should be mandatory for women + women shouldn't be allowed to have an abortion = government not playing doctor = a very good thing
If that kind of thinking isn't bass-ackwards, I don't know what is.
::waiting while listening to the final 1/3 of "Stairway to Heaven"::
Welcome back. As you saw, one ad showcased a woman going to her OB/GYN for an exam and another showed a man going to a doctor for a prostate exam. When the doctors leave the room, creepy circus music then begins to play and a perverted-looking Uncle Sam pops up between the woman's legs and next to the guy who just took off his pants. At the end of the ads, a message then appears, which says, "Don't let government play doctor. Opt out of Obamacare."
Evan Feinberg - president of Generation Opportunity - had this to say about the ads:
"What we're trying to communicate is, 'No, you're actually not required to buy health insurance. You might have to pay a fine, but that's going to be cheaper for you and better for you."
These ads fail on multiple levels. First off - if the creators were trying to be funny, they failed miserably. A creepy old guy popping up when a woman has her legs spread at a doctor's office is much more disturbing and creepy than humorous.
Also, Obamacare was originally a conservative idea. The Republican Party largely supported such a law during the Clinton years. Romneycare provided a lovely blueprint for Obamacare, and last I heard, Mitt Romney was a Republicans.
In addition to those two points, going without health insurance isn't better than getting some under Obamacare. While young people are less apt to needing medical attention than older folk, that does not mean they should be without healthcare. Things happen every day which potentially put us at risk of needing medical attention. I had a grand mal seizure when I was 18-years old and brain surgery to remove a tumor when I was 22. I can only imagine what would have happened if I had taken Generation Opportunity's advice back then, and said to myself, "Oh, look at me - I'm young, off to college, and have nothing to worry about! I don't need health insurance," and then, wham! I'm on a stretcher, being carried off to a hospital, and am about to be told I have a tumor. If my family thought the costs of those experiences was steep with healthcare, they were nothing compared to what they would have been if I didn't have health insurance. The main reason many on the right are trying to talk people out of purchasing health insurance is the more people that buy health insurance, the more likely it is Obamacare will succeed. These individuals don't think nor care whether or not people will be better off with healthcare (they will); they simply want Obamacare to fail.
Lastly, I had to double-check the source of these ads, because it was humorous on one level - irony. The thing is Obamacare will allow for more people to get exams done, like the ones depicted in the ads, which are incredibly important. That's a very positive thing. The Republican Party, meanwhile, has been attempting to pass bills making vaginal probes mandatory for women and outlawing abortion. When creepy Uncle Sam popped up between that woman's legs and the words "Don't let government play doctor" came across the screen, I immediately thought, "Isn't that ironic? I didn't know Saturday Night Live started a new season."
According to the creators of these ads and like-thinkers, here's how things break down:
Obamacare - Provides more people healthcare + allows for more people to undergo essential exams = government playing doctor = a very bad thing
Republican Party - Uninsured is a better option + vaginal probes should be mandatory for women + women shouldn't be allowed to have an abortion = government not playing doctor = a very good thing
If that kind of thinking isn't bass-ackwards, I don't know what is.
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