Receiving a great deal of criticism from Republicans and Democrats alike for his banning-Muslims-from-traveling-to-the-US rhetoric, GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump decided to expand upon his already controversial idea by airing this video clip on his homepage:
"We're in serious serious danger in this country and if you elect me president, it's my job to put an end to this very very serious danger. We all saw what happened in San Bernie or wherever. Just like 9/11, Muslims attacked this great nation and need to be punished! We just can't trust them, people! So, we need to not allow Muslims to enter our country. In fact, we need to kick out the ones already here. I've received a lot of heat for these plans, but to show you I'm not an anti-Muslim person or whatever, I'm going to show you that I'm fair across all demonographics. Remember the Holocaust? Germans are no longer allowed in this country! There have probably been killings in Spanish-speaking countries and Asian countries, so no Spaniards and no Asians are allowed in this country either! That black-on-black crime thing is out of control, so you know what? They can all live elsewhere! That white Christian dude who shot at Planned Parenthood the other day? Guess what? Christians aren't allowed here! Neither are whites! Charles Monsoon, Jeffrey Damner, Al Bundy, Sam Berkwitzystein were all horrendous serial killers. So anyone named Charles, Jeffrey, Al, or Sam will not be allowed within our borders! This is just a start, but with these changes and others, I guarantee you the United States of America will be the safest nation in the world! Thank you."
Immediately after seeing this video, I called Trump headquarters asking whether or not, due to his ideas, he'd be kicked out of the country as well, to which a Trump spokesperson responded, "He's currently building a wall around this country, including along the coasts. Can he call you back? In say a couple hours?"
"We're in serious serious danger in this country and if you elect me president, it's my job to put an end to this very very serious danger. We all saw what happened in San Bernie or wherever. Just like 9/11, Muslims attacked this great nation and need to be punished! We just can't trust them, people! So, we need to not allow Muslims to enter our country. In fact, we need to kick out the ones already here. I've received a lot of heat for these plans, but to show you I'm not an anti-Muslim person or whatever, I'm going to show you that I'm fair across all demonographics. Remember the Holocaust? Germans are no longer allowed in this country! There have probably been killings in Spanish-speaking countries and Asian countries, so no Spaniards and no Asians are allowed in this country either! That black-on-black crime thing is out of control, so you know what? They can all live elsewhere! That white Christian dude who shot at Planned Parenthood the other day? Guess what? Christians aren't allowed here! Neither are whites! Charles Monsoon, Jeffrey Damner, Al Bundy, Sam Berkwitzystein were all horrendous serial killers. So anyone named Charles, Jeffrey, Al, or Sam will not be allowed within our borders! This is just a start, but with these changes and others, I guarantee you the United States of America will be the safest nation in the world! Thank you."
Immediately after seeing this video, I called Trump headquarters asking whether or not, due to his ideas, he'd be kicked out of the country as well, to which a Trump spokesperson responded, "He's currently building a wall around this country, including along the coasts. Can he call you back? In say a couple hours?"
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