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Panic At the Sh*tshow

Whether it's just a strategy to temper expectations or goes beyond that, I've repeatedly witnessed Democrats, progressives, and liberals say, "Tuesday night's debate is going to be a disaster. Trump gets away with everything. Harris will get destroyed. We have no chance. It's over."

I can understand the Harris team playing games with the media, in order to temper expectations, but please, stop being so doom and gloom. Things are going to be okay after Tuesday night. Know how I know this? Because...

1) No Tempers on the Temper: Donald Trump's fuse is shorter than the reported mini-mushroom in his pants. Optically there's a stark difference between a 78-year-old white-trying-to-be-an-orange man behaving like an a$$hole to a fellow older white man, and said 78-year-old being an a$$hole to a 59-year-old black woman.

2) Low-Bar Joe: I love President Biden, but the main reason why he dropped out of the race was his poor debate performance. Biden-leaners, Trump-haters, moderates, college kids, etc. want to see something, anything better than the aforementioned Biden performance. In other words, the bar is lower than Barry White's voice after he places on a Darth Vader mask. Vice President Harris could just show up at the debate; give Trump a few you're-a-piece-of-sh*t side-eyes; and that would exceed their opinions of the Democratic nominee's performance from the first debate.

3) His Own Worst Enemy: Donald Trump himself is not very good at this whole debate-expectations thang. He has long called Vice President Harris "dumb," "stupid;" claimed she can't speak well nor form a complete sentence; etc. None of these claims are true, of course, which will only play to Ms. Harris's advantage - as she'll speak and not utter non-words such as: "Thighland," "Nambia," "hamberder," nor even "covfefe."

4) Donald Trumped: Donald Trump is not a good debater. Sure, he'll bust out the old hits: "Coma-la believes in abortion after birth, even though there is no such thing," "Kumala literally went to the border and carried illegals into the country," "Crayola caused chaotic inflation all over the galaxy, bigly." We've all heard that BS before, though. It's nothing new. Many will tune out as he rolls with the malarkey. Those who don't will be met with: non-words, incomplete sentences, contradictions, and mix-ups - with the result being most viewers asking themselves, "Is this guy suffering a cognitive decline, or is it just me?" Just imagine the juxtaposition of Prosecutor Harris treating Felon Trump like he was on the stand at a hearing, and Trump providing us with some of his recent record-breaking word-salads.

5) Not a 10: Former Puppet-in-Chief Trump has long judged women solely on their appearance. He's even said of Heidi Klum: "No longer a 10!" Poetically enough, said superficiality will work against him on Tuesday night. Let's be honest, both President Biden and Pervert Trump don't look like spring chickens anymore, and we all saw that in their debate. The aging, ugly, phony Trump will now have to take the stage with a younger, infinitely more physically attractive woman, in Kamala Harris. To put it lightly, this will not be to Drumpf's advantage.

So, let's all take a deep breath and try not to panic. It's going to be okay.
#TrumpIsNotFitToBePresident #VoteKamalaForFreedom


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