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What I Witnessed at Trump's First Non-State of the Union State of the Union Speech

1) Social Security Trumped at 200: The main reason Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race was because of his ubiquitously panned debate performance against Donald Trump. What stood out to most viewers was not the contrast in policy proposals; it was the contrast in energy. Joe Biden looked and sounded old. Donald Trump, while old, possessed a much greater level of energy. That was one of his calling cards throughout the campaign - "Look and listen to Biden; he's old. He falls down. He has dementia. Look how much younger I appear than him." The first thing I noticed on Tuesday night was how old Trump looked and sounded. Gone was the enthusiasm. Gone was the energy. He sounded weak, tired, ill. There's been much speculation regarding his health throughout his first month and a half in office. From hand bruises, to trouble walking, to a significant decrease in spoken pace, rumors have circulated - anything from heart problems to syphilis. I can't confir...
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How Tariff Trump goes about his day...

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